Metlah tile for floor Floors

For floor decoration in residential premises, and in public places the Metlach tiles are used. It is produced according to the old technology, and according to the properties resembles modern material of porcelain stoneware. Due to the variety of forms and colors, from such a fine format tile can be various floor coatings filled with an intricate ornament.
Metlach tiles - traditions and modernity
Metlah tiles invented Germans - in the Middle Ages in the city of Mettlach (brooms), the first industrial production of tiles, distinguished strength and stability, and besides decorativeness. From the unhappy tile of various geometric shapes, monophonic and with a pattern, it was invented to collect a mosaic.
In the Metlah tiles, German reliability is combined with east color, so the tile can be used in a variety of styles - from classic to constructivism, Victorian, Florentine, Moorish, Indian, Chinese, as well as Art Deco. Metlah outdoor tiles are used to restore patterned floor during restoration work in historical interiors.
Without such a tile, it is impossible to imagine a Victorian style in England, and one of the preserved productions is French. WinCkelmans factory carefully stores family traditions and produces a collection of ceramic Metlah tiles for various interiors, with the possibility of multi-format stacking - ready-made layouts are offered, and also manufactured "under the order".
In Russia, it is customary to consider the Metlah small format tile of various forms made from ceramic masses of various colors by sintering (by firing at high temperatures).
Prices for Metlah tiles depend on the manufacturer, as well as the quality of the products itself. The sale presents both samples of local manufacturers and from foreign manufacturers. To finish the floor, the tile can be invited by masters - either try to implanate yourself.
Characteristics of Metlah Tile
Such a tile is available in various versions - with a smooth, corrugated facial surface, as well as with an indulged pattern, monophonic, grainy and patterned colors. The sizes of individual elements can be from 3, 5 cm to 15 cm, and the form is as follows:
- triangular, square, rectangular;
- six and octagonal, cruciform.
Due to the dense sintering of porcelain masses, the Metlah tile for the floor is characterized by a number of useful functional characteristics. Among them:
- high density and resistance to abrasion. Metlah tile is the most solid of the existing types of tiles;
- naturalness and environmental friendliness;
- water resistance (water absorption indicators - up to 4%);
- excellent strength indicators due to the dense sintering of the substance;
- frost resistance, as well as resistance to a variety of chemical environments.
The real Metlah ceramic tile is scratched in mass, due to which - even if it starts to braid from long-term operation, its color will remain unchanged.
If the usual facing tile is splitted from shocks, while unsightly stains remain in the sections of chips, the Metlach tiles are perfectly withstanding mechanical effects. Specialists argue that on covering such a tile can even ride a car. If cracks still appear, they can be hidden using the grout.
The verified geometry of the forms of the Metlah tile allows you to create any ornaments, as well as finish the carpet pattern in the right place. Due to this, this ceramic tile can be used in the premises of any size.
The use of Metlah Tile
Metlach tiles can be successfully used in the interiors of residential premises, as well as in public places. Initially, it was invented precisely for the places of a large cluster of people - the Metlah tiles posted almost all the old Europe, including train stations, entrances of residential buildings, halls of public buildings and even urban areas.
The selection presented on sale will allow laying the flooring in accordance with different tastes in various stylistics. According to statistics, about 70% of attention in the assessment of the interior falls on the floor. Strength, water repellent properties, resistance to various chemical and mechanical influences, a small sliding coefficient of Metlah tiles allow you to use it for laying the floor of any residential premises (in the kitchen, corridor, bathroom, etc.)
This material is also perfect for offices, restaurants, shops. For the outer decoration, the tiles of the balconies and the terraces are important are the frost resistance and wear resistance of the material - the Metlach tiles fully meets the declared requirements.
If you are going to buy the Metlah tile, pre-calculate the required amount - and purchase with some stock. It can be useful if suddenly it turns out that the material was not enough, as well as in the future (for small repair). Unpack the boxes and check the purchased products - considering the technological features of production (firing ceramic masses in muffle furnaces), the same goods in different batches may differ shades and even by texture. When buying, do not forget to pick up all the necessary details (steps, sides, borders).
Preparation of base for laying
Often, the Metlah tile is laid out in the form of a cyclic ornament. To create a pattern of carpet, a separate fragment is calculated, and then repeated it throughout the carpet. You can choose the patterns offered in the catalogs of ceramics patterns - either take advantage of a special computer program to create an ornament to their taste.
Before laying the Metlah tiles, it is necessary to thoroughly prepare:
- Thoroughly align the surface to which laying is planning. At the same time, consider that for external work, the associated materials (base and grout) must respectively be frost-resistant.
- Make surface measurements (taking into account the bends, as well as door openings).
- Apply markup. To do this, it is necessary to determine the center of the room, as well as draw axial lines in all directions.
- Pre-decompose the tile (without glue) with alignment along a series of diagonally, as well as vertically - throughout the area, observing the ornament of the future carpet. The tiles of one form may differ slightly sizes. Leave gaps between tiles (from 1 to 6-7 mm). Suts more centimeters look inactively. The optimal width of the gap can be determined by an experimental way, laying out a small part of the tiled carpet.
- After that, you need to withdraw the full symmetry of the location of all parts.
Laying tiles and care for her
According to the technique of laying Metlah tiles - this is a manual mosaic. To lay such a tile, you will need carefully and scrupulously comply with the geometry of the pattern.
On the other hand, on the tiles of a small size, it is convenient to evenly apply glue throughout the surface - emptiness will not form in the masonry.
The laying is performed on a special mastic (glue for tiles) or with a cement-sand solution (a mixture in a ratio of 1: 4).
When laying the tile, it is necessary to take into account the following recommendations:
- you will need a trunk with a teeth of 3-6 mm for applying glue to the inverse side of the tile;
- the materials used (base and grout) must comply with the conditions of masonry - for the premises or for external work;
- if laying a carpet from parts of different sizes is planned, then you first need to lay large tiles, and then complement the masonry smaller;
- after the glue is "grabbing", you can start pouring with a solution (or wiping) of seams. It is necessary to use a non-compatible grout (gray, beige or white);
- seams need to fill carefully - on the full width;
- the solution that came to the outer surface should be immediately removed by sawdust, as it will be very difficult to get rid of it later;
- tiles, as a rule, differ slightly from each other in thickness - therefore it will have to thoroughly align the surface of the masonry along the horizontal level due to glue;
- it may take a professional machine for working with porcelain stoneware;
- tile adjacent to the wall, you need to cut it up so as to hide her edge with plaster or border;
- the quality of styling tiles is checked with a spilled water - it should dry, not leaving the puddle.
Caring for tiles is periodic cleaning using cleaning products for shells and baths, as well as washing with warm water with the addition of traditional detergents. You can prepare an independently cleaning mixture (add a glass of vinegar to a liter of water), as well as take advantage of the traditional tile care method - wipe it with a plug, lubricated paraffin.
If you stop your choice on the Metlah tile for the floor, this material in the interior will please you with exquisite design and excellent performance.
Photo of Metlah Tile :