Gypsum tile do it yourself Tile

At the last stage of the finish finish, there is always a question than to arrange the walls, the floor, the ceiling. If the floorboard, laminate or ordinary linoleum, are often choosing for flooring, or ordinary linoleum, then just as often uses gypsum tiles under stone or brick for wall decoration and ceiling. Such a solution is always relevant and simply performed. Even in the absence of professional construction skills, make a gypsum tile with their own hands and independently fade all the surfaces does not seem complex. In this article, you will learn the technology of manufacturing decorative tiles from plaster.
What is comfortable gypsum tile?
The choice in favor of such a material for most people, equipping their home, is far from occasion. Plaster tiles are distinguished by a number of advantages:
- environmental purity of the material - the basis is extremely harmless natural components;
- high fireproof class, which fully complies with all modern requirements;
- improving the quality of the heat and noise insulating characteristics of the entire premises;
- gypsum causes the natural circulation of moisture and temperature regime, due to which the microclimate is regulated by naturally and in the room there are always optimal indicators for a comfortable time;
- light weight makes it possible to perform plaster tile laying even in those rooms, the bearing capacity of the walls in which is very low;
- the cost of consumables is negligible, and designer opportunities are very wide - it is easy to separate the walls or a ceiling by a unique project;
- the simplicity and variability of fastening methods completely eliminates the need to attract installation specialists - this is an additional saving of money;
- ease of processing finished tiles, which means there is no need to use expensive or complex construction tools;
- the possibility of fastening on any base - concrete, stone, brick, plasterboard, etc. - in all cases, adhesion will be at a very high level, respectively and repair will not be required soon;
- the complete absence of any odor and hypoallergenic properties, which is especially important when there are people who suffer from allergic reactions in the house.
Important! To make sure how attractive can be the design of the room, made using plaster tiles - browse the photo of the already decorated projects. They are very diverse, and the interior always looks stylish, solid and expensive, if competently approach the process of combining individual elements. After that, you can hardly have any doubts about whether it is worth using gypsum tile under a stone or a gypsum tile under the brick - the answer will be uniquely positive.
Where do gypsum tiles use?
One of the indisputable advantages of this material is used gypsum tiles for interior decorations in various versions:
- complete and partial wall cladding and ceiling;
- registration of pilasters, columns, arched inlets in the room;
- decorating furnaces and fireplaces - ordinary and imitation exclusively for decoration;
- finishing of ventilation highways and boxes.
Important! In addition, such a material is suitable for decorating fences, arbors, facades. In this case, the gypsum tile under stone or brick takes most often to give greater solidity and appeal to the exterior. The weighty argument in favor of such imitation is a significantly lower price compared to natural stone or brick and the possibility of lightweight construction.
What is the plaster tile?
Before making a gypsum tile with your own hands under the designed design project, select the preferred molding method. Depending on this, you will have to make items of a specific type:
- with smooth smooth edges;
- with grooves and ridges for a dense connection.
Important! More restrictions do not exist - you can choose any shade or combination of several colors, create a relief pattern, give the desired texture - roughness or smoothness. In addition, it is easy to combine such a tile with other finishing materials - plaster, wallpaper, natural stone, etc.
How to make a gypsum tile do it yourself?
The procedure for independent manufacture of plaster tiles is very simple and will not require much costs. But in order to get a quality result in the form of durable and beautiful parts for the decoration of the walls or the ceiling, be sure to follow the recommendations below.
Tools and materials
Pre-prepare all the necessary consumables and tools in order not to be distracted by their search in the process. Check the amount with the following list:
- dry gypsum;
- pure water;
- polypropylene mesh;
- forms of a suitable silicone format and design;
- draft decoration of walls;
- drill with a nozzle for mixing a solution or a building mixer;
- capacitance for the preparation of the solution.
Important! If you yourself decided to make form for the manufacture of gypsum tiles, you will also need:
- silicone or 2-component polyurethane;
- box of plywood, plastic or tree suitable size - a little higher than the height of the tile, or separate panels for assembling such a box;
- fasteners for assembling boxes for templates;
- soap solution;
- tile patterns for giving the desired shape.
Making a form for gypsum tiles with their own hands
To make patterns for filling gypsum tiles, stick to such a step-by-step instruction:
- Collect the box of plywood or any other girlfriend taking into account the size of the forms for the tile - ideally several parts should fit in it.
- Well clean the inner surface.
- Lubricate with soap solution all sides and bottom.
- Fill polyurethane or silicone to half the height of the matrix.
- Apply a soap solution on ready-made tiles-templates.
- Lay them in the box, slightly pressing in a pouring mixture.
- Add the selected substance to the edges of the box.
- Hold the technical pause to complete the solution of the solution - these are recommended 7-10 days.
- Remove tiles.
- Get ready-made templates from the box ready for use.
Preparation of the solution - recipes
For the preparation of a high-quality gypsum solution suitable for the manufacture of tiles, there are several recipes:
- Act according to the instructions from the manufacturer specified on the pack of dry gypsum mixture.
- Mix the gypsum with clean cold water, sticking to the proportion of 1l / 0.7 kg.
- Prepare the solution using such a recipe:
- gypsum - 6 parts;
- harated lime - 1 part;
- water - before obtaining the desired consistency.
- Mix the plaster and cement in the ratio of 1: 1. The amount of water depends on the volume of the dry mixture.
- Prepare a solution of white gypsum and finishing putty, taking them at the rate of 1: 4.
Tile cooking technology
Once you have decided on a suitable recipe for a solution, prepared all the necessary tools and found free time to implement their idea, act according to such a scheme:
- Take all components for the solution in the desired quantity.
- Pour into the container.
- Tighten the water and thoroughly mix the mixer or drill to obtain the pasta-like homogeneous mass.
- Ensure that the inner surface of the forms for tiles is clean. If not - wipe to remove all dust and dirt.
- Fill the template with a gypsum solution to half.
- Check that all recesses and embossed bulges are filled with, and emptiness with air did not form in the mixture.
- Slide the surface.
- Make a polypropylene grid on it to increase the strength of each gypsum tile.
- Fill the residues of the solution into the template to the top.
- Cross.
- Put forms with a flooded solution into a room with a stable temperature of 18 degrees.
- Wait for a complete rejection of the gypsum - it is recommended for at least 24 hours if the sharp dry mixture did not use.
- Remove the items, making sure that they are ready - if the tile does not lag well behind the edges or bend, wait yet.
- Prepare paints to decorate parts.
- Sequentially color all items in the desired colors. It is convenient to do this from a spray or brush with a suitable pile thickness. It is better to perform in several stages:
- Apply the first layer.
- Wait for a while.
- Spray clean water to the surface.
- Went up to 10 minutes.
- Apply the next paint layer.
- Put for 24-48 hours in a sunny place until complete drying.
Important! Act on such technology and your tile will be evenly painted, and the shades will be bright and persistent.
Gypsum tile do it yourself - video
Now you know a simple way to make a gypsum tile with your own hands, and for sure already thought out where it is better to use it. Be careful and attentive in the process of work, including under the subsequent installation - the result you will have to please.