Installation of curbstone Construction

When placing the landscape, the installation of a border is a prerequisite in most situations. In addition, the curbon stone is an excellent element of the external design of the territory, so it is also an indispensable road distinction. Thus, this product is the boundary between the automotive road and the sidewalk. Most often, the curbon stone is a concrete strip of a small thickness. Experts advise responsibly refer to the process of installing curbstone, as it is not such a simple occupation, as it may seem at first glance.
Main features of curblock
First of all, you need to say a few words about various types of border. Often, you can meet a road border, which has large dimensions and is installed, most often, within car highways and large pedestrian roads.
The lawn border is significantly less than the dimensions than the road. As can be understood from the name, this product is used in the territory of country sites, as well as small flower beds. In some cases, the lawn curb can be similar to the road, but it has significantly reduced dimensions. Often, plastic elements are used as the same type of curb, which are capable of performing only a decorative role.
If we are talking about a garden border, it is practically similar to the lawn. It can have different sizes depending on what kind of fence is needed for a particular flowerbed or a specific territory.
Decorative borders are used very often. They can have a variety of form, as well as dimensions. Moreover, among the existing range of such products, borders made of plastic, stone, as well as polymeric materials can be found. The main purpose of decorative borders is the design of the territory. As a demarcutor, this products are used too rarely.
In this case, we will consider the road border. Not only is this the most common demarcation, so numerous requirements are presented to him. It is worth saying that the main characteristic of this border stone is its strength.
It is not a secret that after the installation of such a curb will be held more than a dozen years before it is replaced by a new one. Accordingly, the material must be not only durable, but also resistant to mechanical damage. Also, the fact that the curb stone is taken under the action of various precipitation and temperature differences. This indicates that the board producer should make its products are almost invulnerable to a number of factors.
Main factors for installing curbstone
It is worth emphasizing that the installation of curb installation depends on the dimensions of the material. If the border is high, then just just divert the trenches and immerse our products in them. Depths should be enough in order for the stone material to be able to double during operation.
In those frequent cases when the border has small dimensions (low height), it is necessary to apply a special technology that is to use the concrete coupling.
Warming Stone Installation
At the very beginning of the process, it will be necessary to post the territory. To do this, we will need a thread that will clearly demonstrate the scale of work. Also, the marking of the territory allows you to fully appreciate all the difficulties that can be encountered in the process. For example, with the help of the thread, you can notice those fragments of the site on which the classical methods create a small trench will not work.
Before breaking the trench, you need to evaluate the groats of the border. The deepening should be approximately 50% of the height of the stone material. You should also take care of the width of the trench. It should be a few centimeters wider than the border itself.
After that, it will be necessary to prepare a concrete mix (sand and cement in a ratio of 1 to 3) and pour it into the trench. It is most important in this case to create a uniform layer. It is advisable to pour concrete around the perimeter of the territory so that we ultimately have the same clutch strength.
Next, it is necessary to install a curb stone on a concrete basis as quickly as possible. No need to wait for the moment when the building material will begin to gain strength. When installing borders, it is important to pay attention to the height of the stone, so that it is approximately the same everywhere. If there are some deviations from the flight, the construction level should be applied, with which you can make sure that the errors allowed. Armed with Cyans, you can easily correct all deviations. It is also important to align the border in the level of soil, otherwise the territory will look inhable.
With the appearance of any gaps that have arisen during the installation of a curb, you need to use drainage mixtures. Of course, too large openings between the stone material are not allowed, they need to be eliminated by any ways.
Other features of the installation of a curb
It is important to note that in the construction of residential neighborhoods and highways to install a road border more responsibly approach. It is most important to understand that in this case the borders are manufactured on the basis of high-quality concrete of the most modern brands. In addition, as mentioned earlier, it is necessary to take into account the effect of precipitation and temperature differences. To avoid premature destruction of the material, you need to apply a protective layer on the curb. Most often it is paint that is evenly applied to the border.
If products have too high, without special equipment can not do. In large construction, road machinery is used, for example, a lifting crane. In the same cases, crushed stone or pebbles are used as a base for the border, and a concrete pillow is placed above this layer. All this process is time consuming, however, the clear observance of the technology allows you to create all the conditions so that the road borders are successfully used for decades.