Laying a massive board Floors

Kumanya bought parquet, the neighbors have been repaired for the third week and install a plug. But you still do not decide on the floor. This is no wonder: their diversity only complicates the situation. It seems to be chosen on a massive board, and still hesitate. Apparently, because of the price, because other flaws are so with the go and you will not call. Doubts are away, because the massive board is the best coating both for aesthetic, and on environmentally friendly, and soundly insulation characteristics.
What you need to know about the massive board before the styling process?
This is a material from real wood. No artificial coating is compared with natural. What is afraid of a tree? Of course, fire, so think everything so that the floor covering does not in contact with high temperatures. Based on this, laying a massive board on the warm floor is impossible.
Still wood is not friendly with water. Therefore, laying a massive board is not carried out at high humidity. Otherwise, the material is just swinging. For example, remember the wooden kitchen board, which was left in a washing under water.
Types of massive floorboard on the method of cutting and processing
To choose the material in the shower, get acquainted with all four types:
1. Radial is a radial cutting board, characterized by a smooth color texture. To get it, only the wood of the highest category is used. Characterized minor bends of radial fibers, pleasant light color, visible livelies with a diameter of about 5 mm. Any chips, swamp, mechanical damage is categorically not allowed.
2. Select - a tangential board, as well as a semi-generic casing. Here is also used top quality tree. The difference from the radial is that small deviations are allowed in the telek, but the main tone of the wood is also light.
3. Natur - material of radial, semiradial, tangential cut. Based on the title, it is clear that there are significant changes in color, swirls and even swallows (maximum 5 mm in the width of the board itself). There are also small cracks near the bitch, but some of them even like it. But through the swirls and various mechanical damage are still unacceptable.
4. Rustic is a radial, semiradial, tangential dilated. Here, large demands for wood is not presented. The only condition - all damage must be eliminated with putty, grinding or other type of processing.
Laying as it is!
If the laying of a massive board has been labeled, then it's time to armared knowledge. And tools, of course. Although the latter is always easy to find or in the store, or at the neighbor. After refracting with the laying technology of massive boards, you fail your magnificent plan with a beautiful, durable and durable floor.
Preparation of the room
Do not rush to grab the tools, make sure whether the room itself is ready for laying. How to check this readiness? If you just survived overhaul, check if all windows, doors are installed, whether all the wet work has long been completed. When the walls are smooth, ready-to-bed and air humidity is kept normally (no more than 60%), the last nuance remains - the temperature of the room. Install the air conditioner or ventilation system, because it is not reliable to hope for dry weather. The temperature is 18-22 ° C - the most optimal to maintain indoors.
Much attention is paid to the draft floor - align it. To this process, go very seriously. If you do not use the leveling grinding, the floor will start to creak after some time, delivering it a lot of trouble. Hearing this unpleasant sound, you will immediately begin to scold material, sellers and all those who participated in the choice of a massive board. However, it is not to blame that when installed, an oversight was allowed.
After grinding, clean the draft floor. Very carefully remove the chips from its surface, dust, even small carnations, which, it would seem, do not solve anything. Although it is a rough floor, but if possible, try to remove fat drops and traces of glue.
Methods of laying a massive board
First rub with the type of draft floor. From it directly depends on the installation method of flooring.
1. Concrete
So that concrete durablely served in a tandem with a tree, install a certain barrier. It is he who will allow a massive board not to deform during operation. As a barrier, use a substrate from foamed polyethylene.
The material takes a thickness of at least 3 mm. There is another way - instead of the substrate to use a layer of soil mastic.
Next, set the base for the flooring of massive boards. So, there are two options here: use "Lags by screed" or give preference to laying a massive board on the phaneer. The last way is more common.
Such styling will need moisture-proof plywood (15-18 mm thick). The plywood sheets are cut into strips of about 50 cm wide. The rectangle is cut into pieces along a smaller of both sides. Further, the material is placed on concrete in the diagonal direction to the future location of the boards. Plywood sheets need to be laid so that they touch. The perfect distance between them is 3-5 mm. In turn, the distance between plywood and a wall is at least 10 cm.
Phaneruts are fixed to concrete with the help of the dowels and screws familiar to us. And for each sheet there are about 9 pieces. Do not want to mess around with dowels, put the Faneru on the glue. However, in this case, you have to use stripes of a smaller value.
We will deal with the first less popular way. Lags - brus from a tree with a rectangular cross section. To attach them to concrete, army dowels and screws.
If you are afraid to damage something, use glue or mastic. The optimal distance between the attachment points is no more than 50 cm.
Now align the bars. To simplify the task, take the level. Some fill the space free between lags by various thermal insulation materials.
Next, the lags should be made by moisture-protective film. It is easily attached using ordinary brackets. And then the long-awaited laying of a massive board is carried out.
2. Tree
If you have a good wooden floor in all respects, the quality of which is well preserved, then the massive boards are easier for it simple. With the help of a belt grinding machine, it is grinning. The unit should be equipped with an abrasive ribbon (grain 40, 60). Then remove all the remnants of garbage, dust, get rid of stains. In many videos, laying massive boards are recommended to do in a diagonal or transverse direction.
If still afraid to install the floor with your own hands, listen to the advice of professionals from the first mouth.
So styling the end!
Having finished all construction work, do not hurry to arrange furniture. After laying, expect at least three days, and only then fully enter the room. Upon the expiration of the cherished days, you will fully admire the beautiful, and most importantly, the eco-friendly floor.