How to make a concrete tie Floors

Of course, all construction and repair work begins with horizontal surfaces. It should be paid to the fact that the same situation in the premises. If we need to create a high-quality and smooth surface, you need to pay attention to the process of arranging the screed. For some, it may seem simple or even elementary, but specialists know perfectly well that the creation of a screed is a process with a multitude of details to be paid attention to.
Of course, much depends directly from the materials used in the repair process, but most of the success is a person's experience. Unfortunately, practice shows that when creating a concrete screed, workers admit some of the oversights, which will further develop into serious problems when operating the floor. Obviously, it will not be possible to correct problem spaces, because for this you need to remove a screed, and this, in turn, is an extremely laborious process.
In this article, we will analyze the process of creating a concrete screed. In addition, consider the main stages of repair work, as well as note the difficulties that are usually the cause of the very best condition of the floor surface. If you take into account all the information provided, the creation of the screed will be high-quality and durable.
Main features of a concrete screed
Most often concrete ties create on industrial areas. The bottom line is that for this process you need a lot of resources, as well as people with great experience in construction. Unfortunately, even minimal problems associated with the creation of a concrete surface can lead to extremely negative consequences. For example, for the enterprise you need a perfectly smooth concrete screed, which will continue to be the basis for equipment, including high-precision. If deviations really be, it is impossible to exclude the occurrence of increased wear of equipment, reducing the accuracy of the positioning of individual organs. Accordingly, it is carrying huge financial losses that can be easily avoided while pouring screed.
If we talk about home conditions in which a concrete screed can be created, then it is often the restoration of the old floor. For example, the old concrete is actively destroyed, and it needs to be replaced. In such a situation, everything possible should be done so that the new surface is durable.
Thus, if we are talking about the durability and strength of the screed, you should consider the features of the materials used in the process.
Concrete tie components
As we have already mentioned earlier, the quality of the concrete screed depends largely on the components used in its creation.
Among these components:
- crushed stone;
- sand;
- cement;
- water.
Water, of course, is not almost no threat, and at the same time the remaining components of the concrete screed can seriously affect the quality of the surface. For example, crushed stone can have low strength, not the most appropriate fraction for work. The sand fraction is also of great importance, but with greater seriousness should be treated for cement.
Unfortunately, there is a lot of poor-quality cement on sale, which can be ruined even the most elementary repair project. Thus, experts recommend purchasing resources from manufacturers that have long been in the construction materials market. Fortunately, there are a lot of such companies. If the quality of products still causes some questions, it makes sense to spend a certain experiment. You can simply fill a little cement mortar and see what the ultimate strength will be. We will not see a full picture of the situation, but some conclusions can still be done.
Also, after we picked up the relevant materials that fully meet the requirements of the repair process, you can safely begin the process of creating a screed.
It will not be superfluous and consultation with specialists who will advise the use of certain building components. It turns out that the assortment of materials today is huge, so it is easy to make the wrong choice.
The process of preparing the foundation
If it comes to creating a concrete screed, you should pay attention to the old base. By the way, an old wooden floor can be used under a concrete screed.
- First you need to analyze the surface for the presence of flaws and other flaws. If you plan to create a screed based on wooden floor, then special attention should be paid to the detachments, as well as cracks. The detachment needs to be lost, and the cracks should be melted with mortar.
- In the event that the surface of the floor has significant disadvantages, it may make sense simply remove the coating. The base surface of the floor is the best basis for creating a screed. Most often, such an event is held in the event that the room is small. If the other way is, it is necessary to look for possible ways to restore the old surface.
- If the surface is concrete, then over the years it takes on a lot of chosel and humps. Professionals in this case use a milling machine on concrete, with which you can get rid of flaws.
- After all the above actions (if necessary), the horizontal level must be made. This event can be carried out on the basis of laser equipment, or with the help of familiar tools. The horizontal level bevel allows you to set the level of the concrete screed required to create optimal surface parameters.
Curvature and installation of beacons
To avoid the curvature of the future concrete screed, you should use guide-beacons. By the way, the variants of these components of the repair work a huge amount. For example, long rails, broken brick, pipes, T-shaped and P-shaped profiles are often used.
- Laying beacons occurs on a bunch of cement. It should be borne in mind that it is possible to correctly set profiles with the help of self-tapping screws, the holes are drilled in advance.
- The height of the profile above the floor level is adjustable. At the same time, the tilt of the elements is measured and adjustment occurs. All deviations should be measured using a construction level.
- Immediately after we have identified the best position of the guides, you need to add more self-tapping screws so that there is a step 50 cm between the fasteners.
An important requirement associated with installing beacons is strict parallelism to each other. Moreover, the distance of the extreme lighthouse from the wall should be 20 cm. Also, you should also map the location of the beacons and the size of the rule that will be used in the process of creating a screed.
Waterproofing and reinforcement
When creating modern, reliable and high-quality waterproofing, it is necessary to remember that the overall condition of the surface will depend on it. Often the insulating layer is placed in the event that the room is at the level of the first floor. In most cases, rubberoid is used as a waterproofing material. At the same time, there are many modern materials on sale, which according to the characteristics are not inferior to the rubberoid.
Before placing waterproofing, it is necessary to predict the surface, and if the moisture is too active absorbed into one primer layer, the second one should create.
In the event that a floating concrete screed is created, using a conventional polyethylene film as waterproofing. It is interesting that its effectiveness is high enough.
As for the reinforcement of a concrete screed, the question here is to use certain materials. At home, and even in most industrial, a metal mesh with standard cells is often used. At the same time, you can use more reliable options. For example, if the load on the surface of the concrete screed will be too high, it is advisable to create a design from the reinforcement. In this case, the help of specialists is necessary, since the mainstream design is unlikely to create a reliable design. However, at home, there is no need for this, therefore the most common grid is applied. This hardening is enough for decades.
Preparation of concrete mix
As we have said earlier, it is most important to pay attention to the quality of the concrete mix, since the strength and durability of the screed depends on it.
You also need to know that there are a lot of recipes for the preparation of a concrete mix, and it all depends on the specific conditions, the scale and the situation that is in the room.
- At the very beginning, it is necessary to mix dry components, among which cement, sand, and, possibly, the elements that make the mixture are stronger (for example, it can be a metal fiber, although there is no need for a reinforcing mesh need it). As for proportions, then, for example, there will be about 17 kg of cement by 50 kg of sand. All existing dry components are mixed within five minutes.
- Already in another container it is necessary to mix water plasticizer. Again, if we use about 50 kg of cement, 190 grams of plasticizer are required. The volume of water should be limited to a third part of the mass of cement.
- Next comes time to mix dry components with liquid, and for this purpose the first is added to the container to the second. The most important thing at this stage is actively mixing everything so that there are no hints for some disadvantages of the mixture. In the event that the liquid components will join the dry mixture, then lumps are formed, negatively affecting the overall quality of the mixture.
If the volume of the mixture is very large, it will be difficult to manually manually, therefore it is advisable to pay attention to the building mixer that allows you to significantly speed up and simplify the process.
Of course, if we fill the floor with concrete, then we need to have a completely whole volume of the mixture. In addition, if we have an industrial scale of creating a concrete screed, without a concrete mixer, it is hardly possible to do.
As for the thickness of the concrete screed, it is often a difference of several centimeters. If the load on the concrete surface will be too high (industrial conditions), it is recommended to create a layer of 12 cm. At home it is important that the screed is not too heavy, because in this case a considerable load on overlapping is created.
Pouring solution
- The process of pouring a concrete solution begins with a wall, far to the outlet from the room. This allows you to fully fill, while easily leave the room after the main repair process.
- In the event that a concrete screed must be multi-level, you need to create a kind of formwork. Often, a wooden plywood is used for this, which in the best way divides the room to the corresponding zones.
- The minimum screed thickness should be 2 cm. If it is at least a little less, the screed will actively crack. In small rooms, experts recommend creating a layer of screed no more than 8 cm. If there is more, then this is an unjustified overlap load.
- The distribution of concrete over the entire surface is carried out using the rule. It is advisable to use a fixture with quite large dimensions. In addition, at the same time it is worth checking the horizontal coating using a construction level. Even minimal deviations must be instantly corrected. The thing is that the concrete mixture begins to quickly gain strength, and then change something will be impossible. While the mixture is plastic, you can produce any actions.
Newbies in building business will spend on this event, depending on the existing scale, a lot of time. It may be a few hours. Specialists who do not make something similar for the first time will hold work extremely quickly, since the main process of fillings is really elementary.