Garden chopper: selection features Instruments

When you find your land plot or gets rid of excess garbage on the territory around the house, waste of different origins inevitably appear. Of course, you first can ignore the growing unsightly bunch of waste, but sooner or later you will have to get rid of it.
- How to buy a garden chopper?
- How is the shredder work and works?
- What are the shredders for their intended purpose?
- What to choose power?
- What are the grinders for energy consumption?
- What do knife systems use in garden equipment?
- What else to pay attention to?
- What manufacturer is better?
- Conclusion
It is worth considering that the old methods of self-disposal of the type of burning, instillation and moving "for the fence" are now irrelevant. They are punished by law in the form of fines. And who want to throw money on the garbage? Another option is to seek help in the company specializing in the export and utilization of garbage. But we suggest you do it yourself, without violating laws and with the minimum consideration of time, money and physical resources. Garden shredder will help you.
How to buy a garden chopper?
From how far exactly you determine the amount of upcoming work and personal source requirements for the device, completely depends on how quickly and conveniently will use it for you.
Important! In this case, you will save the time you can spend on familiarization with unsuitable units. With well-thoughtful parameters and knowledge of the conditions of application, you will have to make a choice only from a small number of proposed options that will meet your requirements. Focus on the reviews about garden shredders.
Pay attention to such parameters:
- power and performance;
- noise effect;
- direct appointment;
- mass of the unit;
- type of energy consumed;
- device cutting system;
- hole size for material loading;
- place placement;
- company manufacturer.
How is the shredder work and works?
Maximum compliance with your device parameters for the disposal of garden garbage is the main goal when buying. For this you need at least, to represent what kind of system it is functions.
Important! This will help faster to decide on the manifold of processing equipment in our market.
Each car consists of such departments:
Before you choose a garden chopper, it will not be superfluous and how the equipment works:
- Waste is placed in a special top hole.
- All content passes through the cutting compartment.
- Through the hole below, the recycled garbage falls into a special compartment - a collection.
View the video example of how to work with a garden chopper to fully understand the principle of its functioning.
What are the shredders for their intended purpose?
Be sure to pay attention to the size of the materials you are going to dispose. At different manufacturers, indicators are significantly different in this regard. The size can be from 25 to 80 mm.
So as not to make a mistake in the choice Please note that:
- the machine for grinding grass can take waste, whose cross section does not exceed 40 mm;
- apparatus designed specifically for garbage can take waste with a diameter of up to 80 mm.
Important! It is worth noting that if you plan to carry out a grandiose repair or in the process of this, the best option will be purchased a model of universal destination. Such aggregates can grind waste of different adventures, size and from different materials. Consider the level of functionality of the equipment directly affect its value.
What to choose power?
There are three main types of such aggregates. Each has clear instructions and recommendations. Select appropriate view of the shredder, reading the options below.
Professional equipment
The minimum power indicator of such systems is 3.9 kilowatt. There are aggregates in which this figure reaches 8 kW. Accordingly, the size and weight of the chopper of this category is significantly higher than that of other types of machines. The mass reaches 100 kilograms. They work mainly on gasoline, but sometimes three-phase electric motors can be installed.
Important! Purchase such a device if you have a large-scale area on which large adult trees grow different types. The size of the processed branches reaches 7-8 cm. The advantage of such an apparatus is not only that it is able to treat a large amount of waste quickly and easily. Almost all models have a suction and press mechanism that forms waste into excellent mulch. Professional grinders are equipped with a wide funnel of increased volume and acute cutting installation, which speeds up the process of loading the garbage and its recycling.
Semi-professional aggregates
Power - 2.5 kilowatt. They work from the power grid and fuel, mainly gasoline. The choice of food methods is a big plus. To make it easier to move a heavy chopper on the site, they are equipped with additional wheels.
Important! Pay attention to different manufacturers of this group, as it matters the age of wood and the shape of the waste you are going to recycle. The average permissible thickness is 4-5 cm. The additional advantage of the use is that with the help of such a device you can prepare the mulch yourself.
Amateur shredders
These are low-power systems with a limit of 1.7 kilowatts that work exclusively on electricity. Big plus - weight: from 11 to 20 kg. This makes it possible to easily move the chopper in the site, disposing of any kind of garbage recommended by the manufacturer.
Important! Amateur garden chopper is an excellent option to care for a young site. It is easily processing weeds, grass and even young shoots and branches, the thickness of which does not exceed 4 cm. Small weight and compactness provides greater convenience throughout the operation and maneuverability of equipment.
What are the grinders for energy consumption?
There are two types of energy consumption of garden shredders:
- Fuel (gasoline).
- Electricity.
Important! To faster, decide on the type of power consumption of the necessary equipment - read the advantages and disadvantages of each type of machine. It will also help you in a clear idea of \u200b\u200bpossible upcoming costs and in the process of comparison of the price-quality-consumption.
Electric garden chopper
Pros of such systems are as follows:
- little weight;
- compact dimensions;
- good mobility;
- low noise;
- ease during operation;
- does not produce harmful production waste;
- easy maintenance.
Cons of this unit are also substantial:
- low-power - recycle branches up to 4 cm thick;
- interruptions in work due to voltage drops;
- the impossibility of operation in the absence of a power grid;
- the need to use the extender to move on the site;
- disadvantage of price of working with regular use.
Garden petrol chopper
The shredder operating on liquid fuel has the following advantages:
- the ability to install the device in any selected place;
- if used often, then gasoline consumption is less than electricity;
- powerful engine that increases the possibilities of operation.
Cons of such an aggregate are as follows:
- high weight;
- big sizes;
- fuel waste;
- high price in comparison with electrical apparatus;
- when working there is a lot of noise;
- the cost of maintenance is sufficiently high.
What do knife systems use in garden equipment?
Severe two types of knife systems. Features of work and recommendations for each system of their own. Check out and select yourself a suitable and appropriate apparatus.
Milling knife system
The central working element is a gear from a durable alloy. Outstanding advantages of this system are:
- high power;
- the possibility of processing large waste in large quantities;
- the retracting of the recycled garbage occurs automatically;
- control the process is optional - just fall asleep into the receiver permissible amount of waste.
Important! Frequent processing of soft waste (herbs, weeds, tops) can bring inconvenience in the form of clogging cutters formed mass. These knife systems are excellent for processing dry material in large quantities. Waste thickness can reach 4-6 cm.
Disk knife system
Distinctive features:
- discs are made from high strength material - usually steel;
- grinding garbage occurs due to two cutting elements;
- the cutting ends of the elements are perfectly sharpened;
- the rotation speed affects the power of the engine.
Important! This type of knife system is not suitable for large dry waste, as a high probability of clogging, insufficient grinding, slowing down the operation of the device and even breakdowns. Also, knives will have to be poured in the processing process, and waste on their own on their own grinder. The system is designed for processing grass, weeds, young green branches and tops.
What else to pay attention to?
Along with the basic requirements, you should pay attention to additional features, features and a complete set. Check out the following list of possible additions:
- Knives pre-cutting - increase the service life of the device.
- Speed \u200b\u200bregulator.
- Additional garbage receivers.
- The presence of several containers for the receipt of waste of different density and size.
- Adjusting the size of chips after recycling of waste.
- In case of electricity supply interruptions, offline shutdown.
- Details for pressing waste.
- Case height regulator.
- Return to clean the knife system when contamination.
Important! When operating the highest class aggregates, you spend less time, physical and moral forces, as well as energy resources. Despite the fact that the cost of such improved devices is significantly different from simple. You will very soon forget about the spent money and can fully enjoy fast, high-quality and easy work to remove waste from your site.
What manufacturer is better?
Nowadays, quite a lot of firms are engaged in the release of such cars. But do not strive for the majority, pay attention to the well-proven brands, even if you want to purchase an inexpensive and simple technique. For example, among consumers the following marks of garden shredders are most in demand:
- Viking. This is the firm Austrian. Specializes in the release of garden equipment and inventory. There was an enterprise more than thirty years ago and consistently holds the position among the most popular brands. Thanks to a narrow specialization and permanent innovation in it, the company improves existing models and develops new ones. Favorable warranty service when buying a Garden Shredder Viking is one of the important advantages.
- Al-Ko. This is a German company. She is also mainly engaged in agricultural machinery. It has an affordable price policy, despite the fact that the company is engaged in this market for a very long time. When developing a model range and entire series, Alco's engineers take into account the level of user skills. This allows you to select the most suitable apparatus for specific requirements. Any model is designed for a certain level of knowledge and needs of the buyer: whether it is a professional or amateur.
- Bosch. German manufacturer. The leader in the market for the production of equipment and inventory for construction. The highest quality products and the level of assembly allow this company to be always popular and popular. The service network works very well, which provides a high level of service worldwide. Although this company's technique, with proper operation, breaks very rarely, you will always replace the part and eliminate the breakdown. Another advantage is a wide species series of Bosch Garden Shredders intended for users of any level.
- Husqvarna. Swedish company. Its main direction is the production of equipment and tools for the garden. The whole technique undergoes mandatory testing and is made from durable high-quality materials. Thanks to this relation to the production, the concern won a good reputation and clearly keeps the position of one of the best manufacturers of gardening equipment and equipment.
- Stiga. European company that manufactures equipment for garden and garden. A distinctive feature is large requirements for the use of environmentally friendly materials. Releases high-quality, lightweight technique, and it does not have to doubt the environmental safety.
- Decide with the requirements for the garden chopper.
- Buy the device as soon as you make sure that it matches these requirements.
- Test the apparatus before buying to warn your marriage.
- Make sure the dear brand shredder you purchased is not a fake.
If you adhere to our recommendations, you will certainly acquire a high-quality garden chopper that will serve you for a long time. With the correct operation, it will not need frequent repairs and will help you get rid of unpleasant waste quickly, easily and least cost.