Technology of insulation foundation Insulation,Construction

The foundation is one of the most responsible components of any facility. To date, there is a huge amount of variations of foundations, all of them differ in various characteristics and features that it is worth paying attention to construction planning.
Despite all the details of modern foundations, it is worth understanding that without additional events to arrange the foundation of the house, there will be no durable and practical design. First of all, we are talking about the reinforcement of the foundation, thanks to which the concrete structure becomes more stronger and more durable, despite the specifics of the plot and numerous external factors.
However, you should not ignore and issues related to the insulation of the foundation. The situation is in such a way that even the simplest and inexpensive insulation makes a massive concrete structure quite suitable for living inside the structure. However, this question often becomes bulk, therefore a sufficiently deep analysis is always carried out, allowing to establish all the features of the design, as well as consider the best solutions related to the insulation of the foundation.
Also, you should not ignore the information that today you can find a huge list of materials, with which you can insulate the base of the house.
In this article, we will look at the main issues related to the outer and internal insulation of the foundation of structures. Practice shows that such events include quite a few details that definitely worth knowing the most responsible actions.
Features of the insulation of foundation
Despite the fact that the process of insulation of the foundation is often quite simple, it is necessary to pay attention to the numerous specific components of technology. It is necessary to pay attention to each small part, since it is from this that the final result of the work carried out may depend on it.
The most important question associated with the insulation of the foundation is often based on the choice between the inner and external insulation of the foundation. In fact, this issue is voluminous, and with a responsible choice, you need to pay attention to all "for" and "against".
The advantages of the outdoor insulation of the foundation
- If we are talking about the outer insulation of the foundation, then you can forget about the freezing and other aspects associated with the penetration of low temperatures inside the house. This is an extremely important aspect, if the structure and its inhabitants often suffer from cold weather, which pass through the basement base.
- Practice shows that insulation is also characterized by quite good waterproofing properties. This is especially true if it comes to groundwater, which often affect the concrete structure of the foundation. Of course, it is worth understanding that the complete protection of insulation will not provide, so when exposed to water it is advisable to use a full-fledged waterproofing material.
- Among other things, insulation retains some initial characteristics of the foundation concrete design. This is especially true if the sources of temperature drops are at the soil level, and above. Accordingly, even the most elementary insulation does not allow to occur with sharp drops of temperatures, which has a positive effect on the durability of the structure.
- Approximately the same situation arises when changing the seasons. For example, when autumn is replaced by the winter, the temperature difference is also occurring, and the level of humidity, as well as many other conditions that negatively affect the foundation. Warming allows you to smooth out a little.
It should also be borne in mind that in some situations to conduct an outer insulation of the foundation is not possible. It should be borne in mind that with such a situation there is no other exit except internal insulation of the base of the house. Unfortunately, internal insulation allows us to enjoy only a limited amount of advantages.
The advantages of the internal insulation of the foundation
- Thanks to internal insulation, a cozy temperature setting inside the room or a basement space is created. Often it is also very important, but this effect is also available from external insulation, even if it does not differ too high efficiency.
- Again, as in the case of external thermal insulation, the inner also allows the construction of groundwater facilities. Here, also protection is not the highest efficiency, since it is obviously defective waterproofing, but a certain effect is still a construction solution.
- In addition, the inner insulation of the foundation allows you to get rid of condensate, which in any other conditions is an integral part of the basement and the like components of the dwellings.
At the same time, it is not necessary to forget that the outdoor part of the foundation is still freezing, and this negatively affects its strength and durability. In addition, a small deformation of the base occurs due to substantial temperature drops. In some cases, it does not have a special effect, but everything can depend on the regularity of temperature differences.
As we have already spoken, external insulation is more efficient, especially if we are talking about enough severe external conditions that are often found in the most diverse regions of the CIS. On the other hand, sometimes it is possible to restrict ourselves to internal insulation, or do not regret money and equip insulation and inside, and outside. For all the solutions that we indicated, a sufficiently deep analysis is required, starting by the feasibility of conducting such work, and ending with the price issue. For example, the situation may face in such a way that the house has too large sizes, so it will be necessary to spend too much insulating material. Accordingly, we are talking about large cash spending, which is not all for the pocket.
Internal insulation of foundation
Ceramzite is a fairly common material, which is less common every year. Its effectiveness no longer allows you to compete with modern resources, which often demonstrate increased thermal insulation, smaller weight, as well as a democratic price. Despite this, clamzit is now the optimal choice for small country houses, gardening structures, and just wooden buildings.
The technology of insulation of the foundation of the clampsite consists of the following steps:
- Often, a certain formwork is created for the use of clayzite, which is knocked out from the board. It should be borne in mind that the distance between the walls of the structure and the formwork should be about 0.3 m, and the height is to the floor of the first floor.
- Boards that are part of the formwork must be predetermined by antiseptic means to protect the natural material from various influences. In addition, the bottom of the formwork needs to be placed with polyethylene film, which will serve as a small waterproofing.
- Next occurs directly on the belling of the clamzit. It is possible to do everything possible to make emptiness with such insulation as little as possible, so the backstage occurs slowly, at the same time a small tamper is produced.
- Experts note that if we are dealing with a basement room, which has a low ceiling, then you should simply fill the space by the clamzite throughout the area. Of course, we are not talking about the full swelling of the entire basement. It should be done so that if necessary, it was possible to get inside.
- In addition, it is additionally possible to put the clayzite between the floor lags. Such a decision will significantly increase the thermal insulation of the structure.
Again, the bad news is that there will be very many clay for insulation. And this applies even to small houses. Therefore, many people may have problems transporting this material. In addition, to quickly and efficiently carry out all work related to insulation, it will take a lot of work hands. Otherwise, there is a risk of tightening repair activities for long days.
Polyurene Foolder
This material is a sufficiently freshest solution that is actively used in construction work. We are talking about applying a foam fluid to the surface, so that the most reliable layer is created, capable of demonstrating high thermal insulation properties.
Immediately it is worth noting the fact that the use of polyurethane foam practically has no shortcomings. However, compared to many other materials that are often used to insulate the foundation, polyurethane foam is distinguished by an impressive price tag. That is why the owners prefer less effective materials.
In itself, the heat-insulating coating is characterized by resistance to moisture. In addition, the material does not have seams, due to which the materials often lose their effectiveness. The definitely strong side of the material is the fact that this insulation is applied by spraying method, so all the necessary measures related to polyurethane foam can be carried out in the shortest possible time. The application of the material can also be made on the base surfaces, and on any finishing materials. Polyurethane foam due to this does not lose its effectiveness.
I would also like to note that this insulation is the best solution for work related to the inside of the foundation.
Other materials
It is important to remember that the insulation of the foundation from the inside can be carried out by the same materials as the base of the house. However, it is simply no particular sense to carry out such events, since the material located on the outside of the house will demonstrate much more efficiency. First of all, this is due to the fact that the most severe factors affecting the state of the foundation and the temperature inside the housing are most effective to soften from the outside of the house. Accordingly, all the same materials that are used for the external insulation of the foundation can also be used in the inside of the foundation, but the positive effect of such a solution will be significantly lower.
For many owners, the main task of insulation is to ensure the stable temperature in the basement itself. With this situation, it makes sense to produce internal insulation. This suggests that insulation inside and outside unequivocally makes sense, but it all depends on the conditions presented and the requirements, pushing out of which and need to make their choice.
External insulation of foundation
Under the penplex, the foam of a new generation is implied, which is characterized by improved characteristics, ideally suitable for the insulation of the foundation. Most often, builders make a choice in favor of the fastener due to its excellent resistance to the destructive action of moisture. Accordingly, we are talking about double benefits from such insulation, which looks profitable against the background of many other solutions.
Let us consider in more detail the benefits of fastening:
- Hydraulic resistance. As already mentioned, this material easily copes with a rather serious impact of moisture, which often turns out to be a serious problem for the foundation. Again, as a complete waterproofing, the PESTLEX can hardly be compared with specialized materials, but in certain situations this material will be useful. If the action of moisture on the foundation is not very active, the penurex will reveal from the best side.
- The strength of the material. Many insulation differ in a sufficiently loose structure, thanks to which the materials quickly come into disrepair if they are in sufficiently severe conditions. Do not forget that insulation are often located under additional protection, and often it is a solid finish that does not allow any external conditions to affect the material condition.
- Low thermal conductivity. This is an extremely important aspect associated with the possibilities of thermal insulation. With low thermal conductivity, insulating material provides stable temperature at the foundation level. Obviously, other insulation can also boast low thermal conductivity, but it is the penplex that demonstrates excellent efficiency.
Specialists advise to carry out the insulation of the foundation of the penplex only a few days after high-quality waterproofing. This will make it possible to get the highest quality insulation, which will delight efficiency for a long time.
In addition, Penoplex has special grooves that allow you to create a dense fastening between the material units, as well as ensure the absence of even minimal gaps. This step, again, ensures high material efficiency. The best result can only be obtained when using polyurethane foam, but in this case the material does not have seams at all, and it is advisable to use it for internal insulation.
Fastening the fastener to the surface is made on the basis of a special bitumen composition. Practice shows that with high-quality mounting, the insulation will be highly held as much as possible on the surface.
Experts also focus on the fact that Penoplex eliminates the possibility of deformation of the foundation, and this is extremely important if construction work is underway in specific conditions.
Despite the fact that Painoplex and is an improved version of the foam, it still makes sense to pay attention to the source material. First of all, this is due to the fact that the foam is a budget decision that almost all owners can afford. Often it is precisely the price issue goes to the fore for those people who cannot spend too large money for repairs and the like events.
In some cases, the foam is used for internal insulation, as it is cheap and efficient. Accordingly, it is possible without any particular problems to provide comfortable conditions for the basement.
Warming of various types of foundation
It is necessary to consider the most common types of bases to which an individual approach should definitely apply to obtain a sufficiently qualitative result associated with insulation.
- Ribbon foundation. Experts advise to carry out the insulation of the belt foundation on both sides, but only if the freezing on a particular area is more than 1.5 m. However, in the event that the plot of the freezing is insignificant, the so-called cold bridges are often formed. Ultimately, the cold can also be transferred to the house, and then it becomes clear that without insulation it will be enough difficult to ensure comfortable conditions in the room.
- Monolithic foundation. It is known that in the case of a monolithic foundation, which is now actively used to build residential structures, it makes sense to have insulation not around the perimeter of the foundation, but under the tie. In this case, indoors will be much more comfortable. In addition, insulating material (often this is a polystyrene) should be applied to the commercials. This will significantly reduce the phenomenon that is referred to as the soil bent. The insulation layer should be from 50 mm to 100 mm.
- Pile foundation. Obviously, in this case we are talking about insulation only the upper part of the foundation - the grill. However, it is also necessary to understand the fact that moisture can affect the insulation, the harmful impact of which should be avoided at any cost. In addition, it is that thermal insulation, which is selected for a particular type of foundation, should not absorb too much moisture. Therefore, it is necessary to choose the corresponding material so as not to face serious problems.
- Foundation column. Here the situation is approximately the same as in the case of a pile basis. Specialists advise to insulate a columnar foundation to the depths of the freezing to get a quality result. To find out this very depth of freezing, you should contact the relevant services that will conduct the necessary analysis and shake up with current information. In addition, it will definitely not be extensive waterproofing that will not only protect the foundation from the action of moisture and water, but also will provide a sufficiently good level of efficiency for thermal insulation. Experts recommend using extruded polystyrene for insulation.