Chain Saw. Features of choice and application Instruments

Chain saw is an indispensable tool for sawing materials. Using an electric chainsaw, you can easily facilitate the construction, workpiece of firewood for the winter and work in the country. In addition, having certain skills, you can cut other building materials - foam blocks and plastic. Choose a good tool that will serve for a long time and will become a reliable assistant in the farm - not easy, as the construction market presents a wide range of various models.
To faster, decide on the choice and buy a chain saw with a wide range of functions, consider the principle of operation of the tool and popular models.
Tool overview
Chain saws are of two types: working from electricity and on gasoline (DVS). According to builders' reviews, each type of chain saw is applied to different purposes. If it is necessary to work for a long time, it is better to use a saw blade. It is more productive and can work without stopping at least all day. Its indisputable plus is autonomy, especially when you have to work on remote areas or in the forest where there is no electricity.
The electrical saw is used when it is necessary to make a small amount of material. Naturally, each time it needs to be turned on and off.
Manual chain saw is designed for cutting material manually. Such a tool can be opened alone or paired. There is no difficulty in work. The main cutting element is located on the surface and on both sides worst. When the saw movement occurs, the material is powered. Suitable for cutting thin branches.
How the chain saw works
The electrical chain saw consists of a metal housing, an engine and a knife with a cutting edge, a tire, which directs the main cutting element - saw, pump and oil container. On the case there is a power button, lock, handle and fuse. On the enhanced models, the handle is installed to control the chain tension.
After starting the engine, it transmits through an asterisk and rotation gear - the chain starts to rotate and cut through the material. The width of the chain is slightly superior to the width of the tire, which is why during cutting the bus does not encourage in the material.
For high-quality operation of the cutting element, during the launch of the saw, the oil pump delivers oil from the tank to the chain in small portions, which ensures its uniform lubricant during operation.
What is the advantage of electric saw
If we consider individually each type of chain saw, then you can find out a lot of advantages and minuses. We will consider the main advantages that play a role in choosing an electrical chain saw.
- if we compare gasoline chain saws with electrical, then the latter is much more economical. This applies not only to the cost, but also tool maintenance - it does not need to be filled with fuel;
- working saw almost silently;
- electric saw easy to handle. Even the newcomer will cope with control;
- the chain saw is an environmentally friendly tool that does not release exhaust gases into the atmosphere. The saw can be used even in a closed room.
Chain saw Makita:
One of the important advantages of the electrical chain saw is the presence of a brake. If an unexpected situation occurs, the brake will stop the chain.
Among the shortcomings of the chain saw can be noted its relatively low power and the inability to use the tool to remotely.
Chain saw intercol:
In addition, the saw productivity will depend on the state of the chain. If she fumbled, the engine will work under load. Performance will be reduced. Over time, the teeth of the saws are blunting and need to be told. There are two ways - the surface of the saw is grinning to the teeth become sharper. In order not to change the saw, it is cost-effective to purchase a sharpening machine.
Bosch chain saw:
Advantages of gasoline saw
To understand the difference, consider in more detail the types of chainsaw:
- Household (suchcores). Suitable for infrequent use: To seite firewood for a fireplace or bath, trim the extra branches or cut the middle tree. Chain chainsaws are less powerful. Among the advantages are worth noting an affordable price, compactness and convenience. The gasoline saw is designed for 25 hours of work per month, it means that it will work less than an hour per day.
- The semi-professional chainsaw is suitable for working at a construction site and trees. The lack of the instrument is that the chain saw will not be able to withstand the continuous 8-hour operation. The tool is more suitable for homemade craftsmen and dachens.
- Professional chain saw has a large resource (about 1000-1200 hours), can work continuously working day. Such a model is not needed in the household, but it is useful for construction on construction.
- Special chainsaws. This line includes upgraded saws - with one handle, located on top for the convenience of caring for trees, rod - for trimming large and high branches, as well as rechargeable chainsaws.
Rechargeable saws - mobile tool version. The chain sawing from the batteries can be transferred from one place to another, as it works from the batteries. The battery saw works as silent, as well as electric, but its power is not so big, so the saw can be used on a small summer cottage.
What are the advantages of the battery chain saw:
- turns on the tool smoothly;
- the electrocabel is absent;
- noise of the working engine is minimal;
- the saw does not emit exhaust gases;
- no need to clean the motor after use.
In addition, it saw a more maneuverable in work, as there is no electrocabolic and it can be used almost anywhere. Also, the tool is easy to handle and easy to transport.
- Pocket chain saw is a compact tool that is placed in a box. This is a chain with teeth, on the edges of which handles are located. To perform cut, it must be sketched onto the barrel. You can work one person, but it will be uncomfortable. Manufacturers recommend using a saw in the two, so cut surface will be faster. In the process of working with a saw, the handle is needed to move at an angle to save forces. If using the tool is incorrectly, the medium sections of the teeth can quickly fail.
The mobile saw is often called a tourist chain saw, since the initial tool was designed for special purpose groups and included a set of basic survival items. Tool weight - only 100 grams. Such a saw will be a reliable assistant in the campaign as a replacement of the ax.
How to choose a chain saw
When choosing a tool, you must pay attention to the technical parameters of the chain saw. First, a few words about manufacturers. Popular brands undoubtedly keep their brand, but the market you can find other companies offering quality products to customers. The cost of such a tool may be lower, and specifications - remain at the proper level. This requirements are responsible for the chains of Parma's chains.
What should be paid attention to:
1. Engine power. This parameter should be taken into account if you need to operate a tool for many hours in a row when cutting thick wood. For such works, a powerful saw is needed, and for heating the branches in the garden is less powerful. It is worth paying attention to the electropuls with a capacity of 2.5 to 4 kW. Maximum power, respectively, the cost of the tool will be at a professional saw. For dacha, consumer electric copies are quite suitable, with a capacity of up to 2 kW. Experts recommend choosing a tool with power reserve, as voltage often drops in power grids.
2. Where the engine is located. In different models, the engine can be located longitudinally or transversely. In the first case, the instrument will be convenient to use (perform cut at different angles), but it will have a higher cost. With the transverse arrangement of the engine, you can perform vertical cut or at right angles.
3. Tire length - how it is longer, the thicker to cut the log in the log. For seasonal work in the garden, it is enough to purchase a model with a smaller tire long - 30-40 centimeters.
4. Protection against reverse impact - chain brake. For beginners, this feature is especially important, since with incorrect handling of hands and movements - a great risk of damaging the fingers. In addition, when working with solid rocks, there may be a reverse blow and the saw sharply discarded up to the man's head. The chain brake lever is located on the handle and with reverse impact the user involuntarily presses this button.
5. Protection against overheating. There is no such function on each chain saw model. Thermalleere with increasing engine temperature will turn off the power. In some cases, this feature allows you to save the motor from combustion.
6. Inclusion blocking - security guarantee in operation. If it is absent, then a person may accidentally press the engine power and get serious injuries. Such a function is equipped with chain saws of known manufacturers. If there are no lock buttons, then you may hold the fake in your hands.
7. Engine brake and smooth start-up to work. The gradual launch of the motor into operation protects the engine. Useful feature that is not available on all tools is an inertial brake. He instantly stops the chain.
8. Weight tool. The powerful model weighs more than less powerful. The average weight of the chain saw of different power - from 1.5 to 5 kilograms.
9. Butter tank. It is available in each saw model and is designed to lubricate the chain during operation. Capacities can be different: For household saws, the volume of the tank is 0.12-0.2 liters, which will provide a two-hour continuous operation.
Features of the electric saw
To compare with a chainsaw, the electric saw is not able to work continuously. When sawing a large part of firewood, it is necessary to periodically turn it off so that the engine does not overheat. Optimal mode of operation: 15 minutes of work - 20 minutes of break.
After completing the work, regardless of the type of saw, it must be kept clean. The surface of the tool is purified from wood chips and oil lifters. Before turning on the saw, check the oil level.
Store the tool is needed in an inaccessible place for children in a protective case.
Safety when working with a tool
Security moments in work:
1. Use glasses and gloves. Wear a protective fitness fitness costume, wide sleeves and pants - are not allowed.
2. Check the tire and chain status.
3. Power tools are prohibited to include when it rains and snow.