Dismantling tiles. How to remove the old tile Tile

Whatever the interior of the bathroom or kitchen, the time occurs when its updates. Often it is due to the need to replace engineering communications. One way or another, but you need to dismantle the old tile. For such work, it makes no sense to invite specialists and pay them money. Dismantling the tile with your own hands - the task is not difficult, but some tips will still be useful to you.
Where to disassemble tiles
First of all, you need to stock up tool. To work, you will need:
- rough knife, chisel and spatula - for the release of interconnect seams;
- warm water and rags - for wetting grouts;
- hammer, shock screwdriver and chisel - to dismantle small fragments;
- bulgarian or muultitul - for cleaning seams filled with cement mortar;
- perforator with a brown and nozzles in the form of chisel and peaks - for a rough dismantling.
In some cases, you can try to remove the tile in such a way as to keep part of it for further use. Dismantling of ceramic tiles in this case begins with the following procedure.
- Seams between tiles, if they are filled with gypsum-based grip, it is necessary to rich in hot water.
- After breaking the grout - remove it with a chisel or spatula. The edges clean the knife. If necessary, the grout should be made periodically, as it removes its fragments.
- After cleaning the seams, it is recommended to rinse again with warm water, using the rag.
How to carefully remove the tile
Disassembly tile can be tried carefully. Previously, this facing material was laid not on special glue, but on a cement solution that is easier to destroy. The dismantling process after cleaning the seams is as follows.
- By installing a shock screwdriver or a chisel in a slot between tiles and a wall, you need to neatly tapping with a hammer, try to separate the entire ceramic tile. It is necessary to act all over the perimeter of the tile, trying to pick it up from different sides.
- If the tile cracked while trying to remove it without damage - you can speed up the dismantling process, applying the chisel.
- Separated whole tiles are set aside: after washing with water, it can be used again (for example, for the toilet cladding in the country).
Dismantling the tile floor is performed after cleaning the seams using two pieces of wire wire with a diameter of 3 - 4 mm. Their curved ends are set under the edges of the tile, and then tear one after another.
Clean the tile from glue using a special nozzle in the form of a wire jersey for a drill or a grinder. It should be done carefully not to damage the facial side of ceramics.
Rough dismantling of ceramic tiles
Most often, dismantling the tile laid on the cement-containing mixture is not completely dismantled. If the base is a solid structure (concrete or brick wall), you can act rudely. In this case, it is necessary to take care of the safety technique: the eyes protect special glasses, hands - gloves (mittens), breathing organs - a mask or respirator. Boots must be with a metal insert on the sock, the head is protected by the cater. After that, get to work in the following order.
- Turn off the wiring laid through the walls. Other communications are removed or protected by sheets of plywoods - water pipe, heated towel rail, sewer pipes.
- If the floor tile does not dismantle it is planned - it is necessary to protect it with a corrugated cardboard sheets or foam plates with a few layers.
- Start from the top row: in a convenient place, the hammer and chisel split the first tile to make it easier to get to the edges of the rest of the elements. Thus, the risk of falling large fragments on his feet is minimized.
- If the tile holds weakly - it is enough to use chisel and a hammer. Installing the edge of the chisel should be at a slight angle to the wall, with the edge of the tile. A firmly glued tile is knocked down by a perforator with a nozzle in the form of a chisel.
Important: Disassembling the tiles in the bathroom, separated from the bathroom with a thin concrete partition, should be performed carefully: the thickness of the plate is not more than 40 mm. In case of carelessness, a crack may form.
Plastic tile is removed without a hammer: push the edges with chisel and tear with pieces. After that, the remnants of glue are knocked down (as a rule, it is applied by points in five places). It is impossible to remove such a tile of such a tile.
How to dismantle a separate element
In some cases, it is not necessary for a complete disassembly of tiles from the walls, but only individual elements. It is important not to damage the adjacent tiles. Such a need arises when one or more tiles cracked, chips appeared, and therefore it takes such a tile to replace. Act as follows.
- Clean the seams between the tiles from the grout.
- By setting the switch mode switch to the "Drilling without impact" position, the hole is drilled around the tile center and several diagonally. After passing the upper (enamel-covered) layer, switch the mode to the "drilling with a blow" position and continue to work.
- In the well-done holes insert the edge of the chisel and the hammers are expanding, the holes are connected.
- Carefully chop pieces of tiles. Near the adjacent elements of the chisel oriented parallel to the edges of the tile.
- The remnants of glue from the wall believes chisel and spatula.
How to remove tiles with plasterboard
This task is the most complex: modern adhesive mixtures for tiles have good adhesion to GKL. Therefore, you need to act in the following rules.
- Clean the seams between the tiles.
- Carefully walking the edges of the tile from different sides, we try to rip the tile without disturbing the plasterboard.
- Fully damaged sections of GKK will have to be replaced with new ones.
- Sections of GLCs with impaired top layer should be strengthened by impregnating deep penetration with primer.
- In the event that the tile glue was applied with a toothed spatula, and traces of glue on the drywall remained in the form of a groove, no need to count it. If the glue is firmly held on the surface - it is aligned with a wide spatula with a smooth edge, filling the furrows with a similar composition. After that, the wall can be renovated with ceramic tiles.
Dismantling ceiling tile
Finishing material for the ceiling is made of light foam, and therefore the perforator will not need to dismantle. You need to perform the following steps.
- Close the Film Furniture and Paul to protect against dust and dirt.
- The tile is pushed by a spatula and removed from the ceiling.
- The glue and fragments remaining on the ceiling and the tile fragments are wetted with water.
- After the remains of the facing are torn, they are considered a spatula. If necessary, wetting repeat several times.
Using such recommendations, you can independently choose the method and effectively clean the floor and walls from the old ceramic tile, without resorting to the services of building brigades.
At the end of the topic, we propose to watch a video, clearly demonstrating the process of removing the old tile.