White Spirit Solvent: Characteristics, Consumption, Application paints and varnishes

In various industries and construction, all sorts of solvents are used to obtain the desired consistency of consumable liquid materials. One of the most popular options is the White Spirit, about all the technical specifications and the rules of application of which you will learn from this article.
What is White Spirit?
White spirit is a substance obtained by distillation and purification of oil. In essence, it is one of the fractures of high-boiling gasoline.
Important! You can buy White Spirits today as domestic production and imported brands. Moreover, the second option differs mainly in the absence of an unpleasant sharp smell. The price of White Spirit will be varied not only from the brand, but also depending on the cabinet packaging.
The composition of White Spirit
The unified accurate formula of this solvent does not exist. As a basis for its manufacture, a mixture of aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbon compounds takes.
Many manufacturers have a percentage ratio:
- 16% - aromatic substances;
- 0.025% is the mass fraction of the sulfur.
Important! Regardless of the proportions of the components and the technology of processing of raw materials, the White Spirit solvent must necessarily comply with the technical characteristics according to the requirements of GOST 3134-78.
Technical characteristics of White Spirit
In appearance of White Spirit is a relatively viscous transparent substance similar to consistency with machine oil. In addition, it is characterized by a very pronounced sharp smell of kerosene or does not have it, which is characteristic of the improved modern versions of this solvent.
Today, the White Spirits, the technical characteristics of which correspond to such indicators are present:
- 3-4.5 - the degree of volatility;
- 33 ° C - the minimum fire temperature;
- 0.79 g / cm3 - density parameters at a temperature mode in 20 ° C;
- 1650 ° С - the standard temperature of the initial boiling of the solvent;
- 100-150 g / m2 - recommended consumption of substance.
Important! The permissible maximum shelf life from the duty of the production of the White Spirit solvent is no more than 3 years. Packing can be carried out in glass vials of various tanks - from 0.25 to 1 dm3. All bottles are packaged in drawers made of polymeric materials, cardboard or wood.
Benefits of the White Spirit solvent
White spirit is distinguished by several advantages. Among the most significant, regarding his value, note:
- low toxicity in comparison with analog materials;
- rapid weathered odor;
- low price;
- wide range of applications.
Application of White Spirit
This solvent has very ample opportunities. It is recommended to use in such directions:
- production of paints and varnishes;
- making antibacterial solutions for wood processing;
- production of oil, primer materials;
- as a cleansing agent for industrial equipment and vehicles;
- for degreasing metal surfaces;
- for the preparation of bitumen, shale, rubber roofing and automotive mastics;
- in the manufacture of polishing and grinding pastes;
- as a substance for preliminary preparation of surfaces of various types before painting.
Important! The White Spirit is also suitable for cleaning coins, including collection. How to fulfill this procedure, find out from below the proposed video.
Technology application
The acquired solvent is already ready for use. The technology of its application is very simple:
- Add a small portion of the solvent to the desired material.
- Mix thoroughly before receiving a homogeneous mass.
- Repeat if necessary before obtaining the desired consistency of the main consumables.
Security rules when using
Despite the not very high threshold of toxicity compared to other materials of the solvent group, White spirit requires accuracy of the user and attentive compliance with safety rules:
- Always work with a solvent in protective clothing - gloves and a respirator, as the pairs can cause intoxication, body poisoning, allergies on the skin, and even a narcotic dependence in frequent long-term use.
- Well ventilate the room in which work was carried out using White Spirit.
- Limit when stored on the capacitance of direct sunlight - ignoring this rule can lead to the accumulation of electrostatic charge and fire.
- It is categorically unacceptable to work with this solvent near open fire, and artificial lighting must comply with explosion safety standards.
- To open the packaging, the use of tools that can give a spark when hitting are unacceptable.
- You can not pump and merge white spirits by means of compressed air equipment.
- If the solvent caught fire, extinguish it with all special means, but it is impossible to use water for fire extinguishing.
White spirit does not lose its position in consumer popularity, despite the emergence of newer solvents on the market. Contribute to this mainly its excellent specifications in combination with an affordable price. The main condition for the proper use of this solvent is a clear observance of all safety regulations. In this case, it will be possible to obtain the desired result of the quality of the work performed and do not harm their own health.