Sports Lawn - Features of Choice, Sowing Technology, Useful Tips Plot.

Approaching the lawn arrangement on its plot, people do not always think about its functionality. The usual green grass, exiled on the plot, is beautiful, but not always practical. It is impossible to run-jump, play football or volleyball. For active people, an alternative approach is needed - and a beautiful green lawn, and the opportunity to play sports. This option is acceptable, thanks to the arrangement of the sports lawn.
Experts argue that when complying with all the requirements of the arrangement of sports lawns, a green field will serve many years in a row. But, when non-compliance with the technology, the mistakes must be completely removing all operations.
From decorative lawns, sports lawns differ in that they have high strength to load. They can withstand the load during the season and for several years. For the strength of sports lawns respond:
- The composition of the soil.
- Drainage.
- Plants that will be shown on the lawn.
Types and arrangement of lawns
Sports lawns are divided into several types:
- Football. Mostly plants are planted, which are resistant to large loads. This is a meadow mint, wildlife, oatmeal. Where football doors are located, there is a double rate of plants. A lawn for playing football must be periodically fertilized and watching the growing grass, making up too much. Good recommendations got mixes for football sports lawns "Sports", "Universal Sports".
2. . Tennis lawn.The requirements of the arrangement of lawns for tennis courts provide for the stability of the coating from the pulp. Therefore, the composition of the sports lawn is selected with special care. Grass for tennis courts should be homogeneous, without impurities of other herbs.
Among the best herbs suitable for planting on tennis courts - meadow Mattlik, oatmeal and wildfish. These herbs are not planted all together, and one is planted and it is added to it in a small percentage ratio another.
Tennis playground should be smooth. It is necessary to care for the lawn regularly - cutting low grass. So that the turf from the load is not compacted, it is pierced after the end of the season.
3. Golf course. Each part of the platform has its own purpose, the name is different in appearance. Therefore, to the arrangement of a golf course is suitable with special care. In the place where the game begins (starting zone) and the ball is installed, the grass must be trimmed very low. For sports lawn, seeds of a multi-year railing are used.
Where holes are located for the ball - wells, the grass should be especially well-groomed, often to trim and be no higher than four centimeters. The central part of the site (FARMA), which is the most extensive area, the grass must be well bevelled and to be medium in height. For such a plot, mixtures of frozen and rayon are planted. The turf is formed strong, with a well-developed root system.
Place "RAF" - is considered the most difficult to play in the golf, so the grass should be higher there and it is not necessary to scroll. Golf site is preferably equipped on sandy areas.
4. Playground. It is equipped near residential buildings, schools and kindergartens. The playgrounds for children's games are planted with horseradish and semi-workers: meadow oatmeal, Timofeevka meadow. To get a high quality lawn, clover red, pink and white creeping clover, rags plant.
In the care of a children's lawn unpretentious. It needs to be raised twice a month and fertilize. Shut-off lawn is better since May and September. Over time, such a lawn will need to be updated. For children's sports fields, mixtures "Universal", Parkovaya, "Kindergarten" are evinted.
5. For hippodrols. For high-quality races, special compositions of herbal plants are planted on the racetracks: different types of wildflower, oatmeal red and other herbs that are not growing in height. Mark the grass is not higher than five centimeters.
On the raceway tracks the low cereal grass is dried. Where there are races with overcoming obstacles, a mixture of herbs is planted with the addition of seeds of the hedgehogs.
Sports lawn device
The main requirement for the device of sports lawns, first of all, experts include high-quality phased arrangement. The lawn must withstand a larger load, and the coating of natural grass in no case should slide and prevent the movement. After falling out precipitation in the form of rain and snow, the accumulation of water and dirt is unacceptable, and in the hot season of year - unwanted accumulation of dust.
Stages of lawn arrangements:
- Drainage system.
- Laying the subspeted layer.
- Enrich the soil.
- Sowing grass.
According to specialists, with all the tasks set, artificial drainage will cope. It will help to get rid of water accumulation, reduce the groundwater level. As a result, with the help of high-quality and competently installed plant drainage, growth is beginning earlier and remain longer green.
- At first, the bowl of sports lawn is prepared.
- The top layer of the soil is removed to the depth of half a meter. In order to ensure that the liquid is removed, they are paved at a distance of five meters of drain - plastic pipes (diameter from 5 to 10 centimeters).
- In the drains at a distance of 30 centimeters make small holes that are closed by a minvolok. Holes are necessary in order for moisture from the lawn and went to the collector.
- The collector itself is performed from pipes in diameter twice as large than pipes for removal of fluid. The surest option when the collector goes into the storm sewer tube.
- A geotextile is put on the bottom of the future lawn and fall asleep with small stones (rubble).
Laying of the subspeted layer
It consists of sand and gravel of different grain. It is stacked in such a way that the bottom is the layer is large, and at the top is the smallest.
To close all parts of the drainage system, the crushed stone of a large fraction (15-25 mm) is stacked, then the layers are laid out fine crushed stone, gravel is a large, fine and sand layer. The cushion from rubble and gravel should close the drainage system. To align all the layers, use sand. The thickness of each layer and quantity may vary. The top mark of the surface of the "Pillows" should perform 30 centimeters from the surface of the lawn itself.
Apply the stone limestone for the subspeted layer is not recommended, since the permeability of water over time can decrease much.
After laying each layer, it must be carefully sealing (tamper) and pour water.
The soil
Ordinary soil can not cope with all the tasks of the sports lawn. The soil for the arrangement of the lawn should be dense, have an increase in no more than 500 mm / hour and be weak. Therefore, for the arrangement of sports lawns, a mixture consisting of peat, sand and land of the turf is used in proportions of 35-65-20%. Add to the substrate can be humus, crumples or perlite.
The finished mixture is poured from above on the rod layer, align and leave for a month. During this time, the substrate is compacted, sedimentation, weeds are visible on it. After the elimination of sediments and smearing weeds, the soil is compacted with water. One bucket is enough per square meter of land. Seal the soil is needed by a manual roller if the weight of the roller does not reach 100 kilograms, then it is necessary to compact the soil 2-3 times.
Sowing grass
The grass for the lawn sports is not suitable for each. The best herbs that are planted on sports lawns of Russia, are considered meadow Mattik, hassiating meadow red, white field, as well as winter-hardy rags.
To plan sports lawns, a mixture of seeds consisting of several herbs (up to 8 pcs), but at the same time the red oatman should prevail in this mixture.
Souring time is the beginning of spring or autumn. It is permissible to sow grass, both in summer and at the end of autumn. In this case, they will argue in spring.
Before sowing the grass, the soil must be fertilized and explode with robbles. So that the lawn is diverting evenly, use the seeder. If it is supposed to plant a sports lawn manually, the number of seeds are divided into equal four parts and move evenly along the area.
After dispersion of seeds, they are closed with robble, add a mulching mixture (sand, earth, peat 2: 4: 1) and pass the roller. Water the lawn every other day. When will be the first shoots, the seeds are again indicated by a heavy rink. The first time you need to cut grass when it grows up to 20 centimeters in length. Grass graze on 4 centimeters.
Caring for lawn
Ripened lawn is considered to reach the age of 2-3 years. It is necessary to periodically make grass, tentatively once every ten days. Shots are performed not higher than 3 centimeters. Easy to scroll sports lawns with electric lawn mowers, which have a function of regulating the height of the bow.
Machine grass is better in the morning or evening. After the lap, the grass must be focused, watering and watering.
In the summer, when it is very hot, the beveled grass is left on the lawn for several days. When the frequent use of the lawn is assumed, (periods of football matches), the grass must be picked up by biostimulants.
Lycins in the lawn are covered with new seeds, the mixtures are selected taking into account the rapid growth, which germinate on the 5th day after sowing.
Artificial sports lawn
Sports lawn from artificial grass is popular in the arrangement of sports lawns. Decorative grass has several advantages:
- Long use.
- Has increased strength.
- Resistant to temperature and precipitation drops.
- Does not delay the precipitation.
- Does not burn.
- You can wash with water with detergent.
- In winter, sports lawns can be poured with water and get an outdoor rink.
- Do not watered, sow and cut the grass.
- It slides well and provides a good ball rebound.
The synthetic coating is made of propylene, polyethylene and other polymeric materials. The basis of the rolled sports lawn is rubber or latex, less often - tissue rubberized. Does not require special efforts and technologies when laying.
Unlike a natural lawn, which requires constant labor costs, a rolled artificial lawn prevails significantly. The choice of lawn to create a playground remains yours.