Using hawed lime Useful advice

Lime is a very important material that is often used both during construction and in repair work. Often, lime is added to different solutions, which are then used for plating the premises. Lime harated can buy, and you can do yourself.
This material includes mainly calcium oxides. In the event that the lime is used for whitewashing or to knead some solution, it will be necessary to extinguish it. Haired lime is obtained from comob. To pay off means, it means to pour water and knead to homogeneous consistency. There is a lime fightering (the process takes up to eight minutes), the generating (the process takes up to 25 minutes) and slow-on (the process takes more than 30 minutes).
Types of lime
There are several binding materials that belong to the hydraulic group. Lime is a binding material that is used to prepare different solutions used during repairs or construction. In itself, the lime is coming or a hammer. Common is used for quenching, since the hardening of this material happens in air after treatment with water.
Lime is quenched into the dough either in the push, which is often added to various dry mixes, as this tool protects perfectly from all sorts of pests. If the lime is quenched into the dough, then it can be stored in the pits for a very long time. It is worth noting that the quality of this test becomes only better.
The ground lime is also called the boil - it must be used quickly, since its shelf life does not exceed one month after cooking.
The process of navigation
The harvesting process itself must be carried out on an open, ventilated place. Making a fluff, you need to take on a ton of lime seven hundred liters of water. If pits are used either boxes - creative tanks, then it is necessary to adjust the number of materials. But the process directly and the receipt of hareed lime takes a different amount of time - depending on how the quenching will happen.
Water must be added portion - this will not sharply decrease the temperature. The dough that will turn out to be diluted with water until it becomes a consistency as milk. After that, the fluid should be pouring into a creative pit.
Hained with water lime most often has different residues in the composition - mostly, it is inaccurate or vice versa, depleted pieces of raw materials. They need to be assembled separately, pour water again, and only after reuse to throw away.
Haired Lime: Application
The properties of harated lime are so extensive, then it has found application in many areas.
- When packed indoors.
- As protection against rotting and fire I am wooden fences and rafters.
- For the preparation of mortars.
- For the preparation of silicate concrete.
- To mitigate water - to eliminate carbonate rigidity.
- In the production of chlorine lime.
- In the production of lime fertilizers.
- When causticizing sodium carbonate or potassium.
- When hanging the skin.
- To obtain various calcium compounds, as well as for neutralizing acidic solutions, organic acids, etc.
- As a dietary supplement E526.
- To prepare lime water - a solution of calcium hydroxide, which is used to detect carbon dioxide.
- To prepare a lime milk used for the preparation of sugar and preparation of mixtures to combat plant diseases, whitening trunks.
- For disinfection in the dentistry of the root channels of the teeth.
Terms of Use and Storage of Haired Lime
The price of hazed lime is not so great. In addition, it is worth noting, it can be stored for a long time. Currently, there are certain rules for the use and storage of ready-made lime.
- If you need to change the density of the obtained hazed lime, you need to add water.
- Raw materials must be mixed until the composition does not cease to take water.
- Water should completely disappear - it should be absorbed in the raw material, only in this case you need to pour water.
- After all the water disappears, the haired lime must be filled with sand - at least 20 cm on top.
- In winter, the dough does not frozen, on top of the sand, it is necessary to pour 70 cm of the Earth.
- The use of harated lime with grains, underwent and overwhelmed particles will lead to bloats and cavities.
- Lime that will be used in masonry solutions need to withstand at least 14 days.
- Lime that will be used for plastering, it is necessary to withstand the minimum of 30 days.
- When using the first-class boiler, at least two liters of good dense dough from each kilogram of their weight can be obtained.
- The worse quality, the smaller the output (from 1 to 1.5 kg from the second and third grade of the boiler).
- For construction solutions, it is necessary to use sand and water.
- Lime solutions are famous for a good clutch with a brick and a slag block.
- Lime solutions are not desirable to use wood. If there is no special choice, then you first need to fill dranco or make a special plaster grid.
- Lime solutions are ideal for oven masonry (pipe and foundation).
Haired lime and limestone dough
A comedian lime is a semiconductor that, after quenching, is used in a hydrate mixture or a limestone test.
The hydrate lime mixture is obtained after the arrangement of the oversized lime with a certain amount of water, after which the mixture becomes liquid, since calcium and magnesium oxides are moving into hydrates.
Lime dough is obtained from a hazed lime and a small amount of water, after which the tough mass is obtained.
In the manufacture of hydrate lime and in the manufacture of a limestone test, water is used. As with the first, that and at the second manipulation, the lime must be extinguished - to process with water so that there is a decay of lime pieces. At the same time, the fewer pieces during decay, the more plastic dough and the more valuable the final product.