How and how to cut ceramic tiles correctly Instruments,Tile

Ceramic tile is a convenient and practical material for decoration of walls in the bathrooms. Having a set of suitable tools at hand, you can lean the walls with tiles with your own hands and put it on the floor.
- Tile cutting tools
- Platekores.
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- Glass cutter
- Diamond dried and crowns for drilling holes.
- How to cut outdoor ceramic tiles.
- How to cut ceramic stack glass cutter
- How to cut ceramic tiles with tiles
- How to cut ceramic tiles with a grinder.
Tile cutting tools
When working with ceramic tiles, it is rarely possible to do without its trimming. For this purpose, special tools are applied. On trimming, the tiles and cutting the corners leaves longer than the tile of the entire surface.
Decide with the tool - what you will cut ceramic tiles. The tile is cut in glass cutter, grinder, stovetur. For cutting small fragments along the edge or with tile angle, nippers are used.
Compelate with experts, the better cutting ceramic tiles. The choice of the tool depends on the volume of work, thickness and quality of the tile, the number of trimming, the presence of complex areas - corners and pipes. The choice of the instrument also affects its cost.
Buying a tool is additional costs for repair. Universal tools - drill or Bulgarian, often needed for other types of work on the house. As for the plastic cutter - for other purposes, it will not suit. Buy an expensive tool for one-time use is inappropriate. In major cities there are tool rental items.
In addition to special tools for cutting tiles you will need:
- roulette
- marker or marker for applying
- metal square
- protection Means - Glasses, Gloves, Respirator, Headphones
Prepare a stable working surface on which you can locate tools. For this purpose, the table will fit. Work on the floor, crossed in front of the tilewood uncomfortable. Cut the tile with a grinder on a bucket edge or empty canister - dangerous.
Stovetures are manufactured mechanical and electric.
Mechanical tiles are designed for applying an outbreak or risks on the tile. An incision destroys the top glazed layer of tile and creates a crack in its thickness. At risk, the tile is easily cleaned with hands or with a device installed on the manual tile.
Bulgarian or electric stovetur tile is cut completely into two parts, or the tile angle is cut.
• Mechanical, or manual stovetur.
Mechanical tiles in terms of cost is available than electric. Advantages: Compact, has a small weight, does not connect to the electrical network. Almost silent.
Manual tile cutters are available in size 300, 400, 500 and 600 mm.
Manual tile tile cuts only in a straight line. To cut the angles or trim, the tiles at an angle of 45 ° will need an electric tile circuit breeding or Bulgarian.
The lack of mechanical tile cutting is that it is difficult for them to cut outdoor tiles. For cutting of porcelain, it takes more effort than for wall ceramic tiles. For the convenience of working with floor tiles, the tiles are fixed on the table with bolts.
• Electric stovetur.
It consists of a platform for which the tile is stacked with cutting, and the saw head with a diamond circle. The tiles are equipped with a water bath. Water cools the disk and prevents the formation of abrasive dust during cutting.
Ceramic tile plugs
Floors are cut off small fragments of tiles for fitting under the pipes and corners. On the markup, small pieces are laid out, starting with the edge of the tile.
Glass cutter
Roller glass cutting is used for cutting tiles when working with small volumes. For example, when laying apron in the kitchen.
Only wall ceramic tile cuts the glass cutter. The glass cutter is difficult to cut off the narrow strip of the tile.
Diamond dried and crowns for drilling holes.
For drilling round holes under the pipes are applied crowns. Holes under a dowel for shelves or hooks are drilled by a diamond drill.
How to cut outdoor ceramic tiles.
The ceramic tile of increased hardness or porcelain tiles is stacked on the floor. The tile is very dense, so it is difficult to cut the manual stoveture. For cutting floor tiles, electric stovetur or bulgaria is used.
After you have decided how to cut ceramic tiles, you can start work.
Marking is applied to the tile with a marker when working with any tool. To facilitate cutting and preventing the split, the tile is soaked in water within 15-20 minutes. Porcelain stoneware has an increased density, it does not make sense to soak it.
How to cut ceramic stack glass cutter
• Place the tile on a flat surface.
• To the applied markup, attach a metal ruler or a square. Swipe the glass cutter from the edge of the tile to yourself. Press should be strong and uniform throughout the tile. With proper cutting on the tile will appear a groove.
• Put the tile on the edge of the table on the cut line.
• Put the tile on the edge of the tile. Tile breaks.
How to cut ceramic tiles without plastic cutting shown on video.
This video tutorial shows that when laying the tile you can do without expensive tools. The lack of glass-cutting is that the work goes slowly and there is a chance of split tiles.
When finishing, the bathroom tiles will completely need a slab.
How to cut ceramic tiles with tiles
Work manual slabcores
• Place the tile on the tiles, aligning a wheel with a mark.
• Hold the tile with one hand, lift the handle so that the wheel concerned the surface of the tile.
• Spend a roller cutter (wheel) line on the tile.
• Move the "Wings" of tiles from the edge of the tile. Put on the handle. The mechanism of the slider will split tile at risk.
Working electric stovetur
Before starting work, check how to cut ceramic tiles correctly. Compliance with the rules and technology of work allows you to reduce the amount of spoiled tile.
• Wear headphones. Working tiles creates a lot of noise.
• Put the tile on the machine platform, combining the start of the disc marker.
• Holding the tile with two hands move it under the blade. Press should not be very strong.
• In the process of changing the water in the bath. This will prolve the disk service life.
How to cut ceramic tiles with a grinder.
Bulgarian is used when cutting the corners on the tile. For cutting tiles, a diamond circle applies to the grinder.
• Place the tile on the appropriate surface. Fasten with vice or clamps.
• Turn on the tool. Rotating circle dial the tile on the outlined labels.
Disadvantages when working with a grinder: a lot of abrasive dust, strong noise, the likelihood of disk destruction and injured by fragments of the disk. Do not forget that Bulgarian is dangerous tool! In violation of safety regulations, you can get serious injuries.
Safety in the work of the grinder.
- Do not use a circle of a ceramic tile circle designed to cut wood or metal.
- When working, use protective equipment - gloves, glasses, headphones, respirator.
- Do not allow the presence of children in the room when working.
- When working, the grinder cut the tile in the direction "from ourselves."
- Do not work as a tool without protective casing.
- Cress the tile to the rotating disk without a large pressure.
- Periodically check whether the disk is secure.
Video tutorial on cutting holes in the tile.
How to use tools, look at the video "cut ceramic tiles and a tile."
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Thanks guys! Helped.