Why blinks light Lighting

The blink of light in an apartment or house is a problem that many residents of the country are facing. It is very important to find out and eliminate malfunctions on time, since not only the emotional state of the person, but the safety of all household appliances depends on the rapid and true actions.
Causes of light blinking
- The transformer substation unstable distributes the power supply.
- The use of a powerful welding machine.
- Outdated wiring in buildings that are built in Soviet times.
- Deposit wear in open power places.
Diagnosis of reasons and options for solving the light of light in apartments and private houses.
Transformer substation Unstable distributes power supply
The construction of new residential buildings and office premises does not stop, and the connection of electricity occurs through the already existing power plants. In such cases, residents in the nearby houses begin blinking light in the apartment. Usually such a flicker is short-term, since the distribution of energy flows occurs very quickly, so that people do not feel discomfort.
Using a powerful welding machine
When the welding machine is working, the current current passing along the wires is very high and when the wire section is not designed for welding currents, a large stress landing occurs. Therefore, often in the house blinks light.
Solutions options
- Install a three-phase lowering transformer with a capacity of 1..2 kW, which is designed to supply reduced voltage of power tools, namely for welding.
- Replace the powerful welding machine to the inverter. Inverter welding machine is usually represented as a portable single-phase welding tool. The practical, convenient, has low weight and does not cause network overload, since the welding current adjustment is performed smoothly.
- Install voltage stabilizer. Thanks to the stabilizer, the problems of unstable power supply are adjusted, the differences and voltage jumps are collected. The device is designed for continuous operation, does not require special attention and care. Household appliances that are connected through the stabilizer will work in facilitating mode, which will significantly extend the life of its operation. Through the stabilizer, it is possible not to connect separate devices, but overall to protect the power supply throughout the house.
- Why in the house blinks the light is difficult to understand if you live in the private sector. After all, often on one plot of the power grid is constantly increased voltage, and on the other - low. Therefore, for a private house, the stabilizer is simply an indispensable thing.
Outdated wiring in buildings that are built in Soviet times
In the old buildings over time the cable wear out, fractures are formed. Connecting new all kinds of household appliances leads to additional load on the network, the wires are heated over the measure, the old automata is constantly disconnected, the light begins to blink in the house.
Solutions options
- Installing newer circuit breakers.
- Electrical measurements by workers of laboratories. Since the old building requires a qualified inspection of all electrical installations.
- Full replacement of wires and shifting devices.
- Independent transfer of wiring in accordance with the established standards and rules.
Deposit wear in open power places
The use of a large number of lighting and household appliances lead to rapid contact wear. In order to understand why flickering light in the apartment needs to be carried out independent, surface inspection of the room.
Diagnosis of causes and solution options
- When turned on, the light blinks and the crack is heard in parallel - bad contact in the switch. Perhaps the dust fell or even dirt on the contact itself, the spring. The flashing light is twisted, contacts and springs are carefully cleaned. Turn on several times, then turns off. The light bulb is screwed back and if the flashing is repeated - the problem in the wiring or electric lamp electricity. And if there is no explicit damage after inspection of the lamp - the master is needed.
- The light is turned off, and the light bulb blinks - the simultaneous use of the usual and energy-saving light bulbs. So that the light bulb does not blink is replaced by the same type of lamps.
- If the energy-saving light bulb flashes after shutting down - the LED backlight is built into the switches. The backlight is cleaned and the problem is solved. In the case of using a conventional switch without backlight, the switch is not correctly installed. A master that conducts troubleshooting is called.
- The daylight lamp blinks - the discharge current in the lamp is reduced and cannot support burning. At the ends of the lamp discovered dark spots, the lamp is required. But why the daylight lamp blink after its replacement, most likely the starter used its resources. In this case, the starter is replaced.
At home flickering light is the trouble that needs to be neutralized in time. It is difficult to restore the burned household equipment, so it is better to avoid this in general and to eliminate malfunctions in time.