Brick Arch: Installation Instructions Construction

Almost constantly the owners of the dwellings are in search of interesting design solutions, however, they are often completely obvious. Just just a creative approach to one or another question to completely transform your accommodation. In this case, we consider the process of creating a brick arch.
At the very beginning it makes sense to note that there is nothing fundamentally difficult in this. It is enough just to fully navigate in the process itself, so that everything goes smoothly. Obviously, before the process itself, it is necessary to estimate the scale of construction work, as well as analyze all possible problems that may affect the result.
Often the arches from the brick are created in private houses, where large spaces are at the disposal, so the created composition will look very solid. However, today there are quite a few options that are able to create a unique atmosphere and inside the ordinary apartment in a high-rise building. It should be understood that the creation of the archer is a risky business, as it is not so easy to implement the overall composition on this basis. Again, you need to approach this issue creatively.
Varieties of the Arch of Brick
Often, in many housing, you can detect a vaulted structure of a brick, which, to all of the time, are incredibly durable and reliable. That is why most people make a choice in favor of such a designer decision.
Of course, there are a number of other scenarios for creating an arch. For example, clint arches are not so rarely created. They represent a design that is laid out by the Wedge. Ultimately, it turns out an equally interesting composition than when using other solutions.
The loy arch has an unusual look, however, the controversial moments end. Similar types of arches are stacked on a trimmed arc. In some housing, such a solution will allow you to visually increase the space in the house, and also make the interior itself more original.
Full arch is the most common architectural solution. It is based on the lays down of the brick arch over the entire height of the opening. At the same time, the arch forms a semicircle. Sometimes the brick part can occupy only half of the opening, but it all depends directly from the owners.
As for the complexity of the creation of the Arch, by and large, all solutions have an approximately equal level, but in some moments there may be a construction experience that will easily avoid common errors.
Also, the volume of building materials depends on the choice of one or another type of arched opening. In some cases, you can significantly save in this case, as well as create a unique interior. No need to think that a large amount of brick means a successful outcome of all construction activities.
Before all the works, you can draw a small sketch, which will allow you to roughly appreciate all the features of the future arch. It is better to find photos of finished arched openings on the Internet, and choose the best option.
Advantages and disadvantages of brick arches
It is no secret that arched openings have both advantages and disadvantages. You should always remember about it, as it ultimately avoid disappointment will be quite difficult.
- Unique interior. On the worldwide network you can find hundreds of pictures with original design solutions based on arched openness. Thus, the owners will always be able to choose the most interesting option and decorate the dwelling.
- Easy process. To create a brick arch, you do not need to have a lot of experience. It is rather responsible to approach this process, as well as follow the advice presented below. And then the end result will not disappoint.
- Arch monolith. Due to the fact that the arch fully consists of a brick, such a design is incredibly hardy and almost eternal. Of course, a lot depends on the technology of creating an arch, however, in most cases, this architectural solution is much more stronger than the remaining species of openings.
- In addition, the arches can be created not only in doorways, but in many other places. For example, the arches are very often elevated at the entrance to the country area. Moreover, arched window openings are also found. However, in this case, we also get large problems associated with the choice of suitable windows.
- Creating a single interior. Obviously, the arch requires the creation of a common designer style, which is the appropriate decoration of walls, floor arrangement, as well as windows and interior items. Unfortunately, this is too large amount of work, which will certainly create a lot of problems for inexperienced owners. To create separate species, the arches will also need a ceiling height from 3 meters.
- Follow technology. Despite the relative simplicity of the process of creating an arch of bricks, there are technologies from which it is strictly impossible to move. Any error can lead to the fact that such an arch will fall at one moment. Thus, in some cases, it still makes sense to attract specialists to work.
- Construction reliability. Yes, indeed, the reliability and durability of the created arch can turn into numerous problems. When even the most minor errors are detected, it will be necessary to completely dismantle the arch. Accordingly, this is a colossal amount of work that does not pull.
However, all the problems can be avoided if all the plans and entries associated with the creation of the arch were performed. As already mentioned, you can first consult with specialists in a construction business, which may be shared by a secret or will be removed from the fatal error.
Materials for Arok
As it was already possible to understand the arch of the brick - a fairly specific design that requires a special approach. Thus, it is necessary to seriously choose the materials for its creation. Often in such works is used by a wedge brick, which has the most appropriate form to create the arch. Often, such products are present in stores, but some craftsmen do not want to overpay for the unusual form of building materials, having adopted the usual brick.
Furthermore, to create multiple arcs often used unusual solutions. This is due to the fact that in itself arch design has its own characteristics associated with the location of the building elements. Often, the solution is applied that is based on clay. It is also often added to the solution fireclay sand and gravel. However, it is only in cases where the arched structure must withstand high temperatures. Again, a small thickness of the seams - a requirement which will provide high structural strength. However, the grout must be of high quality, or the durability of the arch may be questionable.
Tools and construction resources to create arches
Often the following fixture and construction materials used to build arch:
- Cement mortar.
- Reiki.
- Bricks.
- Wedges.
- Hammer / mallet.
- Container for mixing.
- Building level.
- Chisel.
- Pencil.
- Kruzhalo (plasterboard or chipboard).
Basic steps for creating arches made of bricks
After careful analysis of all features of the arch structure, it is necessary to start immediately the process of creating a decorative element.
In the first place there is the development of the arch element. It is desirable to work out all the details of the construction drawing. Next, we need drywall (or DSP) to create arched pattern. Ultimately, we need two such elements, which create the shape of our arch. Also, we need the wooden struts, which will provide the required distance between the template elements.
After that our template to install. Of course, it should fit snugly into the opening. To fix, you can also use wooden supports. It should be a few times to make sure that the template is irrevocably in one place, and no load will not slip it.
Laying bricks on top template to occur from the bottom up, while simultaneously and on both sides. Pre-need to calculate all the bricks to fit into the opening. Cut bricks to build the arch is not recommended, as this would violate the integrity of the decorative composition. It is understood that the joints between the bricks should be minimal.
The masonry must be carefully done so that the cement solution does not fall on the surface of the template. At the same time, you need to fill all empties formed between bricks. After completion of the masonry, it is necessary to clean the surface, as well as remove the extra cement volumes that always remain after the work carried out. In addition, it will not hurt to align all the seams, as they should look equally. In construction stores you can find tools that will help turn ordinary seams into a kind of decoration of the object.
After the cement solution froze, you can safely remove the template from the created arch. Of course, you can leave it, while this item will need to paint or make a surface finish. At the very end, it is necessary to thoroughly check each millimeter of the surface, as any error allowed can cost too expensive.
Common errors during the creation of the arch
Even in spite of the fact that the process of creating the Arch may seem fairly simple, there are often different problems. Often, failures are associated with insufficient experience of people involved in construction, and in this actually there is a share of truth.
Not so rarely, the problems begin to make themselves to know if the arch has a greater width, but too low height. With this situation, various cracks often appear. And after a while, the arched design can start crumbling at all.
As already mentioned, an opportunity, used in the construction of the arch, after the end of the process is simply removed. However, the owners often tighten with it, leaving a template on the spot. At the same time, the wood base (chipboard) can absorb a lot of moisture. First of all, it concerns those arches that are erected in open locality. Thus, the template can gain considerable weight, which will negatively affect the integrity of the arch. Specialists advise to cover with polyethylene design or immediately after soaring the cement to extract the template.
As it has already become clear, the template is the main obstacle to obtain the optimal result of construction work. In this case, it should also be said that various metal elements are used as this element. However, they, as it turned out, negatively affect the arched construction. The wooden base of the template contributes to a uniform shrinkage than the metal does not boast. Thus, the metal pattern can cause cracks.
It is worth knowing that the integrity of the arch depends not only on the technology of creating a design, but also from some other factors. The most serious influence has a foundation. If the basis of the structure has numerous flaws, the arch can start crumbling at any time. There is also a terrain, in which the foundations of buildings gradually settle. This, in turn, again negatively affects the integrity of the arch. If possible, you should conduct a full amount of events that can strengthen the foundation of the dwelling. Otherwise, it is better not to build an arched structure, as this may be a waste of money.
Of course, difficulties may be the most diverse. All of them depend not only from the foundation of the dwellings and the materials used, but also from some other factors that at first glance may be inconspicuous. Thus, it makes sense to refer to specialists who analyze each item associated with the creation of arched construction.