Marble staircase for home with their own hands Ladder

The marble staircase is an expressive decor element, a sign of an exquisite taste and welfare of the host of the house. The color wealth of marble and its plasticity allows you to create unique designs. Marble stairs have proven their durability and ability to light restoration.
Features of marble stairs
Marble is a durable material that is used to finish stairs. Consider a number of its advantages:
- Marble is a durable material. The life of its operation is over 100 years.
- Easy to care. Marble does not require special care, resistant to thermal jumps and mechanical damage. It is also easily polished and renewed the original color.
- The universality of marble is provided by the color assortment and ease in the manufacture of pieces of various shapes.
- The aesthetics and beauty of products from the breed. Due to the variety of shape and color, marble ladders fit into the interior of any home.
- Easy to polish.
The minuses of marble decoration stairs include:
- high cost of material
- slipness.
The first of which is justified by the durability of the stone. A, the second, by special tricks that we consider in the Soviets section.
Types of marble
Breed marble consists of carbonate, calcite and other impurities. The last of which determine the color and marble pattern after processing.
The range of marble in physical properties can be divided into three categories. Namely:
- white
- gray
- colored materials.
A group of white marble is exposed to the external environment, often yellow and covered by stains. Such material is used for homemade houses.
Gray marble is used for both external and internal cladding.
Color marble is the most resistant to temperature and mechanical effects. Colorics allows you to create unique ensembles marble stairs in the interior. The most valuable is the type of blue marble.
In the decoration of the stairs, it is better to use fine-grained marble types, which are highlighted by their elasticity and durability. Coarse marble is used for wet rooms, pools and bathrooms.
When choosing a stone, you need to check the certificate of its quality. Which indicates the marble hardness on the MOOS scale from 2.5 to 3, its density and chemical composition.
Spain, Italy and Turkey are the main manufacturers of marble. They are famous for high quality products for home interior.
Calculation of the size of an inter-storey staircase
When installing the stairs initially make its plan. To do this, we define its size, shape, an angle of lifting, height and number of steps.
Consider the parameters for the safe operation of the stairs:
- The wweling angle of the stairs is considered safe from 25 to 35 degrees of inclination.
- The depth of the step is safe from 25 to 30 cm. In this case, the foot heel will rely on the staircase.
- The height of the rise of the stage is considered optimal in the range of 15-18 cm.
- Determination of the width of the staircase depends on the availability of space under it and future loads on it. Usually, intra-quarter marches are made in a meter width and more. Stairs of country houses are already made up to 0.8 m.
- The surveillance of the passage between the staircase and the ceiling is safe to take a height of 1.9 m.
In order to properly install the staircase, make its plan. To do this, we determine the height of the future marble staircase, the angle of its inclination, the number of steps and the type of construction:
- We determine the height of the staircase by summing up two parameters. The first one is height from the floor of one floor to the floor of the second, taking into account the finish coating. The magnitude of the floors is added to this value. For example, the height of the planned staircase is 4 m.
- Calculate the number of marble stairs for the stairs. To do this, divide the height of the stairs to the height of the lift. From the result obtained, we subtract one step. Since half of the second floor will be this step. For example, the height of the lift is 16 cm. Then the number of stages of the marble staircase \u003d 400 / 16-1 \u003d 24 pcs.
- Determine the magnitude of the sticky. Multiply the number of steps on the step depth indicator. For example, the magnitude of the post \u003d 24 * 30 \u003d 720 cm.
- Calculate the angle of inclination. Considering according to the formula 2a + B, where A is the height of the alleged approach, and B is the value of the step of step. The amount obtained is divided by the number of steps. Playing indicators A and in achieve the optimal angle of the stairs, according to safety indicators. In our case: the angle of inclination \u003d (16 * 2 + 30) / 24 \u003d 25.8 °.
- We make the drawing of the stairs based on the place allotted for it and the calculated indicators. Balaasins and reference pillars of the stairs in the diagram are infirmally conditionally.
First stage: Preparatory work
Marble stairs are monolithic structures lined with marble plates. Therefore, the manufacture of marble stairs begins with the installation of the foundation for it. Consider the option of creating a concrete structure under the marble staircase.
We collect a formwork for a concrete structure. That is, temporary flooring to give concrete of a certain form.
For formwork, we need the following material:
- waterproof plywood width of 18-20 mm,
- the board width of 25-30 mm,
- construction timber 10 10 cm for formwork connection,
- self-tapping screws with a diameter of 3.5 mm,
- steel corners for formwork assembly,
- armature with a diameter of 12 mm.
For assembling formwork under the marble staircase, appropriate tools will be required:
- screwdrivers and screwdriver,
- plumb and level
- hacksaw and electrolovik,
- hammer,
- welding machine.
Consider the order of design formwork:
1. Cut the materials for formworking the necessary sizes. The necessary elements of the marble staircase, the photo will present below:
- bars for fastening the formwork among themselves and to the walls (1),
- segments of a wooden bar for attaching boards that form steps (2),
- formwork thick 3 cm for the formation of steps (3),
- facial formwork from plywood at 2.5-3 cm (4) in size and shape of steps.
2. To assemble the formwork, we use the vehicle screws. Screw them with a screwdriver.
3. We fasten the formwork from the inside with the help of steel corners with a thickness of 2-2.5 mm. After collecting the formwork, we reinforce it to give it greater strength.
4. Breeping the reinforcement with a diameter of 12 mm along carrier faces. For strength, connect it into the grid with a welding machine.
5. Fix the reinforcement into the wall along the entire length of the stairs. To do this, drill holes in it and clog the hammer of pins from the grid. This will provide additional strength to the marble staircase.
Then we proceed to concreting structure. To do this, you need the following tools and materials:
- cement 10 parts,
- rubble grain size 10-20 mm 30 parts
- sand mass 20 parts
- 7 parts of water,
- trowel for smoothing the surface of concrete,
- shovel for mixing concrete ingredients
- polyethylene film for covering the concrete after concreting is complete,
- tank mixture, and a bucket,
- protective clothing, footwear and gloves.
For mixing concrete good use of a special mixer. The value of its lease is not great. Rental of such a mechanism will save time and will maintain the mixture of concrete in a viscous state.
concrete mixture as the cooking process can be performed independently. Step by step look at the second method:
- Fill a container 9 parts of water.
- Was filled in the water 12 parts of cement.
- Mix until uniform shovel solution.
- Uniformly add into a mixture of 20 parts of sand. Consistency mix well.
- Povederno pour 30 parts gravel and mix until a homogeneous concrete structure. The proportions of the material should be changed to obtain a uniform viscous mixture.
- Concrete is poured into the mold, starting from the top.
- Ramming and leveling concrete with a special trowel.
- Cover concrete polyethylene and allowed to dry. The average length of the concrete has dried for 3-4 weeks. After that you can start to finish with marble stairs.
Facing with marble staircase
marble staircase facing start from the bottom of the stairs. With this method, errors in laying not so noticeable.
To cover the marble staircase, we need:
- marble in the form of steps and podstupennikov,
- grinder for the preparation of the concrete surface to be tiled,
- broom, rags for cleaning concrete,
- primer for marble and alabaster,
- 2-component adhesives for stone and sand concrete,
- rubber mallet for adjusting marble.
Let us step by step process of facing marble staircase:
- Remove ladder formwork using a screwdriver and a hammer.
- Sander level the surface of the concrete.
- Clear the degree of dirt and dust.
- Gruntuem future steps of the marble staircase.
- Placed under the first stage of the finish floor level, in the future, under the stairs could fit the floor.
- Marble laid close to each other starting from the bottom upwards. Alternately put podstupennik and marble stair treads. If the material has a pattern store it during assembly.
- Sizing marble fitted portion between a two-component adhesive for a stone.
- Next fasten marble using gypsum and fill the space peskobeton solution and glue in the ratio of 4 to 1.
Properly laid out podstupennik be above the concrete base by 10 millimeters correctly laid marble stairs equally overhang postupennikom. And have minimal bias towards the riser to dripping from them, which is especially important when the outside stairs.
- Customized stage with a rubber mallet.
- Overwrites the joints of marble plaster matching color.
Facing with marble staircase finished.
Decorating marble staircase
Marble staircase beautifully complement the balusters and handrails made of marble. More economical option is to choose metal counterparts.
A variety of architectural elements make it possible to combine beauty and practicality. Their durability is the same as that of the marble stairs.
Columns and tables, railings and balusters are made to order in all regions of our country.
Complete the ensemble of marble stairs it can be backlit. Light give the room warmth and comfort, and benefits from a tune up on a flat surface of marble. As an option, the bulb can be mounted in the rail. Or embed fixtures in the wall, echoing marble staircase curves.
Tips for installation and operation of the marble staircase:
1. With stairs marble wall, preferably pretreated betonokontaktom concrete.
2. The optimum thickness of the adhesive layer between the concrete and marble of 10 mm. If on the basis of concrete remained uneven, adhesive layer can be increased to 40 mm.
3. Solve the problem of increased slipperiness of marble in several ways:
- lay on marble stair treads carpet;
- aluminum paste profile marble ladder;
- buy marble with embossed shape. The convex shape provides security levels due to friction;
- mount point pads and silicone stickers. But these elements are dangerous clinging to their heels.
4. Avoid yellowing marble can be using for its fastening elements stainless steel.
5. If you are caring for a marble staircase you need to wipe the surface of her steps soft velvet cloth. Of detergents suitable as special paste for stone and neutral. You can not use acid agents in the care of marble. Before using detergent read the instructions thereto.