Wasputka Wetonite: Specifications, Consumption, Reviews and Application Building materials

Washing house is a building material used for internal work. It is suitable for the finish coating of walls, ceilings on objects with a temperature inside to + 10 ° C. In premises with high humidity, this type of putty is not activated. It should not be used to handle seams, aligning floors, as glue.
Washing house: Views
- Cement-based winds - Finishing waterproof composition used for alignment of walls, ceilings on high humidity facilities;
- Overweight BX - finishing waterproof composition based on cement, created for alignment of ceilings, walls in wet rooms, facades;
- finish putty Womens of the Kyrgyz Republic - created for alignment of surfaces in dry rooms;
- the composition of the Old T - used for the processing of ceilings, walls in dry rooms;
- polymer putty WITH UNTUT LR FINA - created for premises with a normal degree of humidity;
- washing on the database of limestone and white cement Womens VH - used for the finish coating of the ceilings, walls of concrete, brick, ceramzibetone, light concrete, plastered surfaces. In addition, it is used to finish the facades and inside the objects;
- polymer putty WITH UNTUT LP + is designed to process surfaces located indoors with normal humidity.
Also today there are special mixtures of the winds used to align the floor - 1000, 1500, 3000, 4000, 5000, 6000.
Finish putty Old: Features
1. This type of building material is used to process walls, ceilings in dry rooms. It is possible to apply it on plaster, drywall, mineral and other smooth surfaces.
2. If the deposition method is used, then the wrath of the winds, the price of which is acceptable, can be applied on porous plates, chip surfaces.
3. Overhead, reviews about which only positive, not suitable for leveling surfaces, it is not recommended to glue a tile on it.
4. This type of putty should not be used in bathrooms and saunas. It can not close the seams between the plates created from the drywall.
5. The surface under putty must be solid, cleaned from dust, oily stains.
Old: Reviews
- thanks to this composition, it is possible to produce a finite (finishing) finish of ceilings, walls, ideally align the surface;
- Wetonite prolongs "life" by any building materials;
- is moisture-resistant;
- it has good adhesion with the base;
- applied almost on any surface types;
- quickly dry dry.
Characteristics of Netonite
- Washing consumption is 1.2 kg / m2 / mm.
- In the process of environmental leveling of the walls, the temperature of the mass treated surface and the room should be from + 10 ° C.
- This building material is recommended to be consumed within a day since its mixing with water.
- The duration of drying the composition of the apartment depends on the air temperature, ventilation indoors, layer thickness.
- By 25 kg of dry mixture, it is necessary about 10.5 liters of water. Drying period - 1-2 days.
Work with putty wind
Before applying putty (to improve adsorbing properties), it is necessary to process the walls (ceiling) using primer. You can manually apply the composition of the wind or using special equipment. The air temperature on the object should be from +10 to + 30 ° C.
For the kneading 25 kg we will need 10.5 liters of fluids. The composition is necessary before the formation of a thick homogeneous mass. Then you need to give it about 15 minutes, and then repeat the mixing again.
Due to the investigation of the exposure and kneading rules, the putty acquires the optimal structure for work.
The finished mixture of the vet is applied by mechanical or manually. After coating the surface of the putty, it is necessary to wait for its full pouring, and then process the sandpaper. After this wall can be covered with paint, wallpaper.
To improve the characteristics of putty in the mass, it is recommended to introduce a solution of the primer of the same series.
After work, the container and the tools must be rinsed under running water.
- if large slots are detected on the surface, then before applying putty, they must be embossed using special compositions;
- after that, the wall is cleared of dust, dirt, and then ground;
- the ground composition is recommended to apply a soft brush, and then give it to dry;
- with partial alignment of walls with a vetonite, a steel spatula 30 cm wide is used;
- if the ceiling is processed by the wind, then after spraying it is left without further processing;
- if the wrapper of the walls is carried out in 2-3 layers, before applying the following must be verified in the fact that the height is previous;
- the finished surface can be treated not only by sandpaper, but also with the help of special grinding paper.