Features and principles of creating a Turkish bath. How to build hammam do it yourself Baths, saunas and pools

Turkish bath is not just a place where you can wash. This is the Palace of Purity for a pleasant stay and restoration of forces. In recent years, a passion for the construction of Turkish baths in country houses and even apartments has appeared. Many people want to reproduce a piece of Turkey in their home about the beautiful country.
- What is hamam
- How is classic hamam
- Bath ceremony Hamam
- Healing properties of the Turkish bath
- How to build hammam yourself
- Choosing a place for the construction of Hamama
- What materials are necessary for the construction of Hamama
- Natural marble
- Smalt
- Ceramic tile
- How are finishing work
- The order of finishing work
- What should be the floor in the Turkish bath
- Features of the ceiling in the Turkish bath
- What are the methods of heating hamam
- Lighting and power supply to Turkish bath
- Sewerage
- Ventilation
- Special Equipment for Turkish Bath
- Accessories for Turkish Hamama
- Design
- Rules of Safe Use Hamama
- Ancient traditions and modern management
- How much is the eastern fairy tale
Opportunities for the construction of Hamam Unlimited: any building materials, elements of decor and the eastern interior, equipment for heating and supplying steam, all this is on sale in a huge assortment. The lack of a large room is also not a problem, even a small shower room can be equipped with a cozy "Hamamchik."
What is hamam
Turkish baths lead their centuries-old history from the ancient Roman couple - Term. The Turkish bath has a beneficial healing effect on the human body. A distinctive feature of the Turkish bath is that the boiling water container is located in a separate room, and the couple enters the steam room for special discharges.
In addition to the steam room and technical block, there is a living room in the Turkish bath. Hamam differs from other types of baths: Russian, Japanese and Finnish sauna with soft microclimate: comfortable temperature, high humidity.
In the Turkish bath, a sparing massage of soap foam is applied and there are no such stress procedures as a contrast downtry, patting brooms, hot steam. Thanks to a soft delicate action, a hamam bath can visit people with diseases of the cardiovascular system.
The whole setting in Hamama: registration of halls, heated floor and sun beds, the supply of warm steam with aromatic oils, diffused light, contributes to the creation of an unusually pleasant atmosphere of a relaxing holiday.
How is classic hamam
The classic eastern bath consists of several rooms located rays around the central hall. In the main hall there is an armchair or a table for massage - GEBEC. In adjoining rooms are located: changing room, technical equipment with steam generator, steam room and recreation room.
In the traditional Turkish bath, as a rule, there are several paired compartments with varying degrees of heating so that visitors can choose for themselves comfortable temperature regime. The principle of the device and the action of the Turkish bath is quite simple: from the surrounding surfaces of the walls, gender and shops are warm and fastened with soft wet steams with flavors.
There are three pools in the classic hamam. The first pool is filled with warm water, the second - neutral and the third is cold.
Turkish baths are distinguished by rich in oriental style: walls and floors from marble, massage tables and sun beds, drunk (washbasins without plum), fountains, all sorts of marble and mosaic panels, spectacular lighting in the form of flickering stars.
Bath ceremony Hamam
The Turkish bath consists of three halls. The first room, "Jamekyan" serves as a locker room. In the pre-tribades, there is a preheating body and preparation for further procedures, the air temperature is maintained here at the level of 30 - 35 degrees of heat.
The next step of the bath ceremony is the pair "Charerett". A pairs of Hamam Steam are occurring, about 45 degrees. Air saturation by steam such that at a distance more than one meter is not visible.
Farmer conducts procedures for cleansing and updating the skin: peeling and soap massage.
Procedures alternate with water wash. For a more pronounced steam effect, saturated with essential oils.
The shape of the Hamama Bannaya hall has similarities with a brush hand: a round platform with a massage table in the center, Chebek-Tashi, resembles a palm, and pair niches are like fingers. In each bath, high humidity and different temperatures are created - from 70 to 100 degrees.
Lastly, go to the room for recreation, "Soguelan", where you can lie down, relax, drink tea.
Healing properties of the Turkish bath
- Pore \u200b\u200bextension, skin breath improvement, its cleansing, moisturizing and rejuvenation.
- Cleansing the body from slags and harmful substances.
- Muscular relaxation and restoration of forces.
- Normalization of the system of respiratory system, prevention and treatment of colds.
- Anesthetic effect.
- Stress removal, sleep improvement.
- Improved digestion.
- Reduction of excess weight.
- Getting rid of cellulite.
How to build hammam yourself
The Turkish Banya Hamam is a wonderful addition to the house, which can be built with your own hands for 1-3 months. The main condition for the creation of Hamam is to take into account the features of the Turkish bath. Hamam differs from the traditional Russian bathrooms not only in oriental style, but also the method of heating and supplying steam.
Chan with boiling water is located in a separate room, and the couple comes on special discharges to the pair compartment.
To obtain a wet, soft and warm steam, which is so famous for Hamam, it is important to avoid mistakes at the design stage and correctly choose the necessary materials and equipment. Turkish baths of our days, of course, differ from their ancient predecessors through the use of modern building materials and automated equipment.
But the general principles of the Hamam device remain the same. Not everyone has a desire and time to go to the public bath. And not everyone has the opportunity to allocate a large area under the construction of a classic hamam with a lot of individual rooms. For this, a whole building with various communications and special conditions of heat and waterproofing would have to be erected.
It is possible and simpler, budget option using low-cost building materials imitating marble available at the price of bath accessories required by the equipment kit. As a rule, private Turkish baths consist of 2-3 rooms. Many homeowners want to have in their own home albeit small, but their steam room in the style of Hamam.
If there are construction and technical skills, and does not frighten the prospect of becoming simultaneously builder, plumbing, electrician and designer, then you can build a chamam of a simple design yourself.
Choosing a place for the construction of Hamama
The structure of Hamama begins with the choice of place. The big advantage of the Turkish bath is the lack of necessity in a separate building. For the placement of the Turkish bath, the buildings of any type are suitable: cottages, apartments, wellness centers, subject to the fulfillment of technical requirements: lifting water supply and sewage, electricity and ventilation.
You should know that you have to equip two rooms. Economical Hamam - pair and utility room. More comfortable hamam - with an extra room for recreation. At the same time, the discharge of significant areas for the bath is not required, so Turkish Hamam can be successfully built even in a small apartment.
In one room, Hamama is the bath itself, there is a technical unit with the necessary equipment: an aroma generator, a cleaning filter, a steam generator for Turkish baths, a light projector, an internal heating system of the surface of the steam steer, landscaps and walls, an independent electric shield.
The size and form of the paired room are fully determined by the owner's preferences. Even tiny storage room can be adapted as a technical department.
The area of \u200b\u200bthe utility room is approximately 1m 2. It is desirable that the technical premises are nearby from the main room. If there is no such possibility, then no further 15 meters. When choosing a place to arrange a Turkish bath, it should be considered that after finishing works, the internal dimensions of the room will decrease by 15 cm.
What materials are necessary for the construction of Hamama
Building stores offer a wide selection of special materials for creating Hamama. Unlike the Russian bath, the wood is never used in Turkish Hamam, only stone and metal.
General requirements for materials for Turkish baths: High strength of structures, thermo- and moisture resistance.
Natural marble
An ideal choice for finishing Hamam is marble. Natural marble from ancient times is the main material for cladding walls and layers.
It is pleasant to the touch, long holds heat, allows you to reduce sharp temperature differences, is distinguished by durability, emphasizes the status of the owner of the house. The only drawback is high cost. Comparison for the price, but superior heat capacity is considered talco chlorite. Excellent replacement of natural stone expensive rocks is a glass mosaic and ceramic tile.
For finishing, Hamam is often used by smalt. This is a small multi-colored glass mosaic of more than 80 shades, which make up beautiful and original paintings with oriental ornament. It is very decorative, possesses the property of the inner glow, creates color overflows.
Smalt is released in the form of plates or tiles of different sizes from 1cm 2 up to 5cm 2. It happens rough, transparent, smooth and matte.
Put the smalt and flat and surface curves. Smalt is a dense, non-porous material, with virtually zero water absorption. It is frost resistant and heat-resistant. It is especially famous for the Italian smalt from Venetian glass.
The laid out of the patterns of smalt is quite painting work, but the result is worth it. In addition, now there are modern materials in the form of ready-made mosaic panels, which greatly facilitates such a finish.
Ceramic tile
Ceramic tile is the most affordable and easy-to-use finishing material for Turkish baths. Currently, the tile successfully competes with other materials for Hamam, making up an alternative to mramor and smalt. Ceramic tile - the usual material, many can lay it. A wide variety of decor and sizes of tile allows you to create a very beautiful interior, get the most intricate forms and makes it possible to build inexpensive and perfectly acting Turkish Hamam with your own hands.
How are finishing work
Construction of Turkish Hamam requires particularly thorough finishes, which must meet the main requirements - high-quality thermal insulation and waterproofing of the room.
List of construction work:
- installation of thermal insulation;
- installation of waterproofing;
- laying reflective vaporizolation;
- carrying out all communications;
- finishing plaster and laying screed;
- finish waterproofing;
- facing floor, walls, tables and sun beds with ceramic tiles, mosaic, marble and other materials.
During construction works in Hamam, the thickness of the walls and floor is approximately 70 - 100 mm due to the installation of the insulation, the installation of reflective thermal insulation, waterproofing of surfaces, conducting a water or electric heating system, applying a layer of leveling plaster or screed, finishing waterproofing, trimmed materials.
The order of finishing work
Stone decoration for Hamama with applying a plaster layer, in order to provide additional waterproofing. Next, thermal insulation are carried out: covered with a special insulation on adhesive basis. Then mount the reinforcement frame to which the road and plaster mesh are fixed with a certain interval. The frame is used to install the heating system of walls, gender and laying.
Another way to build a Turkish bath has been developed, in which the power frame is made of special polystyrene foamed panels. Now it is a very popular material for the construction of Hamama. High strength polystyrene is used, on a density compared with wood. Forms and ways to use such panels are very diverse. From this material make not only the walls of Hamama, but also curved sun beds and the ceiling dome, carries out the fonts, eaves, pallets and even columns and podiums. Foamed polystyrene - environmentally friendly material with a long service life.
Such panels create complete sound, hydro and heat insulation of the steam room and do not need additional processing. When finished with steamy foamed panels, the air is warmed faster, the load on overlappings is reduced, the deadlines for the construction of Hamam are significantly reduced, but financial costs increase.
In this technology, foreign production materials are used: WEDI, DOIT, LUXELEMENT panel. On top of the panels from the foamed polystyrene, the thermal contour from plastic pipes is installed and then the steel grid. Next is applied a plaster layer for finishing the room.
What should be the floor in the Turkish bath
The floor in the bathhouse is necessarily equipped with a heating system and comply with a small slope for a reliable water drain.
A locking device is mounted in the drain drain, which prevents the penetration of unpleasant odors from the sewage system. The floor in the Turkish bath consists of two layers of a cement-sand tie with waterproofing between them. The finishing floor covering is performed by marble or ceramic tiles, smalt.
Features of the ceiling in the Turkish bath
The ceiling steam room in Hamam is often built in the form of a dome. The height of the room should be at least 2.5 m. The dome is not just an original stylistic solution or tribute to Eastern exotic, but also a structural reception having quite practical significance. Due to the dome-shaped form, the pairs climbing the pair during condensation does not eat from the ceiling down, and flows from the gestures of the walls along the walls. An unusual ceiling shape somewhat complicates construction.
Other, less expensive than the dome, options for ceiling structures are possible: arched, vaulted and any other form, except flat. In the architectural design of Turkish Hamam, columns often use.
What are the methods of heating hamam
In the modern interpretation of the Turkish bath, the temperature and humidity are created due to the internal heating of the room. Heat comes from heated walls, gender, laying. Couples starts steam generator.
Depending on the selected method of heating, installation is made in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations and provide for the heating of all surfaces of the steam room: floor, walls, tables, shops.
There are two types of heating of the Turkish bath - water and electric heating. Electric heating is organized similarly to the "warm floor" system, when electric heating elements are paved under the surfaces. In operational characteristics and material costs, water heating is better and more profitable. Regardless of the selected type of heating, Hamama heating must be separate.
If an autonomous heating system is installed in the country house, it is recommended to provide an additional contour for Hamam, so that it is not necessary to specifically include a dignitary heating only for heating steam room. The construction of a Turkish bath with water heating involves laying in the floor, walls and layers of the network of plumbing pipes of a small diameter with constantly circulating hot water. In the technical department there are a small boiler with electric heating. There is a layout of several contours of metal-plastic pipes, which are packed under the surfaces of the floor, walls and seats.
It is recommended to maintain a constant temperature in Hamam steam room, at least 30s. Six hours before the bath procedure, the heating temperature of 45 ° C is installed on the sensors. Adjust the surface temperature of the surfaces is easier during water heating.
Lighting and power supply to Turkish bath
Due to high humidity in the steam room, the lighting requires an attentive relationship and compliance with precautions. For security reasons, moisture-proof low-voltage luminaires with voltage no more than 24V and the degree of protection is not less than IP 65, designed to illuminate the pools.
The dotted lighting system "Starry Sky" is very refined, which is embedded on the ceiling and consists of optical fiber lamps. Lighting is one of the main techniques for design of the Turkish bath. Thanks to the thoughtful selection and placement of the lamps, a feeling of an eastern fairy tale is created.
The sewage system in Turkish Hamam is equipped with a ladder with a locking device so that unpleasant odors do not penetrate into the bathroom. Kurn (bowl for ablution from marble) does not have drain into sewage. The sewer system of Bani Hamam is connected to the general one.
The presence of ventilation exhaust is a prerequisite for the construction of Hamama. For a comfortable stay in the steam room, where humidity reaches 100%, the air update is required every 10 minutes. The steam generator regularly lifts into the room of the pairs, which turns into condensate. If you build ventilation into a common cycle with other rooms at home, then water will be condensed in the ventilation system and can form leaks in residential rooms. Therefore, if there is an extensive use of the bath, more than 2 hours, the ventilation is connected to the general system, a steam separator is installed to dry out wet air.
Adjustable ventilation valve, as a rule, is on the ceiling and always open.
Special Equipment for Turkish Bath
The success of the conversion of the ordinary room of the country house to the eastern corner depends not only on the proper selection of building materials, but also additional technical equipment.
Steam generator
The main device from the equipment of the Turkish bath is considered a steam generator.
The Hamam Turkish bath is characterized by high humidity, which is supported using the steam generator. The power of the device is selected, focusing on the size of the bathroom. The steam generator is equipped with a thermal sensor that regulates steam stamp. If the air temperature in the steam room exceeds 55 degrees, then the steam supply to the pair compartment is blocked. Therefore, so that the pairs go uninterrupted, and the steam generator did not disconnect, the internal heating system is designed and collected with the calculation of the temperature of the air no more than 40-50 degrees. The steam generator is placed in the technical compartment, and the steam generator control panel is at the entrance to the bath, the pair is installed in the steam room with indicators of the actual air temperature. Steam nozzle is in the bath under the bench.
On the remote, there is an internal illumination button and a block for setting the temperature with two keys. The steam generator is connected to the central water supply and electrical network. It is strictly forbidden to water the device with water and cover with a wet towel ..
On the domestic market of steam generators, mainly presented products of the Swedish company TYLO and the Finnish company Helo, Harvia.
The steam generator is included 1-1.5 hours before the start of bath procedures.
The latest patterns of steam generators are equipped with an automatic flushing and drain system, so you should not turn off the device from the voltage and overlapping the water supply tap.
Some of the last models of steam generators are equipped with self-cleaning electrodes.
An unforgettable sensation gives the use during bath procedures aromatic essential oils. Many of them have a healing effect. For spraying various phytoessentials, the installation of an automatic aromatherapy system is used. The flavoring is a matte flask made of stainless metal with a fan, wick and remote control. All bottles with aromatic oils are replaceable and represented by a wide range of phytoessentials.
How to build a Turkish hamam video
Accessories for Turkish Hamama
Despite the rich Eastern decoration, there is nothing superfluous in Hamam: each object and architectural element is functional.
Couple comes from under the benches equipped with special scattering nozzles. Since being in Hamam is caused by an enhanced sweating, the water source is provided directly inside the steam room - Kurn, a wiping bowl for ablution that has no drain.
Kurn is not only a traditional decorative element, incense is prepared in it and a special soap massage solution. Usually, they are drunk made from marble. Beautiful copper cranes with hot and cold water made in an old oriental style are connected to Kurna. Sometimes in the steam area, the shower "tropical shower" is installed, creating a rich uniform flow of water and then you can wash, without leaving the steam.
In the doorway, the door is installed from heat-resistant tempered glass with a magnetic seal of the gun. An important condition for the door design is the presence of a gap under glass.
Massage table and laying
After installing the curren, extinguish shops and a massage table according to the size specified in the project. The massage table and benches are usually constructed from bricks. It is necessarily provided for their heating. The surface area of \u200b\u200bthe table may be different: from the classic, allowing you to place several people to a narrow, calculated per person.
Table height 80 cm for easy operation of a massage therapist. The last stage is a facing of a mosaic, marble or ceramic tiles. For trimming of sun beds, seats and massage tables, bunny experts recommend that natural marble preferred. Marble quickly heats up and more durable.
In order for the hammam to be designed in real oriental style, the floor and the ceiling are decorated with mosaic, decorative panels and paintings from ceramics with traditional ornaments. For wall cladding, both marble tiles and multi-colored mosaic are used.
Registration of the interior of the Turkish bath is determined by the taste preferences of the owner and the fantasy of the designer.
Rules of Safe Use Hamama
- Sun beds, seats, walls and gears are heated to a comfortable, pleasant body, temperature.
- For electrical wiring, thermal and moisture-resistant electrocabel use.
- For highlighting Hamam, on walls and ceiling, special lamps are fixed with reduced voltage and moisture protection, and heat-resistant function.
- The sewer in Turkish Hamam is equipped with a check valve from smell penetration.
- Heating Hamama is included a few hours before using the parillery and program the air temperature level of 45-50 degrees.
- The steam generator is included 1.5-2 hours before the starting ceremony. After completing the procedures, it is not disconnected from the network to work the automatic flushing system. Machine for washing through the sprinkler splashes the disinfectant.
- After completing the use of baths, clean the use of detergents.
- Double per year, a prophylactic inspection of technical equipment and clean the steam generator.
Ancient traditions and modern management
Managing the technical equipment of the Turkish bath is becoming increasingly automated. To do this, it is enough to program the desired work mode and the automation will do everything itself: heated and maintain a specified temperature, feed steam, adjust ventilation. There is even automatic disinfection and washing the bath.
How much is the eastern fairy tale
It is difficult to say how much it costs to build a hammam. The cost of construction depends on many factors: the cabbage of the room, materials used and equipment, construction and installation work. It should be started with the choice of a place for Turkish Hamam, consult with specialists, see the prices on the sites of various firms that produce building materials and equipment for Turkish baths, and then decide on the amount.
Visit to the Turkish bath is a real holiday for the soul and body. Washing, massage and conversations for tea in Hamam help to distract from everyday routine affairs, restore physical strength and mental balance. Built in his own house and with their own hands, Hamam will be a favorite corner for the whole family and a pleasant surprise for guests.