Garage Ventilation with your own hands Climate

The car is a good friend not only a motorist, but also his family, but about friends, as you know, it is necessary to care. Building or buying a garage for a car is just half an end. The organization in the Garage "Right" ventilation is the end result.
Characteristics of ventilation systems
When storing a car in the garage without an equipped ventilation system, its service life decreases at times. In this case, it's easier and more efficient to keep the car on the street. In the garage, the car does not steal, but he "rotates." Excellenize the situation of exhaust gases. They contain carbon monoxide, nitrogen and heavy metals, which act as an aggressive environment for the car. Carbon monoxide gases are dangerous for human life. The improvement of the ventilation system in the garage is a simple process to ensure reliable and long storage of the car and the safe stay in it by the motorist.
Ventilation systems are classified by several features:
- By way of prompting:
- natural;
- forced.
- By destination:
- exhaust;
- inlet.
- According to constructive execution.
- On the organization of air exchange.
- By multiplicity of air exchange.
The ventilation system removes air with exhaust gases, reduces the humidity of the room, creates air mobility in the garage.
Natural ventilation garage
Natural ventilation is the easiest way to organize ventilation, which requires minimal costs. Distinguish between organized and unorganized natural ventilation.
With an inorganized system, the air flows or pulls through all the slots and holes. Organized ventilation system or aeration provides for the arrangement of special holes for the organization of air exchange.
When organizing natural ventilation it is necessary to remember that the effectiveness of such a system will depend on the large number of external unmanaged factors:
- outdoor temperature;
- roses winds;
- wind pressure;
- the pressure difference between the supply and exhaust holes;
- humidity of outdoor air.
Deflectors are installed for improving such a system on the exhaust pipe.
The natural ventilation system will effectively work in the cold season, worse - in the summer. For more efficient ventilation, a combined ventilation system is used.
With the arrangement of natural ventilation, plastic sewer or asbestos-cement pipes are used as exhaust air ducts. When calculating, take 1 m2 of the garage of 15 mm pipe diameter. For example, for a garage 4 * 6, with a total area of \u200b\u200b24 m2 you need to use a pipe with a diameter of 360 mm or a larger diameter, it will only improve the ventilation system.
The supply grilles can be made at the garage gate and knock out the technological holes in the wall. The calculation of the supply holes must be carried out from the relation: the cross-sectional area of \u200b\u200bthe inflow is 3-4 times the area of \u200b\u200bexhaust pipelines.
Combined ventilation garage
The combined ventilation system provides for the presence of one, mostly exhaust, fan. Thanks to mechanical motivation, the system will not depend on external weather conditions. The fan is selected depending on the size of the garage and the amount of cars in the garage. The system provides excellent ventilation, cheap and easy to install, requires minimal operation costs. Fan power for small garages (6x4m) - no more than 300 watts.
The main disadvantage of the ventilation system with one fan will cool the garage in the winter time. With the correct selection of the fan, the air in the garage will change 3-4 times in one hour. This will significantly reduce the air temperature in the garage, which will also negatively affect the storage conditions of the car and work in the garage.
Self-known systems can be used to save money:
Mechanical ventilation garage
The highest quality and technological is the mechanical ventilation of the garage. At the same time, she is the most expensive. For a device of a mechanical ventilation system, ready-made technical solutions are used - supply-exhaust systems.
Supply-exhaust system is equipped:
- dampers - to regulate the amount of air supply;
- air filter - in the supply channel for cleaning the outer air (filter can be mounted and in exhaust to clean the exhaust air);
- heat recuperator - for heating outdoor air in the winter time;
- heating element - electric tan or water heat exchanger.
When using such a system, you can be confident in high-quality garage ventilation. System maintenance is best trusted by a specialist.
In order to save funds to buy a ready-made solution for the ventilation system, type set systems are used, they are inferior to the reliability of ready-made solutions, but perfectly copble with their tasks.
Calculation of the ventilation system
In accordance with SNiP 21-02-99 "Parking of cars", the temperature in the garage in the winter should be at least 5 ° C, and the multiplicity of air exchange should be at 4-6 times. For a hundred or auto repair, multiplicity is 20-30 times.
The easiest to calculate the number of necessary air can be made by the formula:
Q \u003d V * N
Where q is the amount of the necessary air, V is the volume of the garage (length * width * height) of the radiation of the air exchange.
The amount of air calculated by this formula is completely enough for high-quality ventilation of the garage. If a basement is located under the garage, the volume of the basement should be added to the volume of the garage.