Decoration arches with decorative stone Walls

In recent years, the arches decoration with decorative stone is becoming increasingly. This material not only makes the room with no other, but also creates comfort in it and space. If there are materials, the masonry can be performed with your own hands.
Benefits of material
Decorative stone so often use in construction, because it has a number of benefits:
- working with him is becoming easier, thanks to a small weight and correct forms;
- environmentally friendly material;
- corrosion, fungus, rot and other pests are not dangerous;
- easy care: it is enough to wash the stone to detergent;
- large color range;
- different design style options (under ancient or modern);
- reliability.
Tools for work
Before the laying, you need to prepare a tool:
- cutting machine;
- construction mixer;
- putty knife;
- level;
- bucket;
- metal brush;
- painting brush; Rubber mystery;
- roulette;
- trowel;
- spray;
- syringe for thicker work;
- wedges of wood or plastic;
- glue;
- grout;
- primer.
When buying glue, you need to carefully read the instructions, as under each type of decorative stone you need to select your grade of glue, since the material has a different weight. This moment is especially important for stones that glue on the arch, they will influence the strength of attraction, so that the glue brand plays an important role. When choosing glue, the room temperature is also taken into account.
Preparation of the surface and selection of decorative stone
Laying Arches with decorative stone begins with surface preparation:
- remove on the basis of the old blame, wallpaper or paint;
- align the walls using the spacure and spatula;
- it will apply a primer on the wall and the arch, so the finish will be kept strong, due to the fastening of small particles of the wall.
The store you can choose a primer for all types of surface. If the walls are concrete, they need to be treated with adhesive soil.
Before laying an arc with a decorative stone, you need to revise the material:
- open packing with stones and mix;
- spread the stones on the floor:
- pick together individual stones so that their joint position looked the most advantageous. You can divide the colors overflowing stones, and combine short elements with long so that all the masonry looks together naturally;
- turn over the tile on the back side and see if there is a foam layer on it, which greatly worsens adhesion, and the tile will simply do not hold on;
- clean the reverse side of the tile from the foam layer using a metal brush.
The rules for applying glue
Before putting the arch with a decorative stone, read the instructions and according to it to spread glue in the bucket, and thoroughly mix the liquid with the help of a building mixer to obtain a homogeneous mixture. And then run the work:
- using the spatula, apply the glue layer on the wall in the place where the tile will be installed;
- on the reverse side of the stone also apply a layer of glue using a spatula. Note that the glue layer should not be thicker than 1 cm if you make a thick layer of adhesive mass, then the stone simply slips on the wall;
It is necessary to apply glue to the whole side of the stone so that there are no voids that can lead to the appearance of condensate inside the masonry. The same concerns the wall, the layer should be uniform.
Laying of decorative stone
After you apply glue on the wall and stone, proceed to the laying:
- carefully attach a stone to the selected place and press it gently;
- attach the construction level and Cyanka align the stone;
- slightly shift the stone from the side to the side to achieve dense fit to the wall;
- to check the quality of the masonry, while installing lightly tune the handle from the screwdriver along the surface of the stone. Thus, you can find out if there is inside the emptiness. After their detection, you need to remove the stone, clean the glue, and re-repeat the work;
- cold on the stones of the Cyonya and, if the glue came out, then carefully remove it with a spatula. The glue that appeared on the ends of the stone does not need to be removed, it will help to achieve a better adhesion of decorative material with a wall and with each other.
Builders distinguish between two types of cladding decorative stone Arches:
- With the extender.
- Without seams.
Work with seams
Swipping seams are carried out with a syringe on the gaps between the decorative stone:
- Fill the syringe with a grout solution.
- Slowly put pressure on the syringe, gently filling the seams between the stones.
- The seam needs to be filling with a solution so that it is reduced by 4 mm from the outer edge of the stone. In this case, the relief of the masonry will be pronounced.
- For the smoothed masonry texture, you need to fill the seam by grouting at one level with the front side of the tile or stone.
- After half an hour after applying the grout when the solution starts to stick, you need to smooth off the seam using a spatula or a special shovel for the box.
Grouts are different species, there are those that mimic the texture and color of the present solution. You can pick up the grout of different colors, if the designer is so conceived.
Processing chip
How to separate the arch with a decorative stone, but at the same time the walls themselves do not affect? Stone must be cut to the desired size. But if the edge of the stone remains smoothly at the junction, then such a wall will not look quite natural. In order for the arch looked advantageously, it is necessary that the stones around the edges had different chips. It can be done in this way: first to mark the outline of the future chick with a knife, and then excessively bite off with pliers. Immediately around the edge of the mark, it is not necessary to bite the stone, you need to start with small pieces, otherwise the stone can be broken where it is necessary. It is possible to fix the chip using a file to give the chuck smoothness, you need to handle its sandpaper. But chips can not be smoothed, if such is the idea of \u200b\u200bthe designer. View options for decoration Arches with decorative stone can be in the photo.
Arch decoration
If, after the end of the masonry, the arches from the decorative stone remained small defects, they can be hidden using an airbrush. The mixture for an airbrush consists of a calorous paste, water and acrylic varnish. When applying a spraying, the airbrush must be kept under the arc relative to the arch. Color of spraying need to choose a few shades darker than a stone. To obtain an unusual effect in a mixture for spraying, pigments are added, most often gold or bronze. You need to use such a coating around the entire arch, but only from the ends of the stone. In conventional lighting, the shine will not be noticeable, but when the straight rays of the sun fall on it, the stone will flash out the natural flowers.
To protect the stone from rubbing, the masonry needs to be treated with acrylic varnish. It is possible to apply it with the help of kraskopultum or airbrush.
Caring for arch of decorative stone
When the question arises about the choice of finishing material, simplicity and ease of care for it plays an important role during operation. When applying a decorative stone for the arch, the ease of care for it becomes its advantage. For the arches inside the house, the material is usually used on a plaster basis, it is immediately ready for laying and does not need further processing. And in resistance to moisture and environmental friendliness, rarely which material is comparable to the gypsum.
If the stone put on the wall, then the care for it is about the same as for the wallpaper. Basic care options:
- cleaning a broom;
- cleaning with a vacuum cleaner;
- wet cleaning using a pulverizer. In this case, you need to evenly apply liquid over the entire surface of the material. Water will gather dust and stalk down, it will only wipe the floor.
If the arch is in places where dirt or fat can fall on it, for example, in the kitchen, then there is a meaning in a wet cleaning. It will take a sponge and cleaning agent. In such places, the stone is covered with varnish and processed by primer. By the way, the dust is more noticeable on dark glossy stones than in bright. This moment should also be considered by choosing the material.
The arches that are installed in the open sky makes sense to treat hydrophobic composition. It will prolong the service life of the stone and will well affect its appearance. Also give the stone additional properties:
- protects the arch from the rain and the melting snow;
- the absorption of moisture material is reduced;
- the material becomes resistant to corrosion, to the sun rays, and remains vapor permanent.
If still the stone was damaged, it can always be carefully removed and replaced new.
Learn more about the arches decorative decorative stone can be viewed on video.