Dismantling walls in the apartment Walls

Now, more and more often in their apartments, people try to make redevelopment. Perhaps this is a tribute to fashion or a desire to have more space and maximum comfort. Regardless of the reason to redeem the apartment, it is necessary to carry one or more walls.
Disassembly of walls - the task is not from the lungs and requires certain skills and knowledge. With a great desire to dismantle the walls in the apartment can be independently. This will save a family budget and spend these funds for redecoration.
You can argue with a folk proverb: "Breaking it easier to build," since dismantling concrete walls or bricks - the process is very laborious. In addition, work will take a lot of time, and the apartment will be very dusty and noisy. Therefore, if it does not scare you, then you can safely begin to work. But before taking into the hands of a hammer or another tool to dismantle the wall, the room should be prepared.
About the project
Due to the fact that the demolition of the wall is performed in order to improve the planning of the apartment, it is necessary to immediately determine how the interior of your home is after the repair work. With this task you will help to handle specialists, and perhaps you will do it yourself.
Take the leaf of white paper and pencil - draw the future layout of your home. Decide what wall to dismantle. Let's start designing a project and get a document on the demolition of the walls. This is an important condition - because not all walls are allowed to dismantle yourself.
There are such types of walls:
- Carriers.
- Basic (partitions).
The carrier wall is an integral element of the building design. The main wall is a support for the ceiling overlap, so dismantling the bearing wall is prohibited. If this rule fails, you can destroy the entire building or its most. If you find it difficult to designate a carriage wall - invite construction specialists.
If the wall is not carrier - then it is called the usual partition. Most often in apartment buildings partitions are made of bricks. Dismantling of brick walls will not lead to the destruction of the building, because the redistribution of the load will not be.
What walls can be dismantled
Can be demolished with walls made of materials:
- brick;
- stone;
- concrete;
- tree;
- foam block;
- plasterboard.
For each wall there is its own demolition rate. So, to perform dismantling of wooden walls, it is necessary to make less effort than when dismantling the monolithic wall.
If it is difficult for you to determine what material is your wall, please contact professionals for advice or dismantle part of the wall. Then you will see what material is your wall and decide on the nature of the work. The intercountry and interroom partition (wall) has a small thickness and normally is 380 mm.
Preparatory work
After permission to redecessing the apartment, you must prepare the room and disable all communications.
You should not function:
- heating;
- gas pipeline;
- plumbing (cold and hot water supply);
- sewage;
- radio and television antenna;
- electricity.
In addition to turning off all communications, you need to take care of where you will fold the construction trash. Usually, durable building bags are used for such purposes.
In addition, it is necessary to know that repair work can be carried out from nine in the morning to seven pm on weekdays. On weekends, noise and include devices that create vibration are prohibited.
In order for you during the repair work, you did not have conflicts with neighbors, you should notify them about your actions and, perhaps you have to go for certain concessions and interrupt work, for example, for the time of day sleep child.
What instruments need
Depending on what kind of wall is subject to dismantling, you need to prepare a specific set of tools.
For example, to dismantle the wall in the bathroom, which, as a rule, is posted out of the brick, you will need:
- scrap and kirk;
- chisel;
- jackhammer;
- wedges (steel);
- hammer or sledgehammer.
Wooden wall can be dismantled with chainsaws (replacement of a jackhammer).
The concrete partition is best broken by such a set of tools:
- bulgarian;
- perforator;
- jackhammer.
Such a set of serious tools is necessary because inside the concrete wall there is a metal frame, so Bulgarian will need to remove the reinforcement.
How to dismantle the wall
All cookings behind and can be started to work. If you still decided to remove the bearing wall and you have all the necessary documents - you can start dismantling. But before that, once again, well, think about the main wall after dismantling the load will be distributed - it is possible to perform a partial dismantling and leave the opening in the wall, which will rely, for example, on columns.
And now imagine a cardboard box and how you will dismantle an unnecessary wall - if you guide the principle of cutting part of the cardboard box - it is incorrect. If you remove the wall around the perimeter, then the middle part of the wall (if it is concrete or brick) fell on the floor, and this is hundreds of kilograms! After such a dismantling, remove the entire construction garbage will be very problematic. Therefore, you need to learn an important rule: to dismantle the wall is impossible for a large piece!
Rules for dismantling brick wall:
- First, the walls are gradually knocked in bricks.
- If there is a doorway on the site to be demolished, then first remove the door jumper ("straw"), and then gradually move from the edge of the doorway to the side and up.
- To work with a brick wall, it is enough to have one main tool - a sledgehammer. You need to start the wall from the ceiling and gradually move down - to the floor.
- Bricks in the wall will begin to collapse and cracks will appear - the brick will fall out himself.
How to remove partitions in the apartment
There are several techniques, with the help of the dismantling of partitions indoors:
- It is necessary to break the wall in parts. First, it is necessary to determine the size and weight of the extracted piece. If it is a brick or concrete, then more than ten kilograms will not work. When working, use a disc on concrete and a grinder - with such assistants it will be easier to "cut" the wall of concrete. To make it easier to work, make marker markup on the wall. For it, you can gradually cut off the wall. This method is almost silent, but it is very dusty.
- Demolition of the wall by the method of loafing. For these purposes, it is necessary to use a perforator and a special chisel. When working with a hammer, make sure not to damage the adjacent walls and everything that is located around. This is a quick way, but at the same time neakkurat and too noisy.
- Drive small holes in the wall using a drill or perforator. This method is often used by professionals. First, the lines sharing the wall to certain sections are scheduled, and then the holes that must be located close to each other are drilled. After that, the drilled piece is taken out by a chisel or hammer. Important Council: When the wall is already drilled, it is necessary to obstruct those places that are planned to be removed.
When demolishing the walls of brick or concrete, the surface must be sprayed with water (as often as possible and more abundant) to avoid dust sedimentation. In addition, it is possible to use a cut of a dense unnecessary fabric, which should be moistened in water and take the room in which the wall disassembly will be made. Thus, you can avoid dusting other rooms.
Dismantling of the walls of foam blocks
Foamclock - universal and affordable material in modern construction. Blocks easily fit, possess good heat and sound insulation properties. Often, the inner partitions in the premises are built from foam blocks, and the walls of buildings are built.
Foam blocks are made from affordable building material - foam concrete (cellular concrete). Blocks for the construction of walls are convenient in work - they are sufficiently light and economical. The material is easily cut, it is cut and dried with a manual or electric drill.
Foci be fastened with a special glue. Metal fittings can be held in the wall to enhance the design in the wall.
The demolition of the wall of foam blocks, on which there are no plinths and sockets, can be performed using such tools:
- hammer;
- sledgeVolds;
- saws;
- bulgarian.
First, with the help of construction tools, the upper layer (plaster or putty) is removed, and the slices of foam blocks are knocked out with a hammer or sledge hammer. Dismantling such a wall is easy. All the garbage formed in the room is thrown into the garbage containers near the house it is impossible. Therefore, it is necessary to split foam blocks into small pieces and put into dense building bags, which then take out to the landfill.
Dismantling of plasterboard walls
In modern homes, which are built after the nineties, there are quite often partitions from drywall. Since this building material is universal, it is easy to dismantle.
- After drywall, there may be a lot of dust and dirt, so the extra things from the room is better removed, as well as cover the furniture.
- When demolishing the walls of drywall - the floor is not deformed, but it can be strongly polluted. Therefore, it is necessary to bother in advance about its protection. The floor can be covered with a linen or other protective coating.
- The wall of the drywall, which is subject to deformation, must be cleaned from paintings, lamps and other decor elements, remove the doors and remove the wiring.
The demolition of the walls of plasterboard can be performed in different ways, given the type of partitions. They can consist of a metal frame or plaster plates.
Depending on this, a convenient way of dismantling is selected:
- first you need to find the screws in the wall and carefully reach them in the wall. Then the casing is removed and the framework of the framework. This method should be applied when the partition is made of facing sheets. The advantages of this method are that sheets and frames can be reused and build a partition in the right place. From the flaws can be noted - not every person who performs disassembly independently, wants to spend time on a neat dismantling of the wall;
- at the shock method, it is necessary to have a screwdriver: a hammer and a sledgehammer. With this method of demolishing the wall reuse the material will not work. This method is considered the fastest;
- diamond sharp can be disassembling the wall (from any material) in just half an hour. But this method is considered the most expensive, because the diamond cutter is expensive and requires certain knowledge and skills in the work. Such a method can be applied if you need to make a smooth opening in the wall.
The photo shows the diamond drilling of concrete blocks.
How to disassemble walls, look at the video: