Modern living room with fireplace: design options Useful advice,Interior items

Living rightly be called the most important room of the house, because that is where we are resting after the working day, communicate with family, spend their leisure time and meet people. Professionally Decorated similar space should be given enough attention by making recreation area comfortable and cozy. Beautiful fireplace can become the centerpiece of the room, next to it, you can gather the whole family, talk, watch TV, read books or just have a good time. About the features and design options living room with fireplace, we will cover in this article.
The main advantages of the room with a fireplace
Let's look at what is so good this design element:
- Desire to gather near the fire dictated by human nature, since time immemorial did our ancient ancestors, so still like to do modern people. Fire is associated with heat and light, so the fireplace is able to give any special interior comfort.
- Fireplace can truly be considered a "highlight" in the design of the room, a central design element. Entering the room, the first thing people will notice it on the fireplace.
- This fireplace can perform not only decorative, but also practical functions. First, it will provide room with extra warmth in the cold winter months. Secondly, the soft line of fire will allow to pay off lamps, and at the same time not to stay in complete darkness. In such a case, the flickering of the flame will replace lighting from a small lamp. Thirdly, if you equip the fireplace with a wide upper shelf, it can be used to store statuettes, frames with photos, souvenirs, etc.
Varieties of fireplaces
Previously, the fireplaces were the privilege of only private houses, since the creation of such a design in the apartment was considered almost impossible. But, fortunately, over time, options for fireplaces that can be installed even in small apartments are invented. For more information about various types of fireplaces, we will describe below:
- The wood fireplace is considered the oldest, one can say a classic design variety. In a private house, the living room with the fireplace is not so rare. Very often a wood fireplace is used not only as a design part, but also for partial heating of the room. Firewood cracking in flame - symbol of comfort, heat and comfort. Next to such a design should be equipped with a special place where lamps and special devices needed to use the fireplace will be launched. The wood fireplace will perfectly fit into the design of the living room if you perform its finish in accordance with the common room style.
- Electric fireplace - the perfect solution for owners of apartments in high-rise buildings. The electric fireplace in the interior of the living room takes less space, it looks more compact. Next to him there is no need to equip the woodcut, but also the fire, in turn, only creates the appearance of a real flame. Electrical design has a number of advantages: it looks neat and aesthetically simple to use, relatively safe. Among other things, the electrocamine is also able to play the role of a small heater, the heat of which is quite enough for a small apartment area.
- The false fireplace is essentially a fireplace as such. This is just imitation of the fireplace portal, not intended for the breeding of the real fire. Use false fireplaces in the living room of apartments that have a very small area. At its cost, such a design is considered the cheapest option. The portal can easily perform their own hand, using a wide variety of materials. Inside such a fireplace sometimes have candles, photos, floral compositions. It looks quite effectively a mirror attached to the wall and the corresponding size of the portal itself. If you have lit candles in front of such a mirror, their radiance will be reflected from the glass surface, placing a room with a soft pleasant glow.
- The gas fireplace also makes it possible to enjoy the type of real fire, only instead of firewood in such a design, combustion is carried out due to the incoming gas. For the gas fireplace there is no need to store firewood, equip a special place for the woodnress. In addition, such a design also works fine room.
Classification of fireplaces by type of location
By type of location, these structures are divided into such types:
- Island fireplace. It is located in the central part of the room and is considered the most practical option, since all his warmth such a fireplace gives the room.
- Wailed fireplace adjacent to one of the walls of the room. Such a wall can be both the inner partition and the outer wall of the house. In the latter case, heat from burning fire can partially go out into the street, so if you want to use a fireplace not only for beauty, but also for heating, it is better to abandon such an option.
- Built-in fireplace is an ideal solution for small rooms. The design is embedded in a wall niche or mounted in the column, in connection with which the fireplace practically does not take excess space in the room.
- The corner fireplace is also considered to be a compact construction. A small living room with an angular fireplace will look comfortable and original, and the design itself will not shock an excess space.
Design living room with fireplace
Styles Kaminov
So that this design attached to the interior special charm, looked organically and did not look ridiculous, it should correspond to the overall stylistic orientation of the interior. Fortunately, the wide variety of fireplaces styles allows each wishes to choose a design to their taste. Consider more in which styles are made fireplaces:
- Country style. The fireplace of a similar type looks natural, a little rude. In such an design, simple wood is often used, and most often it retains its natural look. Forged elements from dark metal successfully complement the overall stylist of the village fireplace.
- Minimalist style should be used only when the entire room has the appropriate design. Minimalism provides modesty and simplicity, the absence of any unnecessary parts. The focus in such a fireplace is made only on fire - it is the flame that attracts all the attention. It should be borne in mind that traditional, classical interiors, as well as country style interiors do not need to decorate a similar detail.
- A wood-burning oven is a special form of a fireplace that looks rather original and colorful. Use this item is best in the kitchen of Victorian or Rustic Style.
- Fireplace with a mosaic facade - a great way to learn the basic style design style. It looks like this element in the interior is unusual, interesting and elegant, and you can apply a mosaic facade in relation to many styles.
- The fireplace with wooden walls will perfectly fit not only in the country interior, but also in the modern room of a laconic style. Wood creates a special atmosphere of comfort, warmth, homemade hearth.
- A fireplace with a stone facade is suitable for classic interiors, but such a detail can be quite successfully integrated into other styles, if you show fantasy and properly skill.
- The classic fireplace looks restrained and elegant. It is often used marble or granite in its design, clear forms are present, light tones. Best of all, such an element is harmonized with the interiors of the same style.
- Floating fireplace is an excellent original solution for modern interiors. Especially successfully they complement the rooms in the style of high-tech and minimalism. Such designs are best created in rooms with high ceilings. The chimney is attached directly to the ceiling, and the fireplace itself is located in the center of the room, as if floating in the air.
Location of furniture
The design of the living room with the fireplace involves the correct placement of furniture. It is important to have interior items in such a way that the fireplace remains the main part of the room, the center of the entire composition. Furniture around the fireplace can be grouped in several ways:
- In parallel, that is, all pair items should be placed symmetrically from two sides of the fireplace. The distance of each pair detail to the center of the composition should be the same.
- M-shaped arrangement provides an angular location of furniture. The long side of such an angle is put on the side of the fireplace, and the short side is installed at right angles to the long.
- The P-shaped location of furniture suggests that all its elements are placed in the form of the letter "P". The center of such a composition is a fireplace, opposite which it is convenient to arrange a low magazine or coffee table.
Lovers to get together near the fire for pleasant conversations and joint pastime it is recommended to create a cozy corner, placing each other chairs and sofas, and in the center placing a table for drinks. Directly near the fireplace, you can put two identical bedside tables or butchers, placing them symmetrically on each side of the structure.
Living room decor with fireplace and TV
Since the fireplace, and the TV are objects that attract much attention, many designers do not advise them to have them in one place. That is, hang the TV directly above the fireplace shelf is not worth it. Among other things, the TV shows can also be complicated by the fact that the burning flame gives a pretty bright light that will interfere with normal image perception on the screen.
If you want to locate in the living room with a fireplace TV, try to highlight 2 zones at once: fireplace and television. For example, a sofa can be put perpendicular to the fireplace and put the TV opposite the sofa. In this case, the viewing of the gears and films will not be difficult to dismiss flames, at the same time, from the fireplace will go warming heat.
Modern living room design with fireplace
Modern houses and apartments can be equipped with a fireplace so that he not only looked the winning detail, but also attached a special flavor. Let's consider some of the interior design recommendations:
- The wood fireplace is considered an old construction that is inappropriate in modern interiors. However, even such an element can be quite successful to beat with the help of proper design. The wood fireplace does not have to have an antique look, there are many other options for its finish. Against the background of modern interior, the wood fireplace can be a specific "highlight".
- A fireplace with a wooden facade looks great in conjunction with parquet floors and wooden furniture. Modern designers also often resort to the mixing of various interior styles. Thus, a fireplace of wood can be a bright emphasis in a restrained modern design of the living room.
- Underline chimney zone by using wall decoration. The area around the fireplace emit a different color or texture of wallpaper, or veneer in any contrast material: decorative panels, tiles, stone, marble, etc.
- To fire looked harmoniously, the color of its lining must match at least one shade present in the interior of the room. Only after you have decided on the external design of the decorative element, it is possible to choose accessories in the form of statues, paintings, boxes, candlesticks, etc.
- Equal angles, straight lines and severe forms of restraint and give the fireplace a classic look, while the asymmetry looks more relaxed, free and fast.
Living room with fireplace, photo: