Swing for the playground do it yourself Useful advice,Plot.

In the summer, the main part of the free time, children spend outdoors. The task of parents is to make their stay on the street not just useful, but fascinating and safe. The best way to diversify children's leisure time - create a playground for kids. About how to make a swing for a playground with your own hands, we will tell you in this article.
Playground Requirements
In the courtyard of the house, if the area and the number of building materials can be placed a whole game complex, which will include:
- sandbox - the smallest children will be able to play in it;
- swing and slides for the playground;
- swedish wall or other sports corner;
- labyrinth;
- chalash or small house;
- improvised car, etc.
Many of these designs and structures can be created with their own hands, the most important thing is to comply with security requirements. Consider in detail what requirements are presented to swings and carousers for playgrounds:
- It is best if the structures will not be present metallic or stone details, which the baby will be able to be damaged. All surfaces with which theoretically can come into contact, if possible, should be soft, like, for example, foam or rubber. It is permissible to use wood as durable, but at the same time not too solid material.
- Safe swing for the playground should not contain sharp speaker angles.
- The playground should be in the shaded place, and not under the open groaning sun. If there are no splashing trees in the yard, under which you can install carousels and slides, create an artificial shadow with a canopy.
- Materials for construction must be environmentally friendly.
- It is necessary to place the platform in the place that is well visible and is constantly in the field of vision of adults.
Playgrounds, swings and slides for children are now most often produced from plastic with a small use of metal elements, of which frameworks are most often created for designs. When it comes to the independent manufacture of the gaming zone, then in this case the most convenient to apply wood. This eco-friendly and natural material is safe, easy enough, is easy to process, not toxic. From the tree you can construct virtually anything.
Making a playground with your own hands
We draw the sandbox
Sandboxes are two main species: closed and open. The easiest design option is a sandbox collected from 4 boards that perform the wall functions. If you want to distinguish yourself and show fantasy, try creating a more interesting and original design. Here you have a few ideas:
- Select 30-40 small wooden hemps of about the same diameter. Carefully treat the wood with antiseptics, paint or cover with varnish to protect from pests and bad weather, and then insert hemp into the ground. In the form, such a sandbox does not have to be square, it can be made oval, round, curvilinear. Form you can change or generally disassemble the design and transfer to another place. If you choose the hemps of a large diameter, children will be able to run along them, like along paths.
- From the tractor tire there will be a beautiful sandbox in the form of a sailboat. You need to simply fix the tire on the ground and fill with sand, for the mast it is necessary to pick up a long stick and lock it on the tire. From any fabric you need to create a sail - the original sandbox is ready.
- You can often find sandboxes in the form of tables. Taking a similar idea for armament, make a similar design with your own hands. In such a sandbox, the child will not only be interesting, but also to play comfortably.
We make an open sandbox with your own hands:
- First, choose a place where the sandbox will be located. The place it should be in sight of the parents and at the same time be in the shade, so that the kid did not get a sunnd.
- On the selected territory, dig a deepening in the form and size of the structure, but slightly greater depth.
- At the bottom of the pit, we smear the pillow of small pebbles, butt or rubble. This pillow will appear as a drainage and will divert water from the sand after the rain.
- In the corners of the future sandbox, we drive 4 kids, which will play the role of support pillars.
- Now install the boards - they will become the walls of the sandbox. Wood must be treated, that is, to overtake and clean it from roughness, then cover with an antiseptic or paint.
- If seats are assumed in the sandbox, some more horizontal shelves can be attached to the ribs of the boards.
- The finished design can be filled with sand. When the sand is selected, give preference to a river, career or purchase shop. In the building sand can be glass, stones, metal sharp details and other waste. Before pouring sand, it needs to be sifted through a sieve.
To build a closed sandbox, you must prepare:
- oven and treated with impregnation boards 120 cm long - 8 pcs.;
- 1 m long timber - 1 pcs.;
- door hinges;
- plywood sheet;
- agrofibra.
The sandbox of a closed type is manufactured in the following way:
- The first few stages of building construction are no different from the previous version. First, we choose a place on the plot, then dig a hole there, we make a drainage pillow, drive the support bars and put the walls.
- Now they feed the second tier from the boards to the support bars.
- We do for sandbox lid. Cut the fragment from the plywood sheet, which in form and size will correspond to our design.
- Made fragment divide on half and mount door loops on them.
- At the edges of the sandbox, we attach agriched and spread it along the bottom of the sandbox.
- Using loops, mount the plywood doors on the sandbox and fix the agrofiber.
- The finished design is painted in suitable color, dry, fill with sainted sand.
The closed sandbox is good because the doors can be lowered at night or in the rain. In the sand will not climb animals, leaving garbage and livestock products there, so that care for such a sandbox will not submit any difficulties.
Make a rocking chair for children
When installing a swing on the playground, it is important to take care of the kids of all ages. For the smallest you can build a low rocking chair, giving it a form of a fabulous character or some animal. Rocking can also be made with your own hands:
- Initially, stocking tools and materials, prepare cement-sandy solution, a large spring and shovel. The figure of the animal will make it out of thick plywood in advance, cutting out two identical templates and attaching a seat between them. Paint the figure in accordance with the idea.
- In the selected place, dig a hole for the foundation and fill it with its concrete solution. While concrete is raw, insert the spring into it on a sufficient depth. It is important that the design is reliable and sustainable.
- We wait for the frozen of the cement-sand mixture. After that, on the top of the spring, we fix our plywood blank.
We make classic swings for the playground do it yourself
In the store or on the specialized market, you can purchase ready-made metal swings for the playground. We offer you to make them with care and love yourself, using more affordable and easy-to-wood material - wood. That's what we need for such a product:
- wooden bars long 3 m - 2 pcs.;
- galvanized pipe with a diameter of 6-7 cm;
- durable fat rope;
- seat for swing with the back.
Creating a swing does not represent special difficulties. Seating You can buy in the finished form or collect from the boards, without forgetting before you pollas them and cover with varnish or paint. The process of mounting the swing we describe in stages:
- On the site allocated under swing, dig 2 pits at a depth of 70 cm.
- Two fragments of a wooden bar do so impregnate with antiseptic composition and mounted in the recess.
- We prepare a solution from sand and cement and pour the pits along with the bars. We leave until the concrete will freeze.
- Breeping on the crossbar galvanized pipe and hang on her ropes to which we attach the seat for a swing.
Swing for a children's playground can be made more massive, then they will not be scary to ride even adults. To make such a design, instead of 2 pillars, it is necessary to install 3 columns on each side of the swing and add them as a pyramid. The seat is also better to make more and stronger, but you can generally collect a wooden shop and hang it on the chain. There are several children or even adults on such a swing.
House for children
Imitating adult life, kids love to play small children's houses. By building a similar design in the yard, you truly make your child. The house can be both simple, made of fabric, and more massive, made of wood or other durable materials.
You can buy a fabric house like a tent in the finished form or to build a personally, applying branches, boards, bedspreads. Pay attention to the fact that the child was not hot in such a hood. It should be not only shaded, but also well ventilated, so it follows from natural tissue and in no case from the film.
So that you have always had the opportunity to easily disassemble the house, create a prefabricated frame for it from wooden bars or metal pipes. Wood is preferable to use, because it is safer for children. Do not forget to equip the house with everything you need: a small table, chair, baby dishes, toys, to create a similar dwelling and give the baby the opportunity to have fun.
If the forces and opportunities allow, make your child a house of durable materials, using wood, plastic, foam, phanee, etc. The most attractive option for the kids is a shala on the tree. Only for the implementation of such a venture it is important to choose a very durable, large and branched tree, and the home itself is constructed at a low height.
Swing on the playground, photo: