How to install and maintain a private house water treatment system with your own hands Useful advice

Water pipe is needed in every private house. It depends on the comfort and convenience of living in it of all residents. It is worth saying that both at the design stage and already in the finished house you can perform installation work on the installation of the water supply system with your own hands, without resorting to the help of specialized companies. In this case, you can save a lot of financial resources, because today the services of such companies are quite expensive. Next, we will tell you how to equip the water supply of the private house with their own hands.
Design of water treatment regimen
The process of arranging water supply in a private house with hands begins with planning and design. At this stage, it is necessary to schematically display the future system of the water supply system on the appropriate blanks. Here it is necessary to designate the procedure for passing pipes around the perimeter of the house, as well as the location of such important elements of water supply, as collectors, boiler, pump. If you need to arrange water treatment and water treatment, with your own hands, you should still apply in the location scheme where the cleansing filters will be placed. Based on the plan, the amount of material necessary for further construction of the water supply will be calculated.
There are two options for laying pipes:
- Serial connection.
- Collector connection.
The first option is acceptable for small country houses, in which there is a small number of tenants or for those buildings where there are not all year round, and season. The essence of this connection is that the main flow of water passes through the central water supply system. And in those places where water consumers are planned, we are installed in the form of a tee. In this case, water pressure will fall as the remoteness of the consumer of water from the start of the central pipeline.
When collecting connected to each consumer, its pipe wiring is carried out. As a result, all consumers have the same water pressure. This method of connection is convenient for large country houses in which a large number of tenants live. The only disadvantage of this connection is to increase the cost of the water supply system, because for its arrangement it will require a larger number of pipes.
Making the water supply system with hands, should be taken into account that it consists of the following items:
- Central water supply element. It can be a well or well, from which water is taken. You can independently do both water supply well with your hands and the installation of the water intake well.
- Pump. To it, water from the water supply source (from a well or with a well) occurs through the water supply tube system. Camping pipes, should take into account that water should move in one direction to the pump, so it is necessary to install the check valve.
- Water supply systems hydroaccumulator. It is supplied to water.
- Wiring pipes with a tee. Usually carry pipes in two directions. The first branch is intended to provide water of residents at home, and the second is for technical purposes (watering the garden, etc.).
- Two pipe branches are connected to the water preparation mounted for a country house. At this stage, the water is filtered and cleaned from harmful impurities.
- Wiring pipes on cold and hot water.
- Cranes on cold and hot water.
- Water heater.
Depending on the economic needs, the equipment and composition of the elements of the water supply system may vary.
Installation of water pipes
The priority is the selection of pipe configuration. In addition, the material and sizes of pipe should be chosen correctly. In this case, there are several options. You can choose copper, metal-plastic, steel or polypropylene tubes. The first option is the most expensive. Copper pipes are characterized by good quality and high wear resistance (resistance to corrosion, solar rays, temperature change). Metal plastic pipes are resistant to sunlight, rust and condensate. However, such structures are afraid of sudden temperature drops and increasing the temperature mode over 90 degrees.
As for the structures of steel, this option has been used for many years. Such pipes have a lot of weight and high strength, but they differ in low resistance to corrosion and rust. In addition, the installation of steel structures is quite time consuming, since it is required to perform work on welding. Polypropylene designs are characterized by a good value ratio and quality, so they are quite popular today. Have high oxidation resistance. Serve for more than 40 years. The only drawback, like steel pipes, is the need for welding.
In addition to the pipe material, you should choose the correct diameter. It is necessary to repel from the pipeline length. For long structures (over 35 meters), it is necessary to purchase pipes with a diameter of 32 mm. If the length of the pipeline is less, then the pipes are suitable for the width of 25 mm.
Next is the scheme of the location of water pipes. According to the scheme, the structures are welded (if polypropylene or steel pipes are used). For this, they are cut into equal segments. Next Pipes are cleaned. Then there is a place where welding will be carried out. According to the execution, the welding is carried out directly. For this, the welding machine is applied.
To the consumers of water pipes are connected using adapters. Next, the water tap is installed. Before connecting the water supply system to the collector, lock fittings and ball valve should be mounted. They will be required during the repair of repair work or if necessary to disabling the system.
Water purification
Water that comes from the well or well, regardless of whether the well water supply is carried out by hand or automated, must necessarily comply with the established standards. For this, its laboratory testing is carried out. Water should not be detected by salts of heavy metals and other different harmful impurities. Based on the conclusion, which is issued by the competent authorities of the sanitary service, various water purification systems are established. These may be filters, water treatment units, deferrals or other cleansing devices.
The water treatment and water treatment system should be fixed so that the water in it arrives immediately after its output from the hydroaccumulator, but before it falls into the water tap. Filtering devices are placed at a distance of 0.6-1.2 m from the hydroaccumulator.
The main harmful substances that are most in drinking water are salts of heavy metals and iron. Cleaning from them is carried out using a number of devices, among which:
- Filtering devices based on gravel.
- Mesh march.
- Septica.
- Sand-based filtering devices.
- Charcoal.
- Manganese.
All of the above devices are available to each, as they have a relatively low cost. In addition, these devices are capable of purifying water not only from the overaction of iron, but also from other harmful impurities.
If a manganese is used for purification, then the resulting water will not be used for drinking needs, and only for economic (for watering, etc.). In this case, two tanks should be installed and fill them with water. Next, falling asleep in the container a little dry mixture of manganese as long as the water becomes light pink. At the expiration of some time, the manganese will enter into a reaction with iron impurities, as a result of which they fall into the sediment. The harmful precipitate is drained, and the water obtained can be used for irrigation of garden plants.
To clean drinking water, it is best to use devices based on charcoal. Most often, modern filters are not alone, but two or three degrees of cleaning. In this case, in addition to charcoal, the sand and small crushed stone is used. Basically, these are filtering devices of the Geyser or Aquaphor brand. They are often used to clean drinking water in country houses. The only condition for the operation of such devices is the timely change of cartridges in which the filtering substance contains.
Waterproof systems
In addition to the water supply system in the country house, it is still necessary to equip the drainage system. After all, rains and melting water are often delivered to owners of private country houses a lot of problems. A puddles and dirt appear on the site, the basements floods. Water flies the foundation of buildings on the site, the front finish of the building spawns from the rain. In addition, the composition of water in the well or well can be changed, with the result that it will already be applied to the water supply to drink. That this does not occur, the water pipelines are installed on the site. Modern systems are distinguished by resistant to aggressive media, are easily mounted and, not less important, meet the aesthetic requirements. Designs are made from various materials. One of them is polyvinyl chloride. It is light enough, not peeling and does not crumble, not rust. The drains from such material do not need painting, it is quite well withstanding the fluctuations in the temperature regime, as well as resistant to the effects of ultraviolet.
In addition, drainage systems can be made of steel with a polymer coating. Steel - Durable and high-quality material. The drains from steel are reliable and tested by time. In addition, the material from which the drains systems are manufactured can be copper. During the oxidation on the surface of the copper, a patina film appears, the drains from copper, as a rule, extremely wear-resistant.
Modern drainage systems will allow you not only to protect your country house from the effects of aggressive moisture, but also help to collect and rationally use Tluu and rainwater for various garden needs, for example, watering. Thus, you will save drinking water from irrational use, and drinking water, as you know, has not limitless stocks.