How to create a flower bed at the cottage Plot.

Spend the summer at the cottage - great! And it's great not only to work, but also rest. Cottage is the perfect place to relax in nature. And nature in the country is also created by the hands of a person, we create those beautiful species that we admire the end in the early morning with a cup of fresh tea. If you attach your efforts, your fantasy, and of course, the soul, in the creation of a flower club on its site, and also with the elements and principles of the decor, put them in various fragrant colors, then create an unprecedented atmosphere for peace and relaxing on your site.
- Perennial flowers for a flower bed in the country
- Spring flowers for a flower bed in the country
- Summer flowers for a flower bed in the country
- Flower bed at the cottage from annual colors
- How to create a flower garden with your own hands - for beginners
- How to upset flower bed at the cottage
- Ideas of flower beds
- How to arrange a flower leaf interesting - ideas
- How to choose flower arrangements for a flower bed
- How to plan the flower bed
- How to successfully arrange a flower garden at the cottage
- Flower garden at the cottage, photo
The first than the dackets adorn their plots are flowers, but they also require proper care, like other plants in the garden. If you just take the seeds and chaotically spread them in the garden, I think, what will grow, will not bring aesthetics to your garden, and you, unfortunately, will look at such creation with despondency. But if you want to create a dream flower, then our tips will be useful to you.
The flowerbed is not so difficult to create, the main thing is the right choice of plants. Some can be high, others - low, they also differ in time of flowering, care and survival with other flowers. All these factors need to be taken into account.
Perennial flowers for a flower bed in the country
Creating a flowerbed, the first thing we conceive, what flowers prefer - perennials or annuals. Of course, perennials, they have benefits much more. Such flowers are planted 1 time a few years, which makes it easier to work. We planted such a beauty 1 time, and you can admire for several years, without changing anything. It is only important to pick up flowers and make a cute composition of them.
Flower beds from perennial flowers, photos
Spring flowers for a flower bed in the country
What can be said about the spring colors first and this is about their flowering time. Plants that have a bulb bloom the very first. But minus them is that they are blooming before and faster than the rest. Already at the beginning of the summer, the flowers become cough and begin to fade. True, it is worth saying that the spring flowers are the most beautiful, will give the beauty and confusion. The earliest spring flowers are, of course, snowdrops. After them, hyacinths and crocuses begin to bloom. And then daffodils and tulips are blooming.
- A very beautiful composition of spring colors is considered to land on the edge of the flower beds of hyacinths, and there are tulip behind them. Healthy will look tulips of different colors and shades.
- Round flower beds look very cute, especially if you put tulips in the middle, and add daffodils around the edges. As for the colors, the most advantageous option will be yellow tulips, and Narcissa - snow-white.
- If lilies are your favorite flowers, it is better to plant them in the composition with the flowers that bloom mostly in the summer.
- Do not forget that the flowers love comfort, so they need to be planted from each other at a short distance so that they do not bile and felt free. If you correctly care for flowering flowering, the flowering period can be tightened.
Summer flowers for the flower garden at the cottage
- The earliest summer flower is primula, to whom, this flower is many years old. And what kind of flower beds with these flowers ... planting primroses in a special way, as a fence, rows, parallel to each other. Primulus perennial are perfectly combined with violets, both in terms of growth and appearance. Also excellent neighbors they will be with pansies or daisies.
- The summer flower is the queen of flowers - rose. A successful option will be landing with floccals.
Whatever flowers you choose for the flower beds, it is important to arrange a flower bed, style, designer solution, format and method of registration. Regardless of style, the care of flowers is important to carry out correctly and in a timely manner. If your flowers are perennial and grow on the same land for several years, they need feeding.

Flower bed at the cottage from annual colors
As it is clear from the name, annuals are flowers that bloom only 1 year. Those. Flowers that you will land will decorate your plot of only 1 season, for the next year you will have to create beauty again. It is impossible to say that the landing of annuals is minus. Thus, you can admire different colors every year, creating more and new masterpieces of flower beds. In addition, annuals differ from their competitors a brighter color. Therefore, you can create a very bright and exotic floweruba.
Compositions from annual colors
Very good compositions from annual colors for those people who spend little time at the cottage and simply forget to pour flowers. These plants do not require special care, they can be planted and forget. Flower beds from annual plants can be filled with such colors as: Begonia, Petunia, Georgin, Balzamin, Velhets and others.
Flower beds look great, in which the cells are planted in the middle, they can also be placed on the sides and behind.
How to create a flower garden with your own hands - for beginners
The most important rule is to imagine your fantasies, think about how your idea will look like, whether you like all. And even better, determine for yourself what you want, what result, what shades and colors, which form, etc. Only after that go to the store for seeds.
For you, several tips that will help in creating a flower bed:
- Choosing a place for a flower garden. Sun should get good at this place, and the land should be fertile. If the land is not suitable for planting flowers, you can adjust it with fertilizers.
- Since the creation of the flower bed is new to you, it is best to choose plants that are not very demanding to care.
- Share your flower bed in the mind at the 3 tiers. Pick up the flowers so that these tiers were filled.
- In choosing colors, keep in mind what period of flowering in plants.
- Important and basic rule of flower beds and flower beds - harmony. Do not put in the same place all the plants that are just like them. All should be in moderation.
If we consider all the points, the task of creating a flower garden will be for you to easily doable.
How to fence flower garden at the cottage
If you constantly live outside the city in your own home, then, perhaps, you are already small klumbochki. Quite expectedly, since having your own house with a yard, you always want it to bring beauty and plant fragrant plants. To tell the truth, even residents of cities often planted on the balcony of beautiful flowers, landscaped mini-beds, and even a private house ...
Sometimes people just put on a free field of flowers, and sometimes begin to engage in this with full responsibility, and decorate the flower beds. If you want to re-create a flower bed at the site - the first question is in the choice of the fence. What material is selected to bed looked harmonious and complete. The easiest option, we say, for the lazy - just buy at a garden store special fences for beds and flower beds. However, the method is not cheap, and besides, you will lose the individuality of a flower bed, for sure, the neighbors of the cottage are the same enclosure.
You can include fantasy and wit, and see what you have lying around in the shed?
As you can imagine, all guards carry only a decorative function. After all, when the flowers are growing up without fences, creating the effect of something unfinished. To protect the flower beds, you can use a variety of materials, both soft and hard - plastic, wood, stone, glass, metal. The only thing, in any case do not take toxic materials.
Wooden fence for flower beds
The tree is the most environmentally friendly material, and therefore it is perfectly merged with nature. A flower garden from a tree will support flowerbed quite naturally, as if created by nature. In addition, such material is very convenient, you can vary the height at your discretion. The proven fact that flowers in a wooden flowerba in the period of frosts are much less frozen than in other types of fence.
Brick or stone fence
When you work with a stone, you have a huge field for fantasy, you can build not just a fence, but real art. Stone, having a different color and different structure, you can post in the form of any pattern. Yes, and wear resistance in such a material is high. Stone or brick allows you to make a fence for a flower bed of any height and size.
Bottle flower bed fence
Surely, many have old bottles, be it plastic or glass, do not throw them out, they will be able to serve you a faithful service. Take the bottles, fill them with sand and build the desired flower bed.
Flower garden from plastic bottles. A very practical method of creating beauty on the site. Long serve, the price of the material is not high.
Ideas of flower beds
Rest in the country area should include aesthetic enjoyment of landscapes. It's just with your own hands, just creating a flower garden. Flowers give harmony, beauty, calm and joy.
Why do you need to equip a flower garden? Yes, because it is compact in size, you can take any place in a flower bed, where you will be comfortable, and there are several types of colors on its territory.
What can be flower beds in the country
When we think about girlfriend, from which you can make a flower leaf, the first idea come tires.
- If old tires are preserved in the garage or shed, you can use them, just cutting the tire on the halves and flood the soil. Then put flowers into this land.
- You can still make different cuts, forms at the top of the tire, and the lower part will serve as a footboard. In addition, you can take paint and paint the tire.
- If you have many different tires of different diameters, you can build a large flowerbed, in the form of a bowl. First, put one tire and fall asleep the earth, on it - the other, with a smaller diameter, too, put asleep the ground, put even a smaller tire on top, and so on until you reach the desired effect.
- You can not be limited only to tires, if there is an old abandoned furniture, it can also be consolidated. The main thing is to show fantasy, and on your site there will be a retro flower garden.
- If there is an old funeral on the plot, you can pick it up and fall asleep the earth, and put flowers there.
How to arrange a flower leaf interesting - ideas
So, the flowerbed is prepared, it remains only to refine it. And for this you can use different unnecessary attributes, such as a flower pot, stones, shells, boulders, etc. You can even create a multi-tiered flower garden.
- Customize the flower garden using logs.
- Plastic and glass bottles will help to upset the flower garden.
How to choose flower arrangements for a flower bed
The fence is thought out, and what about colors, because the correct composure is extremely important for aesthetic species.
- First of all, decide how long bloom is planned how many seasons. If you want to admire the same colors for several years in a row, you need to plant perennials. If you plan to admire the 1st season, and then change the flower garden, then annuals.
- If you want to plant seeds, it will be only annuals. Blossoms are usually happening in 3-4 months after landing. Such colors include velvets, asters, petunias, etc.
- From the annuals, the dahlias, phlox, asters, calendula and zinnia harmonize very well. It is better to plant them in May, then in July you will have a beautiful and bright flower garden.
- In addition to the landing method, you can use the landing method. In this case, the flowering period begins much earlier. Landing begins in April.
- When using a seedy method, remember that some flowers grow large, other low. Use the main rule - squeeze the lowest on the fore, and high flowers - rear.
- A very beautiful flower for the flower is recognized by Petunia, especially in white and pink.
- Excellent flower garden combination: the front of the flower garden is planted with white and pink zinnes, the back is planted with a lavater and pink cosmeya, and put the cornflowers on the sides.
- Flowerba will acquire a very beautiful view if you land the flowers of orange and red colors.
How to plan the flower bed
There are certain rules for which each gardener is focused when creating a flower garden in the country area. Consider them:
- As you know, the flowers cannot live in the shade, so the flower garden is best done on the south. If still a flower garden you decide to plant on the north side, then not all sorts of flowers are suitable for him. Take such varieties on which coolness and shadow will not greatly affect, this is, for example, zinnia, velvets, dolphinium or iris.
- With any falling colors, withstand the distance between them. Too close landing is not recommended. Maybe by making the distance, first it will seem to you that it is huge, and the flowers on the flower bed will look rare, but then when they bloom, you will see that it is not.
- Flower landing, taking into account the flower height. In the foreground, the lowest varieties should always go, then higher and higher, at the end the highest. Find out what growth will reach the flower, you can in the description on packaging with seeds.
- Flowers that are brought after flowering, remove. Otherwise, you risk the color garden look. In addition, this method contributes to re-flowering.
- It is best to plant flowers from different varieties in the flower bed to in the event of withering one, the second rejected blossoms.
- The flowering time is also an important point, combine in one flower bed different on the flowering plants, so that some frightened during the day, other in the evening.
- Planning a flower bed before landing is required. Since you should understand what happens to you in the end.
How to successfully arrange a flower garden at the cottage
Let's wonder Read more Basic Color Layout Rules:
- Excellent if perennials, and annuals will be in one flower bed.
- Perennial flowers from year to year are still painful. And you can plant them in a seed and seedlings.
- The ideal flowerbed must contain a bearded carnation and iris.
- The most flowering peak in all colors falls in July. Consider this when disembarking. If the plants bloom at one time, the view will be incredible.
- If you decide to buy a bulbous variety of colors, keep in mind that they bloom the first of all.
Flower garden at the cottage, photo
When creating a flower garden, pay special attention not to the fence, namely varieties of colors. Take pictures of the resulting composition, just so you can improve the appearance of the flower beds every year.