Installing cold water meter with your own hands Useful advice

If, in terms of low prices for utility resources, few people thought about their accounting and savings, today the situation is diametrically opposed. The main condition for saving energy is the organization of their permanent accounting. It is impossible to make without installing counters. Modern apartment buildings have both common devices for consuming cold water to the entire house and individual - in each apartment. But with the old buildings, in which there were no water meters on the project, everything is much more complicated. Each resident must independently install it.
- Choosing a cold water meter installation location in a private house and apartment
- Cold Water Counter Choice
- Cold Water Counter
- Installing cold and hot water meter with your own hands on metal pipes
- Water meter of cold water - installation on a metal-plastic pipe
- Cold Water Counter Registration
- Cold Water Cold Water Counter Installation Scheme: Video
Choosing a cold water meter installation location in a private house and apartment
The installation of a cool water metering device can be made in two ways:
- Hounding contractors. This method is not always optimal. Installing the meter is not too complex task for which it will not be possible to get a big remuneration, so not many locksmith want to take for such work. Sometimes the cost of departure to the installation site is more than revenue from the work itself. In addition, many employees cannot boast the quality of work.
- On one's own. As already mentioned, the installation of cold water meter is not a completely difficult task with which a person can cope with the initial locksmith skills. This will help not only save money, but also to do everything exactly as convenient.
How to make the installation of cold water meter on your own - Next.
The first stage of the installation of cold water meter should be the choice of the most optimal place. As a rule, the accounting device is installed at the site of the water selection after a shut-off crane. In the overwhelming number of apartments, this place is a bathroom. In some rooms there are several watershed points (for example, a bathroom and a kitchen). In this case, you will have to install and register several counters.
The location of the accounting device must be accessible, because it will have to register its readings every month. Also within a certain time, the counter must be conducted and sealing. If you do not provide normal access to the meter in advance, these operations will turn into flour.
Another indispensable condition for choosing the installation site of the meter is the lack of a junction in the plumbing to the counter. That is why it is better to install it as close as possible to the cut-off crane. If the plumbing pipes are hiding inside the wall, it is necessary to provide for a viewing window that will provide access not only to the meter itself, but also to the filter and check valve. The counter must be located in such a way that, if necessary, the entire system could simply disassemble, go through and collect again.
Cold Water Counter Choice
The right choice of water meter is half the success of the entire operation. In order not to have any problems with the formulation of the meter for accounting in the enterprise-provider of water supply services, it is necessary to clarify their list of instruments available for installation. Otherwise, there may be a problem.
The choice of meters on the market is quite large, but they are practically no significant in principle and the principle of action.
Counters on the principle of action are divided into:
- Mechanical. Calculation of the consumed water in such meters is carried out due to the rotation of a small turbine. Water passing through the counter rotates the turbine, which in turn leads to a rotation of the mechanism of the device. Such counters are easy to maintain, it is not expensive, simply mounted.
- Electronic. They differ from the above in that they have an e-board, which expands the capabilities of the device. Some models have an average flow calculation function, the device can remember the previous periods. Such devices at the expense of their high costs are not very popular, so they are quite rare.
Popular capabilities are divided into industrial, which are used in enterprises, and household, intended for installation in apartments and private houses.
To install in the apartment, the most optimal choice will be a mechanical counter with a maximum water consumption of 3 m 3/ hour and with a turning countable mechanism, which will allow you to establish it for more convenient readings. The case of the meter must be made of brass. It will provide a long service life with a relatively small weight of the product.
Cold Water Counter
The counter is better to always buy a new one. True, when it is relatively not a high price, an option with a used device becomes not relevant. To buy a selected model, it is better to visit a specialized store, which will definitely give a guarantee and will be able to provide all the necessary certificates.
When buying a meter, it is important to pay attention to the following aspects:
- Lack of visible defects or damage. This is especially true of the hull, glass and threads.
- The presence of a passport to the device. In the passport there must be a serial number of the product, which must match the number on the meter itself, the party number and the OTD stamp, which guarantees it with the factory. Without a passport, the meter on cold water will not register.
- The presence of all components. Many modern meters are equipped with a filter, check valve and couplings with precipitated nuts. Therefore, before buying, you need to check the completeness in the instructions.
- Be sure to keep the purchase check, so that in the event of a breakdown, the meter could be replaced.
Installing cold and hot water meter with your own hands on metal pipes
If during the installation of the counter does not plan to replace pipes, the meter is installed on old metal pipes.
The first step of the installation process will be the assembly of the entire node. It is going in the following order:
- Stopcock. It is designed to overlap water in the case of repair work or removing the meter for calibration.
- Mesh filter. Designed to obstruct the mechanical garbage in the impeller of the meter turbine.
- The coupling with a cape nut (the so-called American). Used to remove the device for further calibration.
- Counter.
- Second coupling (American).
- Check valve. It passes water only in one direction, preventing the ability to "clear" the counter back with compressed air. The check valve is also seal. When assembling the system, you must definitely pay attention to the direction of water flow. At the counter, filter and reverse valve it is indicated using the arrow on the housing.
This procedure is governed by the rules for installing cold water meters.
After the entire system is assembled, it is necessary to measure its length, and in the cold water supply pipe cut the portion of the same length. At the same time, it is necessary to make a thread correction. That is, the distance between two pieces of the pipe should be less than the length of the entire system on the amount of thread.
To start the installation of the meter, it is necessary to overlap the water supply riser. Usually shut-off cranes are installed in basements. It is better to prevent all the neighbors in advance so that the water turning off is a surprise for them.
Next, it is necessary to cut a piece of cold water supply pipe to install the meter system. You can do this with the help of a grinder.
Next at the ends of the pipe, you must cut the thread of the desired diameter. For this, dies are used. Now you can use an electrical tool that significantly speeds up this process.
After the thread is sliced, the system assembly is starting in the above order. All threaded connections must be sealed by winding. As the latter, the pass or a special rubberized ribbon, known as FMU. If a packle is used, then it can be made a little in thick lubricant, for example, in solidol. The winding is wound on the thread only clockwise, it is very important.
The counter is established last. When it is installed, it is necessary to install gaskets on the precipitated nuts. As a rule, they are included with the accounting instrument. Connections should not be too clamping so as not to thread the thread or not to transmit the gasket.
After installing all components, it is necessary to turn on the water supply and check the system for tightness. The absence of leaks is checked in a simple way. All connectivity places are dipped with a piece of toilet paper.
Water meter of cold water - installation on a metal-plastic pipe
The process of installing the counter on the metalplastic pipe is slightly easier than in the case of steel pipes. First, there is no need to cut the threads, because all the components of the system are connected using special couplings, and secondly, the metal-plastic tube is easily slit, which allows you to install even in hard-to-reach places.
Cold Water Counter Registration
After the installation is completed, it is necessary to apply not to enslavement of the meter and its registration. This does not mean that it is impossible to use cold water. The controller that will come to bed the accounting device will record the current readings as the initial one. To register the meter, you must apply for a company that provides water supply services. After some time, the controller must come, seal the counter, make an act and record in the instrument passport. Among other things, he must record the counting date of the counter.
When sealing is necessary in the presence of the controller, check the quality of the seal installation, so that there are no problems when checking.