Tile for tracks: how to choose Building materials

It is not a secret that today it is possible to find a huge amount of tiles for creating tracks. The construction industry actively produces tiles, which is characterized by high quality, as well as good durability. Despite this, it is quite difficult to make a choice in favor of this or that products. This is connected not only with the characteristics of the tile, but also with the appearance of the product.
Ultimately, when it is necessary to choose the most optimal option, a detailed analysis of several types of material should be carried out, and only after that make a conscious choice.
It should also be borne in mind that the tile released on the basis of concrete is far from the only option for the purchase. There are several worthy types of products on sale, which must be paid attention to.
This article is devoted to the analysis and selection of tiles to create tracks on the site. It can be noted in advance that each type of tile has its strengths and weaknesses, and it is that it costs to base your choice.
Main features of the selection of tiles
First of all, I would like to note that in modern conditions, the choice of tiles is not so easy. If earlier was an extremely limited choice, then now the owners just run away eyes. In such a situation, as already mentioned, it is necessary to act extremely carefully, as there are very many poor-quality products on sale.
First you need to decide exactly where the tile will be laid. If this is actually a narrow track, you must select the tile of the appropriate size. Everything should look harmoniously. It is quite possible that the landscape designer will not be preferred to this work, which will not only pick up the tile, but also give delivel tips associated with the operation of the product.
Among the most popular materials used for the production of tiles are the following options:
- Laming.
- Concrete.
- Plastic.
- Brick.
- Gravel.
As mentioned at the very beginning, it was most popular that concrete. In almost every major city, you can find several enterprises that produce paving slabs. Positive news is that for the release of such a product, too many resources and work hands do not need. Accordingly, even in handicraft conditions, you can produce a good quality tile. It follows from this that you can find a tile of a wide variety of dimensions and properties. Next we will talk more about the classic paving slabs.
Using paving slabs
Paving slabs are now used almost in all areas. It must be remembered that the qualitatively produced tile is distinguished by high durability. Unlike asphalt, which before (often and now) laid on sidewalks, such a tile is relatively inexpensive, and its service life can be from 10 years.
If the product has a good frost resistance, then in our climatic zone, the paving slabs should be served for many years.
In addition, you can not use any specialists for laying paving slabs. It is enough to have a rubber Cyanka, as well as several workers.
The advantages of paving slabs:
- Durability. Many manufacturers who have been producing paving slabs for many years, argue that their products can be actively used for 20 years. However, if the production technology is broken, then after the first frost, the material can give a crack.
- Small dimensions. The tile released on the basis of concrete can be tiny enough. This is exactly what is best suited as a basis for a small track in a private area. Tile can have different dimensions, patterns, joints and more.
- On the surface is not going to water. In the case of the use of many other materials, problems may be observed with the accumulation of water. Pores between the paving slabs without any problems pass water, and regardless of how much it was gathered.
- Environmentally friendly product. Even if they act on the material with high temperatures, the tile will not allocate harmful chemicals. This is an explicit advantage compared to many other products present in the market.
- No cement dust. Many materials that are based on concrete during operation are formed cement dust. This is a fairly serious problem, which, fortunately, does not concern the paving slabs. Accordingly, there should be no such problems with operation.
- Wide range of. With a variety of forms, you can actually create an original appearance of the tile. Separately, I would like to note that many manufacturers use additives that can not only improve the characteristics of the material, but also to transform its appearance. We are talking about a variety of product colors.
- Practicality during repair work. In the event that, for example, it is necessary to fix the pipes under the layer of tiles, you can simply disassemble the masonry, and after you have all the necessary events, it is easily re-laying. In the case of asphalt, it will be necessary to completely remove expensive coating, and these are huge financial losses.
- High water absorption. Most often, the paving slabs has a high porosity, which is why the material absorbs moisture well. Accordingly, if water in the pores freezes (under the action of low temperatures), concrete will actively collapse. This suggests that it is necessary to pay special attention to the quality of concrete products. Cheap tile often has a high porosity, so savings in this matter are inappropriate.
- Power technology. Despite the fact that stacking the tile will not be difficult even to beginners, the technology includes a lot of subtleties. In the event that at least minor errors are made, the tile can be very sized, and then the urgent need for re-carrying out the pavement appears. Of course, the most optimal option is to attract specialists who already have considerable experience for their backs.
- Slipping surface. In winter, when a minus temperature is likely to have a slippery surface outside the window. With this scenario, it will be necessary to regularly clean the masonry.
If you analyze the all the above information, it is necessary to take into account that the pavement tiles are actually a great option for creating tracks. As for the choice of this material, it is necessary to pay attention to the quality of the material. Accordingly, it is necessary to purchase a tile only from those manufacturers who have positive feedback, as well as high-quality service.
In addition, based on the variety of forms and color options for this product, you can be sure that the track will be original and attractive outwardly.
Granite tile (blocking)
If we talk about modern trends, the granite tile is still used more and more. Immediately it should be noted that it is significantly more expensive than many other product options, but instead we get a lot of advantages associated with the high quality of the material and its durability.
If we talk about application, then most often a paving pavement on small areas (territories), as each square meter of material is too expensive.
Positive sides of the granite tile are as follows:
- Easy laying. The material has small dimensions and large weight, thanks to which the paving happens extremely simple. Despite this, there is a strict technology to follow.
- Strength and durability. Obviously, granite is an incredibly durable material that retains its initial properties over a long period of operation. Most often, the blocking is placed on busy streets, and even under such conditions, the tile saves its initial state.
- Appearance. Many people who deal with the exploitation of paversing noted that it has a natural appearance, which inscribes in almost any conditions. Such a tile is created exclusively with the help of stone processing equipment, therefore the variety of product options should not be expected. However, it all depends directly from the stone itself. Quite often there are unique flowers and shades of the most natural product.
- Repeated use. In the event that there is a need to remove tile from the surface and subsequently transferring it to a new place, it can be easily done. Again, all due to the high strength of the material.
- Economic profitability. Earlier, we said that the tile of granite is very expensive. However, it should be borne in mind that this product can simultaneously perform the function of building material, as well as a decorative resource.
Disadvantages of blocks:
- Cost of material. The pavement is much more expensive than paving slabs. Moreover, despite the fairly simple process of laying tiles, specialists are attracted to such works, as it is very simple to break the technology.
- Movement. It is known that women on heels in such a blocking can be moved - incredibly difficult, and it should be taken into account. In the event that the track is created on a private area (cottage, garden, garden), this lack may not have any meaning.
Directly the selection of pavers depends on what path you need to create. Accordingly, it is necessary to repel from the dimensions of the material, as well as from the surface roughness. I would like to note that it is definitely not necessary to save on the purchase of this material.
Plastic tile
Many manufacturers who try to follow modern destinations in construction, produce plastic tiles. Unfortunately, so far she has not received proper distribution, however, it is this product that has many positive parties to which it is worth paying attention to first:
- High strength. Unlike concrete or stone products, plastic does not crack at all. All through bonding substances, with which the material becomes plastic. It is also positive news in the case of transportation. You can be sure that the tile will not bother.
- Canceled water resistance. Most often, negative reviews towards concrete products concern porosity, due to which water falls inside the material. Accordingly, the material gradually loses its initial properties. With plastic, everything is quite the opposite. The structure of the material is arranged in such a way that no gram of water will not be exactly the inside of it. It follows from this that the material will serve for a very long time.
- High heat resistance. This indicator suggests that neither snow nor ice will be delayed on the plastic tile. Moreover, if moisture is formed between the tiles, it evaporates quite quickly.
- Relief surface. In most cases, the plastic product has an original relief, which certainly has nothing to do with the texture of a stone or concrete tile. It is the relief that excludes the possibility of slipping.
Disadvantages of plastic tiles are as follows:
- Negative reaction to the effects of individual chemicals. For example, if shedding a few acetone on plastic material, then the tile may be slightly deformed. Such a situation with other substances, so when operating the track, it is necessary to take this into account.
- Fast abrasion. Indeed, plastic material is amenable to abrasion significantly faster blocks and concrete tiles. However, this is only if the tile go too often. As part of a small section, the plastic tile will last long.
Many owners make a choice in favor of plastic tiles due to the external attractiveness and original relief. Fortunately, the price of this product is now at an acceptable level.