Wall plug - laying features Walls

Each owner of his own house during its arrangement is trying to choose a modern finishing material, which will be attractive, resistant to any adverse effect and at the same time not very expensive. One of the sought-after species that meets all these requirements is a wall covering from traffic. What it happens and how to mount it, you will learn in this article.
Wall plug: production method
This decorative coating is made by pressing the crushed raw materials from the cortex of the Mediterranean oak. After receiving the billets, they are covered with decorative veneer from the plug. As a result of this procedure, a surface is formed, fully suitable natural wood, which can be painted in any selected color.
Important! None of the steps are used synthetic substances. To make sure how attractive and the original design of the room decorated with this coating will help the photo of a wall plug in already ready-made projects, which is not problematic today in the presence of access to Internet resources.
Advantages of wall plugs
The main recommended appointment of this material is the design of office and residential premises. Wide popularity is caused by excellent performance, which are as follows:
- High porosity that prevents condensate accumulation and other moisture forms, and also prevents the reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms - mold and fungi.
- A high indicator of the content of cellular natural juice, which is not amenable to dissolve when exposed to alcohol and water.
- A wide viewer that provides large design capabilities.
- Excellent insulating characteristics from penetration and absorption of gases of various nature.
- Excellent stability of synthetic chemicals.
- Additional thermal insulation and high-level noise insulating protection.
- Neophostrostatichna, and accordingly, it does not contribute to the accumulation of dust on the surface.
- Refractority is no less class m3, which provides a good level of security, even if emergency fire occurs.
- Affordable price and convenient dimensions, due to which even large-scale areas can be equipped with minimal cost and practical absence of residual waste.
Important! As an additional advantage, it should be noted that this material is hypoallergenic and does not have absolutely no harmful effect on the human body, and is even able to create protection against adverse radiation of different nature of origin. But this property is achieved only under the condition of high-quality goods and its production in exactly compliance with the technology regulated by GOST. For example, a high-mounted Dekwall stopper will be an excellent choice. This wall cover line is represented by a wide species nearby - more than 20 modifications. Carries out the production of this collection of wall plugs - Wicanders, Portuguese company that supplies different finishing construction materials to the market. No less popular Corksribas wall plug, also Portuguese production.
Types of wall plugs
Before you purchase a cork wall cover, decide on the optimal form of a material that will not only provide an attractive view of the room, but also will not make you difficulties in the process of applying. In today's market, 3 main modifications are presented:
Types of modular coating
The basis of such a tile is a two-layer material:
- substrate, thick up to 2 mm;
- facial decorative surface.
Important! The compound is carried out by gluing, as a result of which elements are formed with parameters 30 * 30 cm or 60 * 60 cm with a thickness of 3 mm.
Depending on the technology of processing the decorative surface, the material of such types differ:
- varnished;
- unprocessed;
- waxed.
Important! And the same, and the other species are suitable for the interior decoration of the premises.
In a separate category, a modular material formed from the massive cortex of cork trees is highlighted:
- with grinding, after which it creates an imitation of carved stone;
- without grinding, which retains the natural texture and texture of this breed of wood.
Important! Such a tile has a thickness in the range of 9-18 mm with parameters 30 * 30 or 60 * 30 cm.
Features of the rolled plug
The structure of the rolled material is the same as the modular - 2-layer coating, but in most cases there is no protective coating. Therefore, if you prefer such a modification, after the completion of the installation work, the entire surface will be needed to be covered with varnish or wax.
Among the features of the roll plugs, such characteristics are distinguished:
- the minimum thickness is 1-2 mm;
- a sufficient length in 1 roll is 8-10 meters with a standard width of 0.5-1 meters, which makes it possible to use the cork coating as much as possible without a large amount of waste;
- the possibility of registration of seamless wall coating;
- combining on one area of \u200b\u200bseveral types of decorative materials is allowed.
Features of cork wallpaper
Wallpapers - the most affordable variation of cork finishing materials. If you decide to choose this species, read the advantages that it will bring:
- minor material thickness - from 1 mm;
- convenient sizes for pasting accommodation of any configuration - 10 meters length, and width - 0.5 meters;
- simplifying the installation process in the case of a selection of self-adhesive web, the dimensions of which 3 * 0.48m;
- variability of format, structures and invoices, which ensures wide design capabilities;
- good adhesion with any type of foundation - brick, concrete, wood, plaster.
Important! When installing cork wallpapers, their preliminary acclimatization is a prerequisite. Do not ignore this process to prevent deformation or detachment during temperature drops and humidity mode.
Wall plug: how to glue?
To correctly perform the installation of a cork cover of any type, strictly stick to the sensitive sequence, not passing any of the steps:
- Preparation of material.
- Preparation of the room.
- Selection of glue.
- Marking area of \u200b\u200bdecorating.
- Selection of fastening technology.
- Application of adhesive solution.
- Installation of the decorative coating.
How to prepare the material?
First of all, take into account that at any level of your professional construction skills, it is necessary to acquire material with a margin. Standard indicator - 10%.
Before starting the process of design of the room, prepare the material itself:
- Check the quality of its evenness, purity and dryness.
- Place it for 24-48 hours to the room with similar temperature indicators and humidity.
- Rolled material slightly stretch, scatter and hang so that it takes the right shape.
How to prepare the surface and room?
To ensure the desired surface quality to be installed, perform the following work:
- Check the level of moisture of the walls with a special device - a hygrometer. The indicator should not exceed 3%.
- Check the quality of the preparatory coverage - it should not turn and crumble.
- Sand the surface of the walls, if it is painted so that it acquires a small roughness.
- Remove the old coating if it is inadequate strength.
- Clean the walls from all types of contaminants - old solution, dust, fat, paint residues, etc.
- Let the floor in the room.
- Drink the surface of deep penetration solutions.
- Wait for the mixture drying.
Important! Check immediately before installation temperature and humidity level. Indicators must correspond to + 18C and 40-65%.
What to choose glue?
The choice of suitable glue depends on exactly how you're going to stick a plug:
- if you prefer one-sided technology - buy an acrylic solution of universal action;
- if you decide to glue a more reliable 2-sided way - contact glue.
How to make marking?
To properly distribute the modules or segments of the roll canvas, make pre-markup as follows:
- Draw 2 symmetric axial lines.
- Mark the center of the surface by typing it on a plunder, level or with a roulette.
- Choose the optimal start of the mount.
- If you have selected a modular material, make the layout of the location of the remaining elements.
Important! Professionals recommend starting the installation of the first cutting of the web or the module from the axis intersection point.
What to choose the fastening technology?
The laying technology will be varied depending on the type of the selected version of the cork material:
- rolled coating stacked with sutures;
- wallpapers stick online so that the gaps are not formed;
- tile material Mount on the principle of brickwork - a bandage or a rotary.
How to apply glue?
To carry out the cork coating, follow the following glue technology:
- Treat the wall area in 1 m2 with modules mounting and 2 m2 when installing a roll coating.
- Apply a mixture with a spatula, a layer thickness of 2 mm.
- When choosing a one-sided technique, apply glue only on the walls.
- When choosing a bilateral technique, apply sequentially on the walls and on the inner side of the material.
Important! When using the contact glue, it is imperative to withstand the technical pause of 20-30 minutes before fastening the material elements.
How to glue a plug?
To glue the cork slabs or another type of material, work in this way:
- Attach the tile in the selected area intersection of the axes.
- Press it at the bottom edge, gradually moving up.
- Cold neatly element with a rubber hammer to clearly fix it in the desired position.
- Repeat the procedure sequentially throughout the wall area.
- As you do, refer the clarity of the horizontal level.
Important! All holes for switches and sockets pre-using cardboard templates for this.
Installation of wall plug - video
Care rules
In order for the wall-mounted cork cover for a long time maintained technical characteristics and attractive, not enough to comply with only the requirements of the installation technology. The prerequisite is the right departure, which is essentially not distinguished by complexity.
The main recommendations are as follows:
- Cover the surface after mounting with a protective solution, for example, wax, butter or varnish, but only ceramic or polyurethane.
- Delete the mud raid in a timely manner with a wet rag.
- Use to accelerate surface cleansing various chemicals, but without solvents in the composition and abrasive elements.
- If you cannot remove the mud rag with a rag, remove the protective coating and open the surface again.
- Use during an active solar effect on the coating if the room is on the sunny side, blinds or curtains on the windows to prevent the rapid fading of the shade.
- Maintain a stable level of moisture in the room and do not allow large temperature drops, as the natural materials, including the plug, are susceptible to stretching, drying and deformation with such an impact.
As you have convinced, the whole process of choosing and installing a decorative wall cork cover is not a complex procedure. Such work is perfect for self-fulfillment and will allow you to even enjoy the artistic process. The aesthetic effect will certainly be amazed, and you will experience a feeling of comfort and convenience for a long time in your own home.
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It is planned to use a rolled cork material only as the insulation of the wall and subsequently salary it with wallpaper. However, the Master warns such a decision as a counterproof - upon subsequent repair, the wallpaper will "move away" from the wall along with the cork insulation. Are there any ways to avoid such destruction of the insulation in the future?