Cracks on the ceiling. Methods for sealing cracks Ceilings

If cracks appeared on the ceiling, do not despair. To eliminate them, special knowledge and skills will not need. Now we will look at all the nuances of this process, how to remove the crack on the ceiling.
Causes of ceiling slots
Before you begin to eliminate cracks, you need to know about the factors that influenced their appearance. The most common causes of cracks are:
- shrinking building;
- sharp temperature differences;
- poorly performed repair work.
If the house is only rebuilt, then you should not immediately engage in the repair of the ceiling. The best option is to repair 3-4 years after the construction of the building. To prevent the formation of cracks on the ceiling in the implementation of repair work, careful attention is paid to the preparation of the surface.
There are such basic conditions for repairing the ceiling, thanks to which the cracks will not appear:
- the application of the plastering is carried out only on dry and pure ceiling;
- when putty surfaces, it is better to use gypsum mixtures;
- the use of a painting reinforcing grid;
- the use of stretch ceilings that are not deformed when the building shrinkage.
Cracking technology
For sealing cracks on the ceiling use various materials. The most popular are putty and sealant.
Sealing spacure cracks
This method of eliminating the ceiling defect is traditional. Since the solution must normally lie down to the surface, all cracks are expanding. The recesses are cleaned of dust and other garbage and wetted with water.
Closeing for putting the ceiling slots provides for the application of several layers of material in small portions. It all depends on the depth of the crack. Sometimes two layers of putty are enough. But usually draws three layers of material.
The first layer of putty is stacked on the bottom of the crack and smeared. The second portion of the material fills 65-70% of the slot along the entire length. Application and grout of the finish layer takes place with the surface. Laying of subsequent layers of material is carried out only after complete drying of the previous ones.
To make a putty maximum plasticity, a small amount of PVA glue is added to it. Moreover, such a mixture must be consumed much faster, since the adhesive reduces the period of "setting" the solution.
By the way, PVA can also be used as a primer. The glue is mixed with water and applied to the surface. After that, you can immediately repair cracks on the ceiling with a putty.
Application of sealant and other materials
Various sealants can act as a repair mixture. This material is especially indispensable when climbing cracks on the surface, where there is a huge risk of leaks. A moisture-resistant sealant is usually used, which is similar to rubber.
This sealant does not suffer a minor shift of the carrier design. Compared to the mounting foam, it does not increase the initial volume during hardened. And the material will serve significantly longer - until 20-30 years.
If there are enough deep gaps (for example, in interconnect joints), they should be embedded using a reinforcement grid. This can be both a metal grid and the "serpent".
You can also use cotton fabric, which should fit with a 3-centimeter intake on the edge of the crack. In order for this process as much as possible, the fabric is erased, strokes the iron, foaming in the glue, presses and stacked into the crack. With the spatula, the fabric is spreads over the surface. After drying, the fabric is covered with putty.
Nuances seal cracks on a plasterboard ceiling
Now one of the most popular technologies is the trim of rooms by plasterboard. The main advantage of the material is the creation of a perfectly smooth surface. However, there is no guarantee that there will not appear cracks on the ceiling of plasterboard.
The main causes of this problem are:
- shrinking building;
- the use of dowels that do not withstand the load of the plasterboard sheet;
- the attachment of P-shaped suspensions was not for the main jumper;
- the presence of junctions between sheets that were not covered;
- unguarded ceiling surface;
- flooding of neighbors living on the top floor.
Preparatory work
At the initial stage, it should be found out if the ceiling will be deformed in the future or this process will stop. Paper "beacons" are glued to the crack. If, after a short time, they will be broken, then simply seeling the gap can not do. You will have to study the alteration of the entire ceiling. This also applies to those areas of the surface, which move with the unsalted hand pressing on plasterboard.
Error assumption in the framework of the frame device often leads to the replacement of small ceiling sections. If there is a need to strengthen the frame, then you have to remove the whole plasterboard sheet. Repair of the restored area is performed in the same way as when creating the primary ceiling. The surface must be at the same level, and the joints are embedded.
Before proceeding with such a process, how to close the crack on the ceiling, its extending is produced. Using a knife and spatula, a plasterboard sheet is cleaned from putty. The crack increases to 5-10 mm in width.
Do not worry if the width of the slit will exceed 10 mm. It is better to immediately remove all the fenced parts of the plasterboard and the old putty. On the ceiling there should be no sweeping coating. Otherwise, a new crack can be formed next to the renovated area.
It is necessarily cleaning the extreme part of the slot at a distance of 1-3 cm from its borders. It is necessary so that the putty is normally fixed on the surface. Before sealing the crack is cleaned from dust and ground.
Seeling cracks
For this work, you can use a conventional putty, which is covered by self-adhesive ribbon and Stengips putty layer. But there is another option. In order not to apply the ribbon, it is better to use the putty Fugeenfuller.
This material is characterized not only by rapid grasp. Fugeenfuller putty when hardening becomes very tough. For this reason, it is the best solution for sealing joints and gaps in plasterboard.
When applied to the putty, the spatula is strongly pressed against the surface. So you can avoid the appearance of small "bugs". The stacked material should be closed with plasterboard, and not with the finished surface of the sheet.
After drying, the putty is embarking on the final embezzlement of the gap. Fugeenfuller is covered with primer. After 5-6 hours, the finishing putty is applied to the processed area. With the help of a wide spatula, the entire surface is made perfectly smooth.
Elimination of cracks when flooding ceiling
Normal drywall when water gets to be destroyed. In most cases, it is necessary to deal with the deformation of the ceiling section. It will need to be carefully cut. For these purposes, a sharp knife is used. Of course, you can use the electric jigsaw. But there is a chance of damage to metal profiles.
The deformed area is withdrawn. If there were no profiles under the plasterboard, the sealing of the crack is carried out in the following sequence:
- cleaning the extreme part of the old putty and finish coating;
- the headset is removed along the edges;
- a new piece of drywall is cut out of the appropriate size;
- metal profile blanks are made;
- the extreme part of the piece of drywall on both sides is fixed by self-drawing to the profile.
If you need to remove a large plot of deformed drywall, you first need to determine the arrangement of profiles. First, damaged areas are cut, where there are no profiles. The location of the sheet to the profile is cleaned from putty. Self-tapping screws.
If the screws cannot unscrew, then the metal profile is half cut with a grinder. It is left as part of the profile that will allow you to impose a "latch" from a piece of plasterboard. Usually enough profile 3 cm wide. After mounting the drywall of the seams and the screws of the self-tapping screws.
Clock repair video on the ceiling: