Weed Protection: Preventive Measures Plot.

Any owner of his own land plot seeks to improve it. Regardless of what you grow at the local area - berries, vegetables or flowers, you probably faced the problem of the growing of weed grass. Get rid of her easily only when you know how to properly and than protect cultural plants from pests. About this and tell you in this article.
What are weeds?
To compete correctly with your victim, you need to know what kind of disagreeable herb you are working for your active growing. Assist in this photo with names and descriptions of the weeds outlined below:
- Creeping drinking. Without it, there is almost no garden. It is trying to remove almost all daches and not always successfully. The main difference in his difference in a very strong and deeply located root system. Therefore, it is very rare to pull out manually without the residue. But, nevertheless, the current biologists have developed means from drinking, and, quite effective. These pesticides allow not the first time forever to say goodbye to the dust in the site, but a year from year to year significantly reduce its number.
- Field Bind. Another very obsessive culture. Its branched white thick roots can deepen into the ground up to 5 meters. Therefore, if you encountered such a problem, the only output is only periodically digging individual individuals as far as possible. The only thing that can please in this plant during his survivability is quite attractive flowers.
- Rozhkova and straight acidic. This is a plating a reddish shade, which is characterized by a very branched root system. To pull the plant from the soil, especially after the middle of the summer, it is unlikely to succeed. Many small "Bulbasters" ripens on the rhusher, several of which will definitely remain in the ground during digging and germinate next year.
- Ordinary ivy. This species is not just growing very quickly, but as it is developed, it is capable of even destroying concrete walls, what to talk about the soil. Most often, he "sprawling" along the walls of the house and fences. The branches with age become obsessively and quite thick. Roots are also very massive. It is worth noting that in some areas, ordinary ivy is used to decorative landscaping of different landscape forms, but it is extremely unacceptable in the garden.
- Ordinary dandelion. This is all a favorite meadow plant can deliver a lot of trouble. The dandelion not only has a very long root that you can irrigate everything with great difficulty, but also scattered particles as it is imperative to germinate with multiple new dandelions on your site next year.
Important! This list of weed herb is far from complete. Therefore, if you notice some plant not from your landing list, but you do not know how to deal with him, just take a picture of it and ask for advice and consultants in specialty stores. They will certainly be aware and give you useful recommendations.
How to care for the site so that there are no weeds?
The first step to the purity of your plot is the correct care. Only subject to this condition, you will be able to make it so that it has grown, as few unwanted species. In this case, the protection against weeds will be required to be the most simple, having nothing to do with poisonous chemicals.
Adhere to the following rules in order to preserve the attractiveness of your garden and give the opportunity to fully develop planted cultures:
- Do not do too often pumping soil. This is just raising with deep layers of weed seeds to the surface and give them good conditions for germination.
- Keep open areas without landing no more than 2 weeks. If the seed sealing time has not yet come true, or you did not decide what exactly decorate this part was put on, cover the soil with plastic or geotextile of black.
- Set for watering efficient and economical systems of drip water supply. This will not only provide the desired amount of moisture cultural plants, but also you will not spend precious drops on the irrigation of the soils under weeds, and accordingly reduce the risk of their germination.
- Each year spend the crop turnover of vegetables. That is, alternate the landing sites of the same plants. With this approach, you will be able to maintain the fertility of the soil without additional manipulations for a longer period, and you will not create the usual habitat conditions for weeds.
- Before landing, calculate the required area of \u200b\u200bthe soil as accurately as possible to each plant. Do not leave large areas of free space in order not to give extra opportunities for weeding grass for development.
- Prefer the planting method by seedlings, not seeds. Already developing plants are better leaving and stronger resist the annoying weeds on the site. Yes, and places for their development in this case remains much less.
How to protect plants from weeds before landing?
Weed protection has several options. Which one to give preference - select yourself based on:
- the type of cultivated plants on your outlook;
- ease of technology of use and further care;
- financial opportunities;
- skills of growing berries and vegetables.
Warning measures in this case are in laying on the surface:
- films from weeds;
- mulch.
Important! If you choose based on the presence of free time care for the garden, keep in mind that both methods are quite effective, but the film is more simple in circulation.
Film from weeds - dignity and method of laying
Such material refers to the category of geotextiles. Most often make it made of polyethylene or polypropylene, white, silver and black. The last tint is greater popularity due to additional beneficial properties.
The advantages of the film are as follows:
- artificial facilities are durable and suitable for multiple use over several years;
- does not prevent the penetration of moisture and air into the soil;
- not in its composition of poisonous chemicals;
- minimal departure care;
- qualitatively protects cultural landings from the germination of weeds;
- allows you to assemble the harvest in pure form without additional processing;
- wide application possibilities - suitable for all types of beds, garden tracks, flower beds with single and perennial plants.
Important! As an additional nuance, it is worth noting the fact that it is mainly suitable for those cultures whose fruits grow on the surface, and not in the soil. The only disadvantage should be noted that the ants of ants can accumulate under it, and it is also not recommended to ride a garden while the bear and moles are dominated.
The use of it is also not particularly difficult:
- Align the soil on the garden.
- Disseminate the cloth over the surface.
- Press along the edges of the stones so that the film does not blown to the wind until there are plants.
- Make the markup of the landing.
- Make cruciform slots in the outlined places.
- Lay the seeds or seedlings into the planned wells.
Mulching from weeds - Benefits
If the film is a new video of modern fashion, the mulch is applied by dackets and professional agrarians for many years.
According to the principle of action - it is the same underfloor material, but mainly on an organic basis:
- fallen foliage from trees and shrubs;
- hay and fresh grass;
- wood sawdust, bark, chips;
- garden compost;
- paper, newspaper, cardboard;
- gravel and crushed stone.
Important! The main condition for the correct mulch is the choice of a suitable form of the base, since many of these materials affect the composition of the soil, the level of moisture access, the conditions for the reproduction of rodents, etc., etc. For example, compost significantly increases its nutritionality, and not all cultures are suitable. At the same time, he can burn young shoots and requires significant time spent in the cooking process. All these features must necessarily take into account the mulching of the soil on your site.
How to deal with weeds?
If all warning measures have been fulfilled or you did not have time to arrange the underfloor reservoir and weeds developed a rapid activity on your site, it's time to start to deal with them. For this process, come responsibly, considering several criteria when choosing a suitable way:
- minimum time costs;
- minor or complete absence of harm for plants themselves on the garden;
- no consequences for your health with further use of fruits;
- minor financial expenses;
- the presence of cultural plants.
The main method of struggle two is:
- mechanical processing of a site from weeds;
- chemical impact.
Mechanical methods
Mechanical removal of weeds involves their removal after germination. For this suitable:
- Manual weeding. A rather time-consuming procedure that will require you not only the presence of free time, but concentration and attentiveness. You can perform it with both hands and special tools - a chipper, hoe, flat foke, if the size and features of the development of cultivated plants allow.
Important! If you have chosen this method, perform a weeding after the rain or watering the garden - to pull out unsuitable plants will be much easier and faster. By the way, this is the only "clean" option for the removal of weed grass on the cultivated beds in the process of plant development.
- Cultivators. This equipment has become simply indispensable for owners of more or less large posts. With the help of cultivators, you can perform a whole range of field work, including the removal of weeds, but only in open areas immediately before planting.
- Heat treatment. Effectively and quickly remove a large number of weeds, you can in a simple way - burn them or quiet with boiling water. Unfortunately, this method is suitable exclusively for the long-untared territories, subject to the absence of cultivated plants on them. If you decide to resort to this method, keep in mind that today a special administrative resolution is required to burn out large-scale space.
Special concentrates for processing are so-called herbicides. They are 2 types:
- Solid action. These chemicals lead to the death of everyone without exception of plants. They are suitable only in the case when it is necessary to completely clean the earth from all the existing vegetation.
- Selective action. Preparations of this type are suitable for regular processing of the site in the process of growing different crops, as they are destructively affect the specific types of plants, without harm to others.
Important! Before buying a remedy for weeds, be sure to specify to what type it relates to not destroy all your future harvest.
Continuations include:
If you need election herbicides - this is:
- Aster, Lintur, Lontrel-300d, Hacker and Propolol - to protect the decorative lawn;
- Dual Gold, Fusilla, Lazurit, Gezagard and Zenkor - for processing cereals and vegetables Tomato, carrots, potatoes;
- Toril - will help protect the bed of a garden with a bow and garlic.
Important! Read the instructions carefully before purchasing and using each specific drug. Effective result is guaranteed only if you follow the recommendations regarding:
- size weed;
- type of obscome herb;
- rules for the preparation of the composition and processing of the site;
- weather conditions during processing.
Browse the cognitive videos in which it is clearly shown to deal with weeds in different ways.
Another detailed review, but that in general such weeds and what they need.
The struggle with weeds is not so simple as it may seem at first glance. Even aggressive chemicals do not always guarantee a 100% result from the first time of use, and the soil in the case of their application suffers significantly. Therefore, in order to get a high-quality and large harvest of the right fruits, try as closely as possible to care for the beds and take affordable warning measures to protect against weeds. A comprehensive approach will definitely give the desired result and will allow you to relax more warm in summer, and not spend time in spares from unwanted grass.