How to make a wooden floor screed Floors

If in the room, whether the apartment, the cottage, the country house or summer kitchen is quite durable and not rotted with the time of the wooden or tiled floors, which are not at all satisfying the owners or does not match the standards, then these floors are not removed. Right on them, a concrete screed on the wooden floor is made. At the same time, all the high-altitude marks with existing doors are coordinated (if the repair goes in the old house) and various pipes: water, heating and sewer. It is likely that the lower part of the canvas of those doors that will be opened inside the room where the screed will have to be shortened by the bottom feeding. Sometimes the door is simply replaced, and all pipe wiring is reworked.
Screed wooden floor with their own hands
For the device of special screeds on the already existing flooring uses only those mixtures that can be suitable for this, because the execution of such work on the floor of the tree is a rather risky event. The risk is that if the floor is old or with rotten lower beams, the entire screed at one moment or gradually can collapse.
Cement-based cement-based hardware and rapidly hardening mixtures are just suitable for alignment of wooden floors. Better, strengthen such a screed with special reinforced fiber. The strength of such a screed for compression and deformation is best to check on the 28th day. Only in this case, there is a guarantee that the walking people and items on the floor will not damage it. Most often make a screed with a layer of 10 mm.
Cement screed on the wooden floor passes in several stages:
Preparation of the foundation
Floor strength is the basic condition for achieving a good result. The peeling or weak upper layer of the former cement-sand screed is eliminated by grinding or milling. Heated over the years of the floor of the floor fat, sometimes glue, as well as old water-soluble leveling mixtures, must be removed. All irregularities with a height of more than 10 mm before starting work are equalized with special cement-based mixtures. Complete alignment is performed only immediately after the final solidification of the mixture of penetrated into the recess. If the screed is kept on the old tile floor, then look at the bounced tiles. It is best to remove them at all, and the remaining space to align the mixture.
With the device of screeds on old wooden or so-called "black" board floors, absolutely all boards should be reliably nailed to lags. Those boards that bend or rotted are mandatory replaced with new ones. Swinging boards are additionally screwed by self-drawing to lags. In no case should not creak or fade. The holes that are found at the base of the floor and the places of all sorts of leaks of the cement mortar are close, and the gaps between the plates of such a floor are put off by a parquet putty on the basis of wood dust from wood or some self-made spacure. Make them 4 parts of any sawdust and only 1 part of the available oil paint. Water soluble putty are not allowed here.
When the screed is done on the wooden floor, all plinths are removed. They are replaced by more subtle small planks that will cover the slots between the wall and the floor. When such a plate is installed, all the slots existing between them and the floors are applied. That gap, which is located between the floors and the wall temporarily becomes closed with a special plank. After the recess of the last of the screed, this gap will be open again and thus will provide ventilation of the entire underground space. Ventilation is needed for "prevention" attendance of the bottom of the floor.
Similar to surface
The floor of the tree is grinning, and then vacuuming and covered with primer in accordance with all the instructions. The treatment of this primer dispersion improves the engagement of the leveling mixture of cement with the base and prevents the formation of unnecessary air bubbles. In addition, thanks to the primer, the water available in the screed will not quickly be absorbed into the base. Another important purpose of the primer is its property to improve the leveling of the leveling mixture.
Dry floors are treated with primer twice. And if the multi-layer type is aligned, the processing of the soil dispersion is carried out immediately before each leveling layer.
The floor, before processing the dispersion based on the primer should not even be a slightly wet, otherwise the priming will not bring the expected fruit.
Reinforcement of the base
On weak wooden floors, it is best to use a fiberglass grid needed to enhance the strength of the leveling layer. The grid is fixed directly to the base - floor, applying a pneumatic stapler for these purposes. Staples will prevent the mesh popup from the solution. You can print the grid directly during the process of applying a cement screed. The reinforcing system should be approximately in the middle or the lower third of the thickness of the screed, but in no case under it. Therefore, when scabing is clogged, it is necessary to take into account the force of scoring them into the surface of the floor.
Fix mix
Floor screed in a wooden house cannot pass without the mixture itself. Therefore, its preparation pay special attention. Usually use mixtures in bags of 25 kg. They are comfortable and do not occupy a lot of space. The mixture bag in a special container is poured 6.5 liters of water. If the desired consistency is not achieved, you can add 0.5 liters of water, but no more, otherwise the solution will be liquid and it will be difficult for them. In addition, in the overdose of water in the solution, peeling and weakening of the strength of the entire aligned surface can occur. Stirring water and mixtures produce a drill. Insert the nozzle in the form of a whisk in the cartridge. Mix at least a minute. It is important that the mixture is homogeneous - uniform. The premium mixture is suitable for only 15 minutes from the moment of its indemnification (mixing) with water. It is important to comply with the necessary temperature indicators of the floor and mixture. In particular, the solution should be no temperature below +10 degrees. In cold conditions, when the screed is made in a new home without heating, use warm water, its maximum temperature should be +35.
Applying a screed
The question is how to make a wooden floor screed until the end was disassembled. And now, when the solution and the surface of the wooden floor is ready to contact, proceed to the most important thing - applying a screed.
It follows to work at this stage without interruptions until the entire surface of the screed is not aligned. The mixture is applied with special steel or gear spatulas. After the fill, the aligned surface will become suitable for inherited walking by about 4 hours. If necessary, the resulting surface is polished. It is better to do it 6 hours after directly applying the mixture. Before grinding, the boards stood instead of plinths.
Sealing deformation seams
In places where there were deformation seams, for example, in the doorways, the layer of the aligned screed is cut around the grinder after the surface will allow to walk by itself. After this procedure, the seams are filled with a special elastic material designed strictly for seams.
Calculation of the consumption of the mixture, cleaning the tool
When calculating the consumption of the leveling mixture for a screed on the wooden floor, it is necessary to proceed from this ratio: for every 1.5 kg / m² of the mixture there must be a layer thickness of 1 mm.
And speaking of cleaning the tools, it must be said that all the unworthy remnants of the material are washed off with simple water, and the hardened mechanically wonder. The working tool is also washed with water, and immediately after the end of the work.
Screed on a wooden floor video
In this part of the article, you can watch a video showing how to make a screed on the wooden floor.