Boilers Evan: Connection, Use, Reviews Climate

Modern heating equipment from domestic producers with their characteristics is practically not inferior to foreign counterparts. The example is an example - the boilers Evan, which perfectly coped with heating of residential and non-residential premises, and at the same time stand. But how to install a new boiler? If you do not want to overpay for the work of the wizard, follow our advice.
Selection of boiler and room facilities
Before you install an electric boiler Evan, it is necessary to obtain a corresponding permission with specialized state control services. When buying, you always demand a certificate from the seller - without it you will not get permission to install the equipment. The control service will give you permission only if the power grid supposed to your home can cope with such a load. Therefore, it is very important to choose a boiler of such a power with which the power grid can cope.
To do this, we propose to take advantage of the following formula:
- F - boiler power;
- S is the area of \u200b\u200bthe room;
- F. 1 - boiler power by 10 m 2;
- for the average climatic belt - 1-1.2 kW;
- for southern regions - 0.7-0.9 kW;
- for the northern - 1.2-2 kW;
- F \u003d s * f 2/10.
Example: in northern latitude for room 60 m 2 We calculate the following way: 60 * 1,20 / 10 \u003d 7.2 kW. It will be the minimum power of the boiler you need.
If the area of \u200b\u200byour dwelling in Suma is less than 150 m 2, To the resulting result, add 1.5 kW. When the room is larger, you need to take into account the total number of rooms, the level of thermal insulation, insulation of walls and roofs, ventilation, etc. Here the miscalculation will be more difficult and in most cases it is necessary to attract an expert. Such services are inexpensive, so you can pay and then buy a suitable boiler model.
Unlike gas boilers, electrical is quite unpretentious to the installation site. The main thing is that it be in the availability zone. Most often today boilers are installed in the kitchen or in the bathroom. About Boilers Evan Customer Reviews Exceptionally Positive: No Waste, High Efficiency, Lack of Open Flame, Comfortable Temperature Adjustment, Ecology and Security. The weaknesses are uncritical. Sometimes there is a need to replace the shadows, as well as clean the scale from the heating elements. But in comparison with the inconveniences of other boilers - these are little things. With the correct installation and compliance with the norms of operation, the technique will serve you for many years, fully fulfilling the tasks set before it. So! You chose the boiler and ready to start assembly. Where to begin?
Installing the boiler
In order to independently install an electric unit, you will need:
- instruction that comes in the kit;
- drill (better electric);
- profile;
- hardware, with which the equipment on the wall will be fixed;
- cable of a certain cross section;
- installation plan;
- flanges, couplings;
- level;
- electrically conductive;
- fasteners;
- pipes;
- a set of keys;
- connection diagram Copper Evan.
Do not forget to check whether the wall is really on which the boiler will be installed is quite durable.
Stages and installation
When you were convinced that all the necessary tools have in stock, and the surface of the wall meets the strength requirements, you can start connecting the Evan boiler. Perform all work according to the following plan:
- With the help of the level and simple pencil, apply the future location of the boiler on the wall. Try to place it away from the water pipe. Electricity and waters are incompatible.
- Measure where they will be fastened and drilled the hole drill under the fasteners at the desired distance.
- Install the bar and fastening profile. Use the level and look at how much fixes are installed. It is extremely important that the boiler keeps tight and tightly (although Evan boilers have a sufficiently small mass, we do not recommend installing them for fragile walls. In this case, use the floor boiler).
- Secure the boiler on the wall using a dowel.
- If you have chosen outdoor boiler, set the stand on the floor.
- The next step is grounding. Many ungrounded boilers simply will not work. Or will the indicator on the panel constantly flash. To ground a new boiler, make a ground center. This is a design of several metal pins, each other is connected by conventional reinforcement. All this is plunged into the ground. Zero wire are moving to pins. Now the excessive voltage will immediately be discharged into the ground. For grounding, the copper cable is best suited for the ground.
Important! Ungrounded or incorrectly grounded boilers are really dangerous to health and life. Strictly not recommended to operate unemployed equipment.
- After hanging the boiler and its grounding, bring the cable to it of a certain section. To connect a three-phase boiler, plug the wires M1, M2, M3. In this case, the zero cable connects to the bus on the shield - the grounding in this case will occur through it.
- Near the boiler for safety, set the protective shutdown device.
- Switch the temperature sensors and the shutdown timer.
- Make an electric pump and expansion tank. To do this, use fasteners. In some models, they are already mounted in the boiler. Pump set on the water supply pipe next to the boiler.
- Connect the boiler, the expansion tank and the electric pump with each other with metal or metal-plastic pipes (note that metal-plastic pipes serve longer and are not corrosion).
- Wires hide into cable channels and install a protective casing for fire safety.
- Now you can connect the boiler to your heating system. Use coupling and flanges to connect the boiler and pipeline.
- The final step is to connect to the network. First, make sure that the correct grounding and connected all the wires. Check with instructions. Please note that the distance between the contacts was at least 0.3 cm. When everything is done, turn on the water supply and check how the boiler works.
Important advice
You see that the boiler Evan Warmos and the EPO boilers Evan of various models in the installation are quite simple. In addition to the above installation steps, we also want to give a few simple guidelines that can significantly simplify the installation process:
- If the heating system, to which you will connect the boiler, was already in operation earlier, we recommend rinse with its cleaning agents.
- The electric boiler is optimal for additional heating of the room, but not as the main heat source.
- If the selected electrode boiler, you will also need to install the air vent and check valve.
- Install the shut-off valves if you use the open type system.
- When you install a new boiler, leave a free place at least on the one hand so that in the event of a breakdown or malfunction you had free access to it.
- Install the filter on the reverse line of the heating system.
The electric boiler is an excellent tool for creating a high-quality autonomous heating system. It is very convenient if you are not connected to the central heating system. One of the advantages of modern boilers is the presence of a temperature adjustment sensor depending on the time and night time and the temperature outside the window. In fact, it is a small boiler room.
In operation, modern boilers Evan domestic production are simple and convenient. They are ideal for families where there are small children, because they are completely safe. During operation, the most important thing for you is to follow the health of the boiler and clean the heating elements on time.