How to build a stone fence do it yourself Construction,Building materials

It is not a secret that the stone is a practical eternal material that has been used in construction events for thousands of years. Practice shows that in its original form, the stone is not only a solid building material, but also an excellent decorative element. Obviously, such advantages of the material mean that there are significant disadvantages that still do not make material available for each willing.
Natural stone is an expensive pleasure that, moreover, extremely rarely becomes justified. The thing is that even small objects that are created on the basis of the stone, often require a huge monetary budget. Accordingly, other options are often cheaper, but no less high-quality and durable. It makes sense to save significant opportunities for further construction events.
If we talk about creating a stone-based fence, then this is a fairly voluminous question that requires deep analysis. Immediately it is worth saying that such a fence is guaranteed to be expensive. But for many owners, the numerous advantages of such a fence have much more weight than the aspect associated with money.
In this article, we will consider the main features related to the creation of a slaughter from stone. It should be borne in mind that this process has many nuances to which it is clear to pay attention to be guaranteed to get a decent result.
Features of natural stone
As we mentioned at the very beginning, natural stone - the material is popular. And it is safe to say that over time this tendency will continue. Stone can be processed, which allows you to use this material in a wide variety of conditions.
As you know, natural stone is the best option for the decor of the territories, the creation of monolithic building structures, etc. In fact, the possibilities of this material are practically endless, but today it is used not so often as you think. It is precisely in that very high cost, because of which it is much more profitable to make a choice in favor of modern materials. These most materials are significantly cheaper than stone, and they differ in some characteristics, against which the stone is clearly not the most practical option.
However, it is safe to say that the very decorative highlight of natural stone is truly unique. First of all, if we talk about such a variant of the use of stone, then these are some external components of structures. This clearly includes fences, which, of course, should look attractive, but at the same time monolithic.
Modern stone fences
Under the slaves of the stone, it is often implied by sufficiently massive structures that must comply with the main construction on the site. If the house is small, and even one-story, then a major stone fence will look short.
On the other hand, if there is a big house, and it is created in the original style, the stone is able to emphasize the very individuality of the structure. In a classical understanding, a stone fence is a monolithic design, which is created on the basis of various breeds of natural material. A peculiar "mix" often turns out to be not only attractive externally, but also a reliable option. It must be remembered that today there are absolutely all the conditions in order to create a decent fence from the stone, but this requires a large budget.
When creating a slaughter from stone, it is possible to choose and the height of the fence, since in the end the design will still be durable. Such a fence with ease can be a kind of protective structure, but it will cost such a building solution too expensive, and it looks like it will not be on the fence, but rather, to the fortress.
Do not forget that you can successfully combine the materials used when creating a fence. Therefore, along with the stone, wood, metal and other resources that can not only decorate the fence are successfully used, but also to reduce it substantially. At the same time, the reliability of the fence will be at the required level.
Advantages and disadvantages of stone fences
Before making some conclusions related to the creation of a fence based on natural stone, it is worth considering the pros and cons of such a building structure. After that, you can make deliberate solutions.
Positive sides:
- Monolith, reliability, durability. Immediately three advantages of the stone fence is probably one of the most important aspects for any fences. As we said, the stone is the same durable material that, if we consider a resource from the point of view of reliability and strength, there are still no worthy competitors. This suggests that with sufficient financial opportunities, it definitely makes sense to take advantage of natural stone. It is based on reliable protection for the entire territory. Over time, natural stone completely does not lose its primary properties. On the contrary, the material of the resource becomes more attractive when the moss begins on top. A certain harmony is created between nature and the fence created. The strength of such a fence is enough to ensure that the design can easily withstand strong blows or vibrations. It becomes clear that during the entire period of operation, a stone fence will be reliably saved all its necessary properties.
- Appearance. The natural stone itself perfectly fits in almost any conditions. For the creation of fences, it is often used butterfly. If you put the stones correctly, then the fence is attractive. It is interesting that to admit an error in such a process - it is extremely difficult, however, many owners just in case resort to the services of professionals. Different rock breeds should be used when creating one fence, as such a solution always has a positive effect on the appearance of the building structure. Often, various decorative elements that can turn the most "gray" fence and really amazing building are used at such fences. It is also necessary to understand that large fences are often created based on the stone, therefore any experiments related to the decor can create serious problems. The tasteless design of the site is the very situation to be avoided by any means.
- Universality. As we have said, the stone can be applied in a wide variety of conditions. Accordingly, if we are talking about creating a fence, then there is also a versatility, which is so lacking many other materials. However, this advantage is not yet a guarantee that the fence will look attractive in certain conditions. Also universality concerns places where this resource can be used. When creating a high-quality design, the stone fence will delight stability on various soils.
- Practical technology. Create a fence based on stone - it is not so difficult, as it may seem at first glance. To date, there are quite a few technologies for which such structures can be created. Practice shows that people can take part in such events without sufficient experience. Accordingly, it is possible to easily take part in the process, as it is extremely difficult to make a mistake here. Despite this, in case of any questions or difficulties, it is worth contacting specialists who will definitely share a useful advice. Experiments are not the best idea, especially if the cost of the work carried out is very high.
- Price. It is obvious that it is the major price tags for a natural stone and create the most problems to the owners who wish to create various designs. To implement a project to create a slaughter from stone will have to spend a round sum. It is important to note that for the average inhabitants of the CIS countries, it is too large money, so people are increasingly looking at low-cost versions that occasionally become a good replacement of natural stone. As already mentioned, it is possible to combine other resources together with natural stone. In some cases, the benefit may be impressive. In addition, the use of several materials at once is a faithful move towards creating an excellent decor.
- The weight. Natural stone has an impressive weight, which does not most effect on the transportation of the material. Often to create a fence are needed large volumes of stone, which, of course, requires the use of additional transport (perhaps even specialized). In addition, if the stones have large sizes, it will create problems even within a small area. Definitely need additional working hands.
- Specificity technology. As you know, during the creation of a fence you need to combine the unit of material so that the externally design looks attractive. However, this is not always easy, as it may seem at first glance. Earlier, we took the technology to the advantages, but it is worth understanding that the disadvantage is often lies in monotonous actions. It is about the fact that sometimes it is necessary to split stones into parts, to look for the most appropriate materials for their combination.
In addition, it is important to note the need to immediately in a considerable amount of labor, since otherwise the process can delay for long months.
It becomes clear that aspects that it is worth paying attention to when choosing a material to create a fence, really much, therefore it makes sense to comprehensively consider this question so that the choice turned out to be conscious and reasonable.
Technology for creating a stone fence
Materials and tools
As mentioned earlier, for work related to the creation of a slaughter from stone, it makes sense to choose butt or dashest material. The second option is preferable, since it is the cut stone that has a certain shape and fixed dimensions. For masonry is an excellent choice. First of all, it is necessary to be based on the project that was adopted for upcoming construction work.
Tools and fixtures are required as follows:
- building level;
- master OK;
- shovel;
- roulette;
- concrete mixer.
Placement site
Almost all events related to construction work should be marked. It is worth saying that this is an extremely important process that allows you to get a quality result.
- To begin marking, it is necessary to have a plan plan on which there is already a fence. Accordingly, we will know exactly where all the necessary components are located exactly.
- Marking can be very simple: install metal pegs in the corners, and stretch the thread between them.
- The territory that will end up must be qualitatively removed. It is worth getting rid of all garbage, as well as clear the plot from unwanted vegetation. It is often obtained that the fence setting prevents a tree or other object. Accordingly, these are unwanted problems that should be found in creating a plan.
Marking should remain during the process of creating a fence. This will allow not to be mistaken for all activities, as well as get exactly the location of the fence, which was indicated when creating a plan.
Foundation for the fence
Given that natural stone is a heavy material, it will be necessary to create a sufficiently high-quality foundation, which would have resist the considerable loads. Experts recommend to make a choice in favor of solid tape bases.
The width of such a foundation often amounts to about 15 cm more than the width of the very fence. Making the basis is big - there is no point, since this is extra money costs. At a smaller width, the foundation may not cope with its immediate tasks.
The base of such a foundation (a part that is located above the soil level) must be no less than 10 cm. As we have already mentioned, much on this issue depends directly from the soil and the specifics of the site. After a small analysis, you can make some conclusions.
- First of all, you will need to roll out the trench. Its depth should be at least 60 cm. If a massive fence, then the depth must be somewhat larger. But it is worth remembering that sometimes the scope of work turns out to be too large, so the help of special equipment is required, without which it is simply not to do.
- Next, you need to create a sandy pillow, its width must be about 5 cm. The most important thing in this process is a layer rambling so that there are no drops, as well as voids inside the pillow.
- Installing the formwork - the next important step, which often requires some skill. The bottom line is that the formwork is a kind of construction mixture. Thus, this design should be dense and reliable. The formwork is assembled from plywood, boards and the like materials.
- Now it is necessary to lay a reinforcing framework, and right on the sandy pillow. For the fence, it is often enough rods, the diameter of which is only 8 mm. Reinforcement occurs in 2 layers.
- Reinforcing elements should be uniform. You can pay attention to various options for the arming elements to select the most suitable.
- Pouring concrete into formwork is an extremely simple process, and often it requires the attraction of special equipment. With its help, the fill process will pass quickly and efficiently. The formwork can be removed by about 2 weeks after the fill, and the strength of the concrete is gaining during the month. It is also worth noting that the timing depend on the specifics of the mixture, as well as the design dimensions.
Creation of columns
An important part of the project is the pillars that must have large dimensions, as well as sufficient reliability for the entire design in general. Again, and for pillars will require a formwork, which is going on the basis of boards. Experts recommend to make pillars with dimensions of 300x300 mm. If the fence is more massive, then you can choose 400x400 mm.
It is worth noting that as a basis for pillars you need to create in advance, even during the construction of the foundation, you can use a metal profile that will be located deep in concrete.
- The formwork simply plays the first row of stones. As we have already spoken, the stones must be in the best way to combine, both in size and externally. It is also interesting that today there are many stone sellers, so the extensive choice is always present.
- The most important thing is to eliminate gaps between stones, as well as formwork.
- Stones need to be spread straight on the mixture. It is important to keep in mind that in this process it is advisable to make a choice in favor of a thick mixture, which in the best way will connect all the structural elements. This process is almost similar to what happens during brick masonry. It is worth saying that uneven faces should be avoided, and it is because of this that the process can delay the long hours. It will also be necessary to additionally pour a solution into the gaps that are available between the stones. Approximately the laying of each individual series.
- The formwork is gradually moving upwards. In parallel, it is possible to lay styling of stones around the perimeter of the fence. Accordingly, everything will occur gradually and efficiently. It is worth remembering that after removing the formwork, it is necessary to close all the cracks between the stones. Ultimately, there should be a pillars, the appearance of which will be accurate.
Creating a fencing element
Thus, it remains to consider the process associated with creating a protective part of the fence. Obviously, it has the greatest size, therefore, the responsibility associated with the final result will be large.
Experts advise large stones for this process. Of course, the stones come across nonideal sizes, so it will be necessary to do everything possible to make this part of the fence with sufficient harmony with the whole building structure.
- The mixture is applied to the base of the enclosing part (on the foundation). Thus, laying stone throughout the surface. It must be done so that all this looks symmetrically and harmonized with the rest of the fence. Between the columns, you can pull the thread so that the laying was as smooth as possible.
- The space between the stones must be filling in the construction mixture. Stones must perform outside the flat side, and the gaps and the remaining disadvantages of the surface are better to fill in cement.
- The first row will dry about a day, after which you can start styling the following. So the whole process takes place until the last row.
In the process it is important to do everything possible so that the mixture does not fall on the facial part of the stone, since otherwise the material is blocked and will not have an initial decorative look. In the event that the mixture has already managed to get on the stone, it should be immediately coming from it.
At the very end, after laying a stone, it is necessary to produce a decree of the seams. It is worth noting that in this process there is nothing complicated, but the attractiveness of the fence can be significantly increased.
For the bunch, a wire brush is required, a foam on the number. Specialists recommend pursing such events about 3 hours after masonry, so it's not worth waste time.
First, the seams are cleaned with a wire brush, after which it occurs with the creation of small recesses with the help of chickening. Often, these recesses are up to 20 mm. With the help of foam rubber, brushes and mortar (30% hydrochloric acid), wash the surface. Work should be carried out in protective gloves and glasses.