Liquid waterproofing roofing Insulation

Waterproofing of any part of the building is an important stage of construction. In relation to the roof, such a procedure is also very important, because poor-quality work performed can over time to lead not only to a decrease in the technical characteristics of the building and spoil the interior and facade finish, but also to premature destruction of the entire design.
Until recently, it used mainly rubberoid and bitumen mastic for waterproofing. Modern suggestions of materials are much wider and allow you to choose the method suitable for all criteria. One of the most popular - finishing with a liquid substance based on rubber.
What is liquid waterproofing?
Liquid waterproofing of the roof is a new improved material, the basis of which is a bitumen emulsion in combination with latex particles. The finished solution does not have in its composition harmful volatile substances, therefore it meets high indicators of ecological purity. Immediately after applying, the mass in minutes hardens and creates a monolithic polymer canvas.
Advantages of liquid waterproofing roofing
Waterproofing of the roof of liquid rubber introduces many advantages both directly during the application process and during the operation of the building. The main advantages of this material are as follows:
- the possibility of finishing the roof of any design and configuration;
- high degree of strength and wear resistance;
- excellent elasticity;
- no need to independently prepare a solution;
- the formation of a seamless coating throughout the processing area with a thickness of 3 mm;
- beautiful adhesion with the basics of any type of wood - wood, concrete, brick, block and metal structures, all kinds of decorative finishing material for roofs;
- variability of processing methods, which allows you to choose an optimal professional skills and construction time;
- high apparent and rejection rate;
- immunity to destruction with constant temperature differences - from -60s up to 110 ° C;
- non-toxicity;
- durability - standard life for at least 50 years;
- the ability to quickly identify and easily eliminate defects - irregularities, cracks, chips, recesses in the coating in case of their formation;
- high indicators of moisture resistance;
- does not prevent the natural circulation of air;
- high level of frost resistance.
Important! The cost of liquid waterproofing of the roof is available for any builder. In combination with the above important properties, it is easy to conclude that this is a truly universal solution in all parameters for any direction of building buildings. At all, I will not replace such material if you have increased requirements for non-combustible and frost resistance and there is no time for long-term and thorough preparation of the foundation.
What roof suits liquid waterproofing?
Despite the fact that the price of liquid waterproofing of the roof is low, it is used to arrange the scanty, holmic and flat roofs of the following types of buildings:
- industrial buildings, warehouses, pavilions, hangars;
- shopping centers, shops;
- residential private and multi-storey, apartment buildings;
- theaters, circus, holiday homes and sanatoriums;
- administrative premises.
Important! When placing waterproofing on commercial or large-scale rooms, they resort to the help of profile specialists, but when arranging their own home, you can easily save at the additional costs of money if you make a liquid waterproofing of the roof with your own hands. This process is not distinguished by complexity and will not require a lot of time, including if the roof surface is embossed.
Liquid Rubber Application Technology: Methods
Methods of application are distinguished by two criteria:
To create durable and reliable coverage, select the inventory that will be more convenient for you and understandable in application is:
- airless pumping unit for spraying;
- roller or brush for painting.
Important! The second option will be more time-consuming, therefore suitable for processing a small roof surface area. At the same time, the first suggests additional costs of acquiring or renting special equipment. Be sure to consider these factors before accepting the decision to be preferred.
According to the second criterion, liquid rubber is distinguished for waterproofing the roof of the following types:
- cold;
- hot.
Important! In this regard, when choosing, focus on the following conditions. Cold application material is simpler in circulation and does not require compliance with the clear time frames during use. Hot waterproofing will suit you if the level of professional construction skills is quite high and there is already a practice of using such solutions.
Liquid waterproofing roof: instruction
Like any other building process, the roof waterproofing you have to be performed in several consecutive stages:
- Make the right calculation of the desired amount of material and buy it.
- Prepare a base.
- Apply a solution.
- Check the quality of the work performed before the further arrangement of the roof.
Important! To carry out the full amount of work, select a day with good weather - clear, with an air temperature is not lower than + 5c, so that there is no land or stunned puddles in irregularities.
How to calculate the amount of liquid rubber?
This procedure is very simple. You just need:
- View on the package the consumption of the solution specified by the manufacturer.
- Callate this data with your roof area.
Important! If there are no such data on the package, follow the standard flow parameters in 1 kg per 3-4 square meters of the surface, provided that the solution is applied in 2 layers (these data are shown for a cold solution type). Add to the resultant 10% overpower and you will receive an accurate rate for finishing your roof.
How to prepare the basis?
In order not to reduce the quality of adhesion and not to create the need to reissue waterproofing and the entire roof in the future, prepare the basis for the following technology:
- Check out the absence of frame defects.
- Remove all large and fine garbage from the roof.
- Remove dust with a wet surface cleaning.
- Hold the technical pause until complete drying.
How to properly apply liquid waterproofing mechanically?
To get a quality result and really reduce the cost of time, work in this way:
- Prepare airless equipment.
- Check the accuracy of its configuration.
- Prepare a container with calcium chloride solution.
- Connect the containers with a solution of liquid rubber and calcium chloride to the installation.
- At the same time, perform a shower of two mixtures and submit a solution to the surface of the roof in such a way that a layer of 3-4 mm thick was formed.
Important! When using such equipment, the whole process is not only significantly accelerated. You can evaluate the economy of this decision by reducing the consumption of the main mass of liquid rubber. The highest efficiency was noted when using the equipment of the UU-01, RX-27, the B-21, Pazkar RK-10 technology. Such systems do not fail for a long time, which means they don't have to spend additionally for their repair.
How to apply liquid waterproofing manually?
This method, though more laborious, but fully justifies itself, if necessary, finishing the space of a small area or the absence of time constraints. Application procedure is no difficulty:
- Prepare a paint roller or a wide brush.
- Sequentially score the surface of the thickness of the solution in 2-4 mm.
- When using a hot application solution, preheat a small portion up to 220-230s and cool up to 160 ° C.
- After creating one layer, make a technical break to 10 minutes so that the liquid rubber is completely polymerized.
- Apply the subsequent 1 or 2 layers as the same method.
- Check out the absence of large height drops over the surface and emptiness.
- Start the further decoration of the roof.
Liquid Waterproofing Roof - Video
As you have already been convinced, in the process of creating a liquid waterproofing of the roof there is no difficulty. The main condition is the choice of high-quality material that will ensure the integrity of your roof long period. When buying, consider the recommendations of specialists in this criterion, which preferred proven manufacturers of the following brands:
- Tehnonikol;
- Rauflex;
- Liquid Rubber;
- Ultramaster;
- Rapidflex;
- Slav.