Facade cassettes. Installation instructions Walls,Building materials

Among the many materials intended for the exterior decoration of buildings are very popular with facade cassettes. With their help, you can create an attractive and reliable ventilated facade, while simultaneously providing thermal and sound insulation of the room. On the peculiarities of this material, as well as about the methods of its installation, we will tell in this article.
The main characteristics of the facade cassettes
Benefits of facing material
Facade cassettes are not very popular in construction. The reason for this lies in the advantages of this material, which can be attributed to:
- Long service life, strength and reliability of such a cladding.
- Relative simplicity of assembly. The installation process of such cassettes is performed quite quickly and does not require the involvement of a large number of specialists.
- Facade cassettes protect the walls of construction from adverse weather conditions: wind, moisture, solar radiation.
- This type of facing refers to fire-resistant materials, in addition, it is well tolerating frost and temperature differences.
- Facade cassettes, due to low weight, give a very small load on the walls of the building.
- Under the elements of the structure, you can pave an additional layer of heat and waterproofing materials, thereby ensuring the comfort of indoors.
- Perfectly smooth and smooth facade cassettes are able to disguise all the errors of the walls of the building.
Photo of facade cassettes:
Materials manufacturing facade cassettes
Depending on the manufacturing material, the facade cassettes are divided into three types. Consider them in more detail:
- Galvanized facade cassettes are made from galvanized steel sheets. They are solid and durable, but also heavy enough. If you wish to use this facing material in the building of the building, you will have to take care of creating a reliable fastening of metal products for facade cassettes. As for the color decision, everything depends on your taste and fantasy. During the production of cassettes, galvanized steel sheets are covered with a special polymer film, the palette of the shades of which is quite wide.
- Composite alloy cassettes are not so durable as the previous type of material, however, they have an indisputable advantage - a small mass. As a rule, similar elements are used to design low buildings, the foundation and walls of which will not be taken too much load. We also note that some types of alloys poorly carry the temperature differences or severe heat, so when choosing a material, carefully examine all its characteristics.
- The third type of facing material is aluminum cassettes. Their main advantage is small weight and high strength. In addition, the dimensions of the facade aluminum cassettes are sufficiently large, which directly affects the speed of their installation. The disadvantages of such a material include its cost - the price of such facade cassettes is higher than that of previous two species, but also in terms of quality they won their cheaper analogues.
As a rule, the facade cassettes are sold complete with other elements necessary for the installation of the entire design. A set of details for building facing includes the following:
- slopes;
- aluminum or other metal profiles;
- fastening crutches;
- windbar;
- details for disguise slots;
- corners for fixing panels;
- cashbits.
Methods for mounting facade cassettes
There are 2 methods for installing metal cassettes on the facade of the building. Below we will look at them in more detail.
Installing cassettes with visible fasteners
This method is considered the simplest and fastest performed. Design elements have bent side surfaces, each of which has special holes. Installation of such cassettes is made using self-tapping screws, which are screwed into the provided holes, fixing the cassette on the metallic hatch type profile. If you have the need to replace any part of the design, you can easily do it. It is due to the presence of tightening elements, the front cassettes can be fixed or dismantled without resorting to the help of special equipment.
You can see the scheme of such fastening of facade cassettes below:
Installing the cassette method of hidden fasteners
Installation of elements by the method of hidden fasteners is somewhat more complicated, however, as a result, you get a practically perfectly smooth surface on which no seams or fasteners are visible. Facade metal cassettes designed for hidden fasteners have only one bent side. This side has a special edge that is intended for clutching the cassettes of the upper and lower level among themselves.
Cassettes with hidden installation are visible in the picture:
Stages of mounting facade cassettes
The installation process of the facade cassettes on the building wall can be represented as a sequence of actions:
- The first thing to the surface of the wall is mounted with a piece of special profile having a type of cells. From the correctly calculated profile height, the space between the wall and the layer of facing materials will be carried out.
- The plates of the heat-insulating material are laid between the installed profiles. Often, for this purpose, mineral wool is used, which has a dense surface and a porous inner layer. In addition, during the buildings of the building, it is necessary to create reliable wind protection of the heat insulating material. This protection is provided with membrane tissue - it not only contributes to the best maintaining heat, but also prevents moisture penetration into mineral wool.
- The next layer is laid waterproofing. All layers are securely fixed by dowels.
- Then the frame is mounted on the wall of the M-shaped profile. It is on this profile that the facade cassettes are installed.