How to cut the tile with your own hands and drill holes in it Instruments,Tile,Useful advice

Often when laying ceramic tiles, it is necessary to face that the material must be cut or drove holes in it. For these purposes, various materials are used. Our article we will talk about how to cut without chips with a barrage tile and which tools are used when drilling the material.
How to cut the tile correctly. Features of the use of Bulgarian
The main purpose of the grinder is surface grinding. It is so called a corner-glare machine (EMS). But in addition, the tool is quite commonly used when cutting metal profiles and reinforcements to create frame structures (for example, under drywall) or for cutting stone, ceramic tiles and other durable materials.
At home, a small ushm is quite suitable, which can be equipped with a disk with a diameter of 10-12.5 cm. It is recommended that the tool be with the regulator of rotation speed.
When carrying out such a process, how to cut the ceramic tile with a grinder, you should follow the following rules:
- the minimum length of the electric cable of the Bulgarian should be 2 m;
- the tool must have a protective casing of steel;
- uSM work is carried out on medium speed;
- cutting the tile is made in the direction "from ourselves";
- bulgarian is held by two hands;
- the rotation of the disk coincides with the movement of the instrument;
- it is not recommended to lower the tile before cutting into water, since there is a danger of lesion to the current;
- when cutting the bladder disk, immerse no more than 30% of the entire disk radius;
- use the USM is only necessary in the normally ventilated room;
- be sure to use protective uniforms: special clothing and shoes, gloves, respirator and glasses.
How to cut the tile with a grinder. Disc Selection
The quality of work will depend on how to use a disc for cutting tile with a grinder. For tiles, stone and steel with diamond spraying discs are suitable. Steel dryhese are solid and segmented. If there is an intensive diamond spraying, the operational period of the disk will be greater.
- The cost of stone disks is significantly lower than steel products. But with a cutting of ceramic tiles with a grinder, these discs are rapidly wear out. Therefore, you will have to stock up with several products. In addition, the thickness of the stone disks exceeds the size of steel dryheresses. What leads to more dust.
- Based on the foregoing, the most acceptable option is the use of steel disks that have a diamond spraying. You can use both segmented and solid products.
- Segmented dryores are a nozzle having uniformly located slots. That is, the disk is divided into equal sections towards the cutting edge to the central part. Thanks to these slits, the operational period of the disc (due to air cooling) increases. But segmented dryores have a disadvantage: when cutting tiles, the grinder appear chips.
- Solid steel discs increase the speed of work. The tile is cut into exactly with a minimum number of chips (and sometimes without them). With the help of these tubes, you can process and edges of the cuts.
- The only nuance with the use of steel diamond spraying discs is that it is not recommended to do shorts on ceramic tiles for more than 2 minutes. A solid band may appear on the dryrase, which will lead to it.
Cutting tile
Now directly about how to cut the tile on the floor with your own hands. This process can be carried out in two ways:
- in a straight line;
- with cutting holes.
Tile cutting technology in a straight line consists of such steps:
- on the face of the material line is applied;
- bulgarian turns on (the speed of the disk rotation is 6-7 thousand revolutions per minute);
- a tile is stacked on a flat surface;
- the markup is made of a depth of 2-5 mm (depends on the thickness of the tile);
- neat splitting material.
The process of cutting tiles with a grinder begins with extreme parts slowly and on low revs with gradual movement and increasing the performance of the grinder. Only so can be made as smooth cut.
In obligatory, cutting tiles are carried out on the front side. This is due to the minimum damage to the top layer of the material. And defects on the reverse side will be hidden under the solution.
And how to cut the tile with your own hands with the creation of large round and rectangular holes? For cutting round hole:
- with the help of the marker, the center of the cut circle is placed;
- around the mark with a special drill is a hole with a diameter of 4-5 mm;
- the circle contour is placed on the tile (preferably on both sides);
- on the lined line, the grinder are made shallow cuts;
- inside the circle are made through cuts;
- with the help of bruises, excess tiles are removed;
- the inner part of the cut is processed with a file (or sandpaper with gross abrasive).
Similarly, made in the tile and rectangular holes. The only difference: the holes are made in the corners of the rectangle, and the incision - according to the drawn lines without through cut.
Now about how to cut the tile with a grinder with the creation of curly holes. After the markup of the incision, the tiles are carried out with a gradual displacement and deepening of the disk into the inner part of the tile. The slots in the material are aligned with a file.
When cutting down certain figures (for example, oval shape), short cuts are carried out at an angle. This is how the small fragments of the tile are sliced, which are to be deleted. The smoothness of the lines is achieved using the abrasive nozzle of the grinder or coarse sandpaper.
How and how to drill holes in the tile
Sometimes after laying a ceramic tile there is a need to create holes in them. For example, when screwing down mounting mounting for a heated towel rail, mounted cabinets, mirrors or hangers. The main complexity in this work is the hardness and fragility of the material. With inactive use, the tile can crack.
The ability to drill holes in the material can be checked. For this, an interesting tile is carefully closed. The presence of ringing sound indicates voids under the tile. When drilling, such a material can split.
The drilling process itself is carried out by a manual electrical drill with a regulator of rotation speed. You can not use the shock tool. Vibration can lead to a tire cracking or the appearance of chips. The use of the perforator is possible only after the final drilling of the hole in the tile.
In addition to the drill, it will take a special spear-shaped drill with a tip made of solid metal alloy. You can also use the drills intended for glass or ceramics. The main condition for quality work - the cutting edge of the drill must be more solid than the surface of the tile.
Prepare the surface of the tile at the wheel drilling site in several ways:
- Make a small scratch in the tiled glaze of a sharp facet of a file or heated self-tapping screw.
- Stick the mounting tape or the laney of the leukoplower.
- Apply nail polish or stationery corrector (for creating a rough surface).
- Applied a thick steel or wooden plate with slots.
When drilling holes in the tile, follow the following rules:
- the removal of the glaze is carried out on the minimum drill turnover;
- it is impossible to put it hard on the drill;
- it is forbidden to overheat the place of drilling and the drill itself;
- the drill is periodically wetted with cold water;
- the diameter of the ceramic drill must exceed the diameter of the drill on concrete by 1-3 mm;
- when drilling in interconnect seams, the diameter of the holes should be less than the width of the seam.
If there is a need to drill holes for tap pipes, it is better to use the ballerina. It is a round drill, the principle of operation of which is similar to a circulation. Acute part of the drill is applied to the center of the circle, and the distance to the cutter is exhibited depending on the diameter of the opening.
Video on how to cut the tile with a grinder: