How to choose seamless ceilings Useful advice,Building materials

The ceiling design is an important question that worries everyone who has encountered overhaul. In order to choose the most appropriate option, it is necessary to weigh all the technical "for" and "against". At the same time, the ceiling coating should perform a decorative function. The most economical and durable option from all are seamless ceilings. They are beautiful, easy to install and do not require much care.
Types of seamless ceilings
The building materials market offers many options for the execution of seamless ceilings, but they all boil down to two options:
- stretch film ceilings,
- seamless ceiling tile.
Naturally, the usual plaster ceiling is also a kind of seamless designs, but this option is already outdated due to high costs for consumables and extremely small service life.
French seamless stretch ceilings appeared not so long ago, but they have already firmly strengthened in the market. Construction firms offer many variations, both in texture and color and strength. Recent arrivals can surprise 3D effects, such as, Star or Bright Blue Sky.
Seamless tile ceiling - a compromise between the perfect coating and the cost of its installation. The design is designed in such a way that the edges of the tile are fixed in the grooves, while the seam is practically not visible.
Application It is advisable in premises with a ceiling height of more than three meters, at such an eye height can no longer see the place of the tile connection, which visually makes the design with a single monolith.
Advantages and disadvantages
Stretch ceilings are the perfect option for small rooms, such as:
- bedroom,
- boudoir,
- children's
- cabinet.
The reason lies in the fact that no matter how thick the framework is, in a large area, the seamless ceiling will begin to be saved, and this, in turn, will lead to the loss of its aesthetic qualities. In addition, the "French" ceilings require compliance with the temperature regime, the change of which should occur gradually. Otherwise, the material may be a story. This property is a minus, from which it is impossible to get rid of, no matter how high-quality material was used. But despite this disadvantage, stretch ceilings have an essential list of advantages:
- service life of 50 years,
- do not require care
- have antistatic coating that repulsion dust,
- allow the overlap of "breathing",
- allow you to create a unique design of the premises.
The same properties have a seamless tile, but the presence, let the minimum, visible connections do not allow creating an ideal ceiling. Hide the adjustment places is quite simple, if the height or area allows. And in that, and in another case, the ceiling array is somewhat, creating the feeling that the surface is richly decorated with stucco. Another indisputable plus is the ability to easily replace the damaged tile, without the overhaul of the entire ceiling. The use of seamless tile is distributed in decorating private households, stretch ceilings are mainly used for apartments.
What to pay attention to when choosing a stretch ceiling?
Answering the question how to choose seamless ceilings, first of all should be stopped on the varieties of this design. Today exist:
- PVC films,
- fabric bases.
PVC Analogues appeared first, respectively passed a long path of modernization, which made it possible to eliminate most of the defects and optimize them as much as possible for use. From the point of view of practicality, any of the options are worthy of attention, so the choice is caused to a greater degree of decorative preferences.
You need to pay attention to the film thickness and the way it is mounted. The thicker PVC overlap, the less it reacts to the temperature differences, but it takes the design. In addition, it is immediately necessary to specify such an important point as holes for lighting devices. Not all types of films are a dotted slit.
Fissure stretch ceilings are relevant either for very small rooms or for stylized objects. It's all about the extreme impracticality of such a coating. The fabric absorbs dust, eventually starts stretching and saving. It is not necessary to fully replace the overlap, but the cost of the current suspender will have to be included in the budget.
What to pay attention to when choosing a seamless tile?
Companies and shops that sell this products say that it is absolutely practical, reliable and durable. But everything is not quite true. The material itself from which the plates (foam or PVC are made) has no restrictions on the service life, but the technology of installation of such a ceiling can significantly reduce the "life" of the carrier overlap.
The tile is installed on the construction glue or liquid nails. And the one and the other material (as well as the sheets themselves) impede the free circulation of air, which leads to the formation of fungus and the destruction of the foundation. Ventcanal or fragrances are made to eliminate this, for which the holes under the electric pipe are used.
A purely from the decorative side should consider that the seamless tile visually reduces the height of the ceilings.
Market Leaders Seamless Ceilings
The most massive option is seamless stretch ceilings from China. As a rule, local firms order the production of consumables in Chinese factories, and the assembly is already carried out in their own workshops. When buying such ceilings, it all depends on the conscientiousness of the seller. If he paid for the work appropriately and the technological process of production is fully observed, the buyer will remain satisfied with the quality. Otherwise, you will have to find out the relationship and look for another company.
In order to avoid such situations, it is better to purchase products of the proven manufacturer. Among the leaders should be allocated:
- Descor
- Ilipso
- Cerutti.
Descor seamless ceilings are produced in Germany. The company has proven itself as a world leader in product quality. In production, only environmentally friendly materials are used, and the products itself correspond to not only the domestic GOST but also the technical requirements of the European Union. Among other things, the seamless stretch ceilings are easily cleaned with any detergents without damaging the protective antistatic layer.
Slipso seamless ceilings features natural materials. This is one of the first firms that completely refused PVC. For the production of materials on a tissue basis. The main activity of the sale of superwatching wastes (up to 5.1 m). Stop your choice on seamless stretch clips ceilings is advisable if the ceiling area is large enough.
Seamless stretch ceilings Cerutti are an Italian style, thin. Thoughtful and charming. Despite the fact that they are more expensive than analogues, the price is quite justified. Following modern trends of Cerutti refused to use PVC, replacing it into organic materials. Thus, the ecologically clean seamless ceilings of Cherutti marked the new era of this campaign. But even this is the most important thing. An impressive number of professionals work on the design of the design. Due to the seamless stretch ceilings of Cherutti are presented in the widest variety of options, from ordinary single-level, to multi-level 3D designs.