Types and features of professional flooring Building materials

The profiled sheet is very durable, light and durable material. Special polymer coating provides lines of service for about 40 years. Profiles perform the role of rigidity and have a rounded, sine-like or trapezium form.
A large selection of profiles makes it possible to carry out any architectural and designer solutions of roofs, fences and facades of houses. Buy professional flooring can be different colors in accordance with RAL.
Types of professional flooring
Professional flooring galvanized is widely used in many spheres of private and industrial construction. Easy installation and long-term operational properties popularize this material.
The entire range of professional flooring consists of three classes:
- C - wall, applied during the construction of fences, fences and facing facades.
- H - carrier, used for roof flooring, as an element of a non-removable formwork when filling the foundation and inter-storey floors.
- NA - mixed type, combines the quality of previous two types of material.
The height of the corrugation and the width of the shelf of the sheet of professional flooring will depend on the class. The height of the wave of the sheet is from 2.5 to 15 mm for class C, from 20 to 44 mm for class H, and 60 - 135 mm for the NA class. The high height of the corrugation gives the addition strength of the entire design of the sheet of professional flooring.
For the LS Class sheets, the capillary groove is provided on the last shelf along the entire sheet for condensate and moisture. Class N sheets have additional ribs.
The sheet of professional flooring is made of galvanized steel. Metal thickness - 0.3-1.2 mm. The thickness of the zinc coating, both domestic and imported steel, must correspond to GOST 14918 - 80:
- P - coating thickness 40-60 μm, or 570-855 g zinc to 1m 2 Sheet;
- 1 - coating thickness of 18-40 μm, or 258-570 g zinc;
- 2 - the thickness of the coating 10-18 μm, or 142-258 g zinc.
The specified zinc mass is used to cover 1M 2 Sheet from two sides. Steel, which is used for the manufacture of professional knots, has a width of 710 to 1500 mm.
The size of the professional flooring will be driving from class. The effective width of the sheet is 0.7-1.05 m. When calculating the number of sheets should take into account the leaf outlet, which is up to 10% of the width of the sheet.
Sheet coverage
Proflists are protected from corrosion coating from zinc. For additional protection and attaching to sheets of an attractive appearance to the surface of the sheet, polymer material is applied. As an external layer, use:
- polyester (polyester) - the coating is two types: glossy and matte. Takes great popularity in small developers, thanks to its cheapness;
- plastisol is a coating designed for use in severe operating conditions. It has a textural pattern: Shagreen (under the skin) and in the barcode (bark);
- pural (PURAL) - a coating developed and patented Rautaurukki has a large corrosive resistance and ultraviolet resistance;
- PVDF - Sheets with this coating are used for facing facades, has an attractive appearance and the greatest corrosion resistance among all coatings.
Regardless of the polymer used, all sheets are also covered with a layer of protective varnish. Some manufacturers for protecting sheets during transportation are placed on them a protective film, the price of the professional flooring does not change significantly. Film should be removed immediately after installing sheets, otherwise it will begin to "burn out" in the sun and delete it after that will be problematic.
Professional flooring for the roof
The roof is a separate system, and the durability of this system will depend on the quality of its components and the correctness of their installation. After all, the service life of the roof determines the service life of the whole house. The roofing professional flooring differs from the wall presence of a capillary groove and a larger wave height of a sheet of 20 to 75 mm for an individual developer and up to 135 mm - for the roof of industrial buildings.
It is important to pay attention to the transportation of sheets. They must lie on a smooth, durable basis. When you warehize, it is necessary to carry the sheets in the area in a vertical position, not allowing inflection.
The maximum length of the professional flooring from manufacturers ranges from 8 to 12 m, which is quite enough for the developer. Ideal if the length of the sheet of professional flooring will be equal to the length of the roof of the roof.
If there is no capillary groove in the professional flooring you purchased, then when installing, you should pay attention to the orientation of the sheet, since the width of the uppermost shelf is different: the face covered is wider, covered side - already. The consequence of the wrong installation will be the gap between the sheets and the possible flow on the roof.
Professional flooring for fences
Fencing is a mandatory component of any country construction. Without it, it is impossible to submit any country area. We all wish our fence to be reliable, beautiful, created a calm and comfort atmosphere on the site. And most importantly - so that he is inexpensive. After all, the fence of your site is a visiting card at home. A large colors will easily help pick up the color of the sheet, which will harmoniously fit into the architecture of the house. The fence from the proflist is much more durable and a stronger wood, does not require care and tints. When pollution, it is enough to wash the fence from the garden hose.
Two ways to arrange a fence from the professionalist are popular:
- On metal poles with screws.
- On the pillars laid out of the brick.
The first option is cheaper and fast in work. When building a fence with brick pillars, first it is necessary to pour borotable piles and fence tape. Then on the tape, we build a brick pillars and fastened sheets of professional flooring. This is a more expensive version of the fence. The fence from the professional leaf provides good sound insulation, protection against wind and dust. For the arrangement of fences, professional flooring is used with a small - 2.5-12 mm wave height. It provides an additional area in the width of the sheet, saves material and your means.