Whitening lime with your own hands Ceilings,Walls

Poching lime rarely use these days. But sometimes there are situations when you have to do it.
For example, repairs in the apartment in the elderly parents who do not recognize other options, except for limestone bliss. Or repair class, in which your children learn.
Where is the whitening lime
Lime whitewashes cheaply, besides, the lime has antiseptic properties. Due to the fact that lime is a good antiseptic, the limestone glasses are recommended for kindergartens, schools, medical institutions.
Lime can whitewash the garage or basement - not expensive, and from white walls and the ceiling will be lighter. It is allowed to whiten the walls of lime. After drying, the limestone whims creates a solid film, and the whitewashes will not stay on the clothes if you learn to the wall.
Lime-made Teaches applied to finishing wet visits due to moisture resistance.
Teaches with haired lime disinfects the surface. For this reason, it is used to whitewash the cellar, kids, cowshes and other livestock premises.
In the gardens of the limestone blame treated the bark of trees.
How to bother the walls and ceilings
Find a master who will take for this work now difficult. The work is not the cleanest. For low payment, the master will not work. Payment that he calls will seem too high for you. So you will have to beat yourself.
Owners with lime with his own hands - the task is not so much complicated as unpleasant, and most importantly - dirty. Before starting work, close the floors and furniture with the film, if it is not possible to completely free the room. Prepare protective clothing.
Lime Consumption during Poor
The flow consumption depends on the method of applying it from the treated surface. When applying spins with brush, consumption increases. For brick walls, the blots will need more than smooth walls.
Approximate consumption 0, 5 liters of finished whitewashing per 1 m².
On sale lime happens hawed and overexposed. Haireda is sold in the form of powder - lime Pushonka, and in the form of a limestone test.
Fall lime is divorced in a ratio of 3 liters of water per 1 kg of powder. From one package of fluff weighing 2 kg you will have 6 liters of whims. This whitewash is enough for 12 m² of surface, provided that it is not a brickwork.
Negamen lime, coming, first need to pay off, then dilute with water.
For quenching, lime is poured with water in proportions 1: 1. As a result of the arrangement, you will have a powder. If the water add three times more, you will receive a limestone dough. Powder or dough for the preparation of lime to whitewash is bred by water. Of 1 kg of oversized lime, 10 liters of whitewash, ready to use.
With an accuracy of the square, the flow of whitewash is difficult to calculate. Lime - the material is inexpensive, so nothing terrible will happen if you buy a couple of extra packages.
How to dilute lime for whitewash
Lime is divorced by water according to the proportions specified above.
Negative lime first shoes in compliance with precautions. When the lime quenching is allocated a large amount of heat, steam is formed. It is possible to splashing the lime extinguishing from the container. Rubber gloves, safety glasses and tight clothing will help you avoid burns when you get lime to the skin.
After quenching, the lime is not immediately used for whitewashing, the solution should be straightened at least two weeks. And only after you have withstood a certain period, the solution can be dissolved with water and proceed to whiten.
It is better to buy the harated lime, because it is easier to prepare it for work, faster and safer.
In the divorced lime, at the rate of 10 liters, 2 tbsp. Spoons of olifa, 100 grams of cook salt and painting blue. Before adding salt and blue, diluted in hot water. Salt and Sinka attaches whiteness whitewash, and Olife contributes to the best adhesion whitewashing with a surface and gives the whores the strength.
The saturation of the spins solution depends on the way it is applied. When applying spins with brush, the solution is made. When applied to the spray, the mixture should be more liquid and is necessarily filled after several layers of gauze.
Surface preparation
Wall putty before whitewash helps to get smooth beautiful ceilings. But because Chopping lime is a cheap finish option, usually the walls are not aligned and not put off.
In order for the whitewashes evenly and did not be peeled in a week, the surface is cleaned and removed all pollution.
When paving the ceiling with lime, the chalk blame is completely removed. If the ceiling was previously bitten by lime, you can leave the old bliss if it is well held or deleted partially.
Yellow stains on the ceiling, which remained after the flooding of the neighbors is washed white. To remove stains, a solution of copper sulfate helps well. But keep in mind that with further repairs, if you decide to paint the ceiling with water-level paint, can again sharpen spots. Only not yellow, but green.
The surface under the blotch should be absorbed. Oil paint is not applied by oil paint.
To the advice that the walls and the ceiling need to be brought to conventional primer to listen cannot! The primer creates a film on the surface, over this film the whirlwinds will roll or gather dropwise on the ceiling. This is exactly the case when it is grown to harm.
What tools are used for blissing
White walls and ceiling with brush, sprayer or paintopult.
Do not use roller to whitewash. When rolling with a roller whitewashed by the second layer, the first, the filtering layer of paint will not withstand the load and will depart from the surface.
A special brush is used for whitewash. Turn the brush before work in warm water for a couple of hours.
Brick walls can be blued with an ordinary paint brush with genuine bristles. When parsing, the brush remains stripes. In order for the bands from the brush not to be noticeable, the second layer of the blots should be applied in the direction of the light flow.
Tells with lime paint powder gives the best results. The whots fall at exactly, the consumption of lime when painting a spray with a spray or sprayer than when applied to a brush.
The paintopulizes are mechanical more often called manual, or electric.
Manual paintopult is convenient because it has a long barbell and a long hose to feed whiten to the sprayer.
Such ankopult is convenient to collect high ceilings without using a stepladder.
In electric paintopult, the power button is located next to the sprayer, so when working without a stepladder can not do.
To whitewash such a paint room of a large height is difficult - only with special stepladder.
On the video - the plains of the ceiling by electric paintopult.
Kraspopulta - Dear tools. Acquire them for whitening one room is impractical. For blissing, you can use the vacuum cleaner of the old sample. The inconvenience is that the sewing capacity is small - usually use a 0.5 liter can. It is often necessary to interrupt the work in order to add a new portion of whitewash.
For whitames, you can use sprayers for plants. In such sprayers, pressure is created sufficient to spray the blots. Sprayers are produced with a capacity from 15 to 5 liters.
Twokers are poured into the container, then the air is pumped up and when the button is pressed evenly sprayed. Little sprayer can be blocked by walls and ceiling in a small room.
A sprayer with a capacity of 5 liters has a barbell, such a spray can be born with high ceilings.
Operating procedure
- Close the window of the window, doors, furniture and floor - that you facilitate your room cleaning after the plaid.
- Prepare the surface to the whitewash - remove the chalk blame, get rid of stains and from the peeling limestone bliss. Get cracked.
- Divide the whitewash. If you are fling with a spray or spray gun, strain the solution. Before adding a new portion, blotching the spam solution before adding a new portion.
- When working with paint collapse, take care of the protection of the face and hands. It is better to look ridiculous than then suffer from lime burns. Glasses or mask, respirator, rubber gloves, dense clothing - all this is necessary to protect.
Before applying the blots, the surface is slightly moistened with a sprayer.
- Pour the blotch in the collapse container, press the air there. Adjust the spray nozzle so that the winds sprayed uniformly. If the whits are not sprayed - it means that it is too thick. Add water and mix well.
- The sprayer must be at a distance of 15-20 cm from the surface.
- Pooks are applied with circular movements.
- The second layer of the blots is applied with an interval of one and a half - two hours for an unetebled first layer.
Video. Packers of walls and ceiling by paintopult.
How to remove the old bliss.
The principle of operation of the manual sprayer.
Teaches with a vacuum cleaner.
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Well done! Thanks!!!