How to choose a valid station Useful advice

The owners of the country sites located in gave from the benefits of civilization are faced with the problem of supplying water to the site and to the house due to the lack of water supply. In order to water the beds, you can drill a well or use water from the surrounding reservoirs, but a completely different solution will be required for the home. A wonderful output from the position will be the pumping station, quite powerful, in order to ensure all the homework and plant needs.
- Classification and pumping station
- Principle of operation of the pumping station
- Where it is better to install a pumping station, and what moments should be considered when the model is selected
- How to choose pump control station based on cost
- Overview of the main manufacturers of pumping stations for home use
Classification and pumping station
Pumping stations are classified as follows:
1. By way of location:
- overhead;
- partially blurred;
- underground.
2. By management method:
- manually controlled;
- controlled automatically;
- controlled remotely.
Before making a choice, you need to carefully examine the information about what this device consists, how it works, what technical characteristics it has, on which nuances should be focused on.
For the pumping station, the presence of a check valve is very important. It protects the device from idling air suction in case of cessation of water supply. Thus, its service life increases, use becomes more secure.
Another important detail that should be present in the pump station housing is an input filter. It also protects the device itself, and the check valve from clogging. When there is a need, the filter is easily removed and cleared.
In the housing of the pumping station there should be a tank, one part of which is assigned to the liquid, and the second - for air under pressure. The tank is a kind of battery and in the case of electricity interruptions ensures the operation of the device for some time. The water in the tank is supplied under the pressure of the air, the check valve does not allow it into the pump and it comes through the only remaining path - to the water supply.
The pumping station equipped with a tank acquires the following advantages:
- inside the tank there is constantly a stock of water - from 25 to 50 liters. If electric power interruption arises, it can be used for household needs;
- there is no need to keep the reservoir for the accumulation of water in the attic room;
- the water supply system is under pressure, which is enough to provide water bathroom, bathroom and kitchen;
- the pumping station will serve much longer thanks to the small number of inclusions and shutdowns.
Principle of operation of the pumping station
The operation of the pumping station is simply simply. First, the tank is filled with water, then the device switches to standby mode. In the meantime, the pressure in the part of the tank is injected, which is assigned to air. When it reaches the optimal level, water begins to flow into the cranes.
When the pressure in the tank falls, the pump station is automatically turned on. This cycle occurs several times until the device works. The pressure level is controlled automatically. If the unit overheats, it automatically turns off, and when it is cooled - it renews. Circulating in the body of the device water acts as a coolant.
Where it is better to install a pumping station, and what moments should be considered when the model is selected
If the household is inhabited only in a spring-summer period, the device can be installed anywhere, if only this place was not far from the well or other reservoir. Also installing the pumping station you need to pay attention to the height of suction. Different models it happens from seven to ten meters.
You still need to remember that due to friction about the pipe, the height of the pressure is partially lost. This loss is approximately 1 m 20 cm for every 10 m tubes.
If the house remains inhabited all year round, then the pumping station should be installed in a heated room, otherwise water inside the housing in the cold season will turn into ice.
The pipeline that serves to supply water from the pumping station to the house must lay below the distance to which the soil freezes. The well itself, from which water flows, should be closed and warming up for the winter.
If, with the opening of the crane, water was hampered in the earth, it may mean that its stock has exhausted in the well. In this case, you should turn off the device until the water level starts to rise.
The end of the suction hose should be equipped with a check valve referred to as above. It will not give water to pour out the pipe in case the pump station is disabled. If the water fence comes from a nearby river or pond, that is, it makes sense to protect the reverse valve with a grid from tiny.
When choosing a pumping station, some moments should be taken into account, for example:
- Water volume, which is capable of providing a well or well. The stock in the source should be replenished quite quickly, in order for the device to maintain the optimal pressure level in the pipes. The model of the pumping station, the model of the pumping station should be powerful, but at the same time have a smaller performance than the source from which water is dug.
If you do not comply with this rule, then the well resources are quickly spent and first the water will go through the ground, and then runs out at all.
- Choosing a pump to the station you need to take into account the depth of which water rises. If it exceeds eight meters, it is better to use the submersible pump.
Submersible pump for pumping water drops below its level. It is designed to work at great depth. The immersion pump control station protects and controls its work.
How to choose pump control station based on cost
The extremes that should be avoided:
- Most often, choosing a pumping station, summer residents give preference to the cheapest models, which subsequently cost much more than it seemed initially. This is because cheap and low-quality components were used for their production, as well as far from perfect technology. Such devices serve very little and after a while you have to either spend money on repairs, or to get out of new ones.
- Another common choice is the most inexpensive, Chinese pump. The station equipped with them will not be able to function for a long time, because Its housing is made of thin, short-lived material, not to mention the internal spare parts. Such aggregates have low weight due to the fact that they are practically no metal parts. This is by the way, first of all affects durability. They also produce a large number of noise.
- Cheap Chinese production unit costs 150-300 $. The pumping stations of the middle category are $ 300-400. The price of good quality devices starts from $ 500. The difference is not so huge, but the risk is great.
Overview of the main manufacturers of pumping stations for home use
- Marina - the leading organization in the Italian market for the manufacture of injection pumping stations. This company produces the highest class devices, not only in their homeland, but also abroad. They are distinguished by ease of use, reliability and quality. Marina produces not only water supply systems, but also technique that increases pressure in the pipeline.
- Gardena-leader of the German market, produces pumping stations equipped with a filter cleansing water from yla and dirt when entering the system. In the line of models, both stationary and portable devices are presented.
- Metabo is another popular German company producing its products in China. It makes the main emphasis on a fairly low price with excellent quality. Device enclosures are made from materials such as cast iron and stainless steel. They have a minimal effect on water quality.
- Hammer - also made a bet on excellent quality and democratic prices. All pumps for cottages manufactured by this manufacturer have quite high performance.
- Ergus is another Italian who is familiar to the whole world. The company produces convenient and reliable automatic devices using the spare parts of famous brands, such as Motorola, Toshiba, Philips.
- Dzhelex is a domestic manufacturer, the products of which are designed for Russian conditions, namely, racing stress, breaking of water bodies, etc. This is indisputable plus, but there are also cons, such as the quality of the assembly and the inability to find spare parts. Also, pumping stations of this company do not always correspond to the parameters specified in the supasport.