Cutting tiles. How to cut ceramic tiles Tile

The decoration of the premises with ceramic tiles is always a relevant solution. Use it everywhere to decorate various rooms, including the kitchen, bathroom, hallway and even the bedroom. Despite the seeming simplicity of stacking tiles, there are several subtleties that must be observed to prevent the maximum attractive aesthetic effect and fully treat the desired surface. One of these nuances is the correct and neat cutting of tiles. It is easy to fulfill it even at home, without complex technical equipment and special practical skills, subject to the following rules.
When should I cut the tile?
Tile trim is required in several cases:
- if in width, length or height of the selected surface, it is impossible to place the desired number of full tiles for its full closure;
- if highly artistic design with ornament is required, panel image display, etc.
Important! To determine in advance how relevant task for you on cutting ceramic tiles, pre-perform all measurements and decide on the optimal suitable parameters of this piece material. You may be able to avoid such a procedure by choosing the same format the same for the tile design.
What tools to use for cutting tiles?
You can perform this work in several ways:
- with the help of a grinder;
- using manual tiles;
- using mechanical tiles;
- using glass cutter.
Important! Choose the tool that will be approached by cost, convenience and ease of use, and also preferably the one with which you have work skills.
How does hand-held tiles work?
The tile cargo works on one principle with a glass cutter - the roller cuts the tiled glaze when the element itself is tight in the housing. After a cut is made, the tile is simply shaped neatly along this line. Round holes can be performed by a manual stovetur.
Important! Clear and even cut-off lines are easy to get, if you correctly set the guides in the clamping field.
Preparation of slabcoresis
To achieve a qualitative result, use only a fully working tool, the rotation of the roller mechanism in which is carried out without interruptions, and all parts do not have any visible damage.
After watching tiles, check the following:
- The absence of sowers and chosel on the surface of the roller itself.
- Make sure the roller circle shape is correct - a clear level round circuit.
- Make sure that fixing parts provide reliable tile while performing work.
- Check how smoothly, without jerks and jamming, the carriage moves.
- Make sure the cleanliness of the beds.
- Note, there are no obvious mechanical damage on the handle.
Cutting tile tiles
To perform a cutting tile quickly and do not break it, follow the following recommendations:
- Meet the tile in the water.
- Take a building pencil and make it with the markup of the plus line.
- Apply a few drops of oil along this line - the machine is suitable.
- Place the element in the bed.
- Check that the trajectory of the future movement of the carriage corresponds to the intended lines of the cut.
- Make sure that the distance from the cut to the edge of the tile is at least 1 cm - otherwise you will not be able to achieve a neat line.
- Swipe the mark on the markup with a light pressure.
- Swipe the cutting roller over the surface 1 time.
- In no case do not make a return or additional movement by the roller along this line - in this case, the incision will accurately come out uneven.
- Take the handle to the "operating mode".
- Dramatically lower it.
Important! If all actions you have completed correctly, the tile can carefully break down the markup prepared by you.
Cutting Tiles Hand Stovetur - Video
To more clearly imagine the sequence of working with a manual tool, look at the proposed video example below.
Diamond cutting tile
This is a way that includes the molding of the tiles with glass cutter, and mechanical tiles. The main difference is to use a diamond roller or a ribbon cutting part. The electrical appliance has an electric drive that starts the rotation of the diamond circle or tape itself. A distinctive feature of the device of these stovers is that they have a cooling system: cold water is supplied during the cutting process, which immediately removes the growing voltage and removes dust.
Such tools have several undeniable advantages when compared with manual devices - this is:
- the ability to neat cut off a piece of tiles up to 5 mm wide;
- the maximum possible accuracy of the cut;
- easy use and practically complete process automation;
- the ability to quickly process a large number of parts without compromising quality;
- smoothness and lack of sharp edges at finished after trimming tiles;
- the ability to make a cutting tile under 45 degrees, which completely eliminates the need for additional use of the corners to create the maximum dense fit of the tiles in the corners.
Cutting tile electric tile
To perform the desired amount of work using this tool, be sure to follow these rules:
- Make the preparatory markup by applying a construction pencil.
- Tightly and securely fix the desired part on the guides.
- Turn on the rotational mechanism.
- Gently promote the tile to the diamond cutting circle, holding the tile from 2 sides with both hands.
- Do not attempt to quickly perform a cut, using your power to push, cracks on the entire surface can be formed.
- Dilt pressing the tile outlet from under the cutting element.
- Set aside ready-made details.
- Turn off the current and cooling system.
Important! To eliminate damage to the diamond disk and reduce the efficiency of the device, regularly change the water in the coolant tank. Inside during the cutting process, small and large particles of ceramics can fall, causing clogging of the entire system and deformation of the disk.
Cutting tiles Bulgarian
This tool is attractive in that in almost every house it is in stock. The trigger treatment procedure does not differ in particular difficulty if you use a diamond disk to equip it. Necessary:
- Make markup.
- Turn on the tool.
- Direct the cutting disc on the intended line along the trajectory "from myself."
Important! Among the advantages of such a decision, there are broad designer opportunities - with a grinder, you even perform curly sections of the desired form. But at the same time, the edges may be uneven and non-accurant, and besides, be sure to honor the safety rules in order not to cause harm.
How to cut a barrage tile, you can learn from a visual video example.
What else to trim the tile, if there is no stove?
If you have to fulfill only a small repair with your own hands, there is no grinder at hand, and a special tile cutting tool is impractical, use other features:
- Ballerinka. This tool is perfectly suitable in order to make one or more holes of the desired diameter in the tile. Select a suitable diameter drill and use a tripod for a drill while working to achieve a high accuracy of slices and clarity of the form.
- Lubes. This tool must be found among your inventory. Pour into small pieces from the desired part before receiving the perfectly suitable form of the part. The plugs are suitable for the design of tiles with smooth lines and for figure trimming.
What else do you need to know before cutting the tile with your own hands?
Regardless of what kind of device for cutting the tiles you preferred, be sure to follow the safety regulations. Working with any cutting tool, especially mechanical, it is always the risk of damage.
Safety requirements are as follows:
- before starting work, read the instructions for the tool itself;
- prepare for work Protective mask, gloves, glasses - it will help protect the respiratory tract from construction dust and minimize the risk of harm;
- be sure to check the technical condition of the instrument;
- install it only on solid, non-slip and smooth surfaces;
- do not use a deformed, worn or contaminated diamond disk - when applied in electrical systems, it can cause injuries to you;
- do not ignore the procedure for replacing water in the cooling system;
- after completing the work, swipe wet cleaning to remove all the dust formed;
- turn off the power supply after execution of the cut when using mechanized tools.
As you were convinced, there is nothing complicated in self-cutting tiles with your own hands. Using the tool suitable for all criteria, you can quickly and easily equip your housing and create an original, attractive design in any room.