Ecosel in the interior Useful advice

In our high-tech age, when the bustle of large megacities is surrounded around, the insane rhythm of life, the pollution of the atmosphere and other environmental problems, the maximum popularity is gained by natural and natural styles of premises. This is what allows, forgetting worldly bustle, plunge into a warm natural paradise, filled with aromas of needles, herbs and flowers. These thematic interiors include ecosil, combining comfort, serenity and harmony with nature. Sometimes Ecosil is called a "natural style".
It is worth saying that this themed interior does not have pronounced features of a certain well-known style, but it has a clearly pronounced idea that reflects the entire depth of the conceived theme. The design in ecosyl allows residents of a metropolis to issue their home using natural natural materials and natural color shades. Of course, the motives of nature and environmental themes today are at the peak of popularity, so the ecosil appears more and more fans. Moreover, it is not necessary to make a grand renovation, in order to arrange your home in this style, because it is enough to start with one of the rooms or bathroom, and maybe the kitchen. Well, for those who are not at all ready for change, you can try to use for decor design items in ecosyl, interior design studio www.anfilada-studio.ru. will help in choosing. So let's get to know the standards, features and benefits of this style.
For whom Ecosil is suitable in the interior
The design in the environmental style allows you to make the interior of any room as natural as possible. Sometimes it seems that the hands of a person worked on the creation of such a design, and nature itself was worked. Therefore, often, thanks to the use of natural natural elements, ecosil is confused with the style of the country. However, this style is more subtle and at the same time very flexible, because, unlike country style, even modern interior items, technological know-how, without masking it.
The interior design in the environmental style is primarily suitable for:
- Residents of megacities or major cities that rarely leave the walls of the house or work in large office spaces impregnated with urban serness. It is letting natural notes into your home, such people will be able to distract from depressive sentiment, often by pushing office workers living in major cities. Such an interior will be simultaneously both antidepressant, and a part of the paradise garden, located right in the walls of the native home.
- Lovers of nature, plants, flowers, dachensons. Such people will be able to build living "oasis" within their apartment, because Ecosil involves the use of living plants in the interior that need careful care.
- For those who are looking for new notes, motives for making their homes, but does not want to give preference to any of the popular well-known styles. Ecosil does not have clear boundaries and frames, so any owner of the room can expand its fantasy as much as possible by applying the most courageous and bright ideas in the design. Moreover, it is important to adhere to only the main abstract abstracts, and the rest can be borrowed from other directions and styles. This will also be a faithful solution.
- For those who are worried about the problems of ecology, and who cares about their physical and spiritual health. After all, the ecosyl allows you to create a natural serene atmosphere in the walls of your house. Such an interior can not clearly reflect the depth of the personality of the hosts of the house, their priorities and interests.
Advantages of ecosil
- Healthy and cozy microclimate.
- Abundance of natural materials.
- The presence of natural natural elements, which is beneficial on physical and mental health.
- The possibility of self-expression. Most interior items can be made with their own hands on their own using healthy natural materials.
- Chance to show their creativity and idea.
- Freedom of creativity, because the style has no clear restrictions and frames.
- The atmosphere of comfort and relaxation, which works as an antidepressant as part of a noisy megalopolis.
What is the inspiration?
Of course, the source of inspiration when the premises in the environmental style is the world around. Forest theme is quite popular, allowing many bold design solutions to implement many bold design solutions. The natural orientation of the interior can in such a case can be displayed using such elements as:
- Branches (mainly coniferous) and lamps.
- Images of trees (and, they can be both on the walls and on the floor and ceiling).
- Decor from the bark of trees. Allows you to make the interior fresh and easy.
- Using natural wood in the interior.
- Flower topics, live plants (perfectly suitable when making maiden rooms).
- Pictures with the image of mountain, marine and other landscapes (suitable for decoration of living rooms or working offices).
- Green blasting, plants. Moreover, it is not necessary to use natural herbs and plants, and you can simply skillfully imitate them using the firing materials.
Color solutions
When creating interiors in ecosyl, extremely natural colors are used. The main shades are green and brown, symbolizing the green grass, colors of trees branches. More colors of stone, sand and straw can be used. Also no less popular are floral shades. Only here it is important not to overdo it, because the abundance of bright colors can spoil everything. An important contrast for natural tones is white. It is he who usually dilutes all other colors used in the interior.
Furniture in ecostel
Of course, the purchase of furniture made predominantly from natural materials is very expensive. But after all, when creating an interior in an environmental style, you need to strive for accommodation in the interior of such furniture. There are several options: wicker furniture, wood from an array, bamboo, wooden robes, etc. The stone elements of the furniture will be very good. It can be a stone countertop. An even popular presence in furniture made in ecosyl, ordinary glass, decorated with a pattern of natural themes (for example, stained glass, painting, etc.).
What can be saved on?
- It is allowed to save the use of furniture made of chipboard or MDF. However, it is very important that it be as natural as possible.
- The floor does not necessarily do from a massive board. You can use more economical options - two-layer parquet or engineering board.
- It is not necessary to use expensive bamboo wallpapers, you can limit the usual paper, the main thing is that they have the appropriate pattern. In order to save on the wage of hired workers, it can be filled with wallpaper.
- You can still save on planting and growing green plantings, because the care of plants for any mistress. In addition, in the kitchen, you can put in decorative boxes of celery, basil, parsley in decorative boxes, and thereby combining useful with pleasant.
Living room in Ecostel
The key in ancase for finishing the premises are natural materials. Of course, the modern age is impregnated by the achievements of the chemical industry, so it will not be possible to completely eradicate them from the interior. However, try to minimize their presence.
- Genuine wood, parquet, tile, plug, carpet-mat (otherwise - coating from natural fibers) are perfect for floors.
- The floor is usually decorated with a carpet having the color of the earth's surface. It can be such colors like linen, sand, green, wheat, light gray.
- Paper wallpapers, wallpapers from bamboo, sisal, cork wallpapers are applicable for walls of walls, sisal, cork, bamboo cloth. Wallpaper must be selected with thematic pattern (taiga, foliage, green meadow, etc.). You can use photo wallpaper.
- On the chairs and sofas you can position the cushions of olive and marsh colors. All this is allowed when placing the room in ecostel. This photo clearly demonstrate.
- It should be intense and approximate to natural sunlight.
- It is recommended that a large window attended the room in ecostel. This will make it possible to fill the room with natural light.
- Lamps placed in the room must radiate a warm spectrum having a yellowish tint. For this, conventional incandescent lamps will be suitable. A good option will be a yellow spectrum or LED lamps.
- Good lighting can be achieved by setting up a room in bright colors. Help add lights in the room reflective surfaces.
- The ceiling must be single-level. Regardless of its height. Ecosil involves simplicity, ease and comfort, so there are no complex bulky multi-level structures in it.
- The ceiling can be both suspended and tensioning. The main thing is that its surface is mirror, well reflects the light and glitter.
- The most common color for the ceiling is white, dairy, heavenly blue.
- The surface of the ceiling can be decorated with special wooden beams or tinted with wood.
- If the ceiling of the ceiling background, it can be decorated with clouds or ornament of plant topics. Patterns must be performed in pastel colors.
- Furniture should be minimum. It must be compact and functional.
- It is not allowed to use bulky complex structures, as well as the use of high and dark furniture.
- A high wardrobe can be replaced with a small, but roomy checker.
- If high furniture is used, it must be white or mirror. This will make it possible to fill the room with light.
- If the ceiling is low, visually expand the space will help a very light floor. Moreover, the floor should be a lighter ceiling at least two tones.
Ideas for decor
A rather interesting highlight in the interior will be phytosena or vertical gardens. In such structures, live plants are usually placed. Phytosnes may have a different configuration, it can be both alive bleeds and structures with a plurality of pockets, in which specially selected plants are planted. Such phytosnes can be purchased at the finished version or order individually. In order to save, such structures can be created by our own, for example, the original solution will be mounted for cadkels with a plurality of indoor plants. Phytosena will become an excellent wint of ecosil in the interior. The photo, placed below, it clearly demonstrates.
- The walls of the room can be decorated with interesting installations. Moreover, mass options. For example, thin trunks of young trees or bamboo stems can be fixed along the wall. Between the stems insert the backlight. This design can be isolated from the rest of the room with a glass panel. Thus, the natural natural wall will turn out.
- Bamboo stems can be used as light partitions, allowing to divide the space on the zone. Or purchase ready-made partitions screens.
- You can equip the room with a cozy coffee table. Make it possible from several lanes.
- For the decor you can apply a conventional picture created from dry leaves. Such herbaries are often decorated with walls.
- In Kashpo, you can turn an old straw hat or a conventional basket.
- Vases fill with cones, sprigs of needles, straw, stones, seashells, moss.
- Doors and window can be decorated with a wreath of their dry branches.
- For decoration, use the "Artificial Grass" mats. They are on sale.
- Pictures and posters of natural themes are suitable.
- You can use textiles with vegetable patterns or by the corresponding ornament.
- Create an eco-atmosphere will help vases made of natural wood, wicker baskets, bamboo napkins, a drawer made of natural wood. In addition to wooden, you can use vases from crystal, as well as glass, ceramic and clay products.
- Insupply use in the interior of cells with animals and terrariums. It is not yet allowed to include in the interior of statues and decorations of metal, knitted tablecloths and napkins.
Bathroom in ecostel
The interior in ecostel is available not only for living room rooms, but also for bathrooms. In this case, a specially treated tree, artificial stone, a tile made of natural stone can be used to finish the walls, and a tile, made of natural stone. At the same time, images of trees, an imitation of the shelling, wild stone or light geometry can be drawings. The compositions of flower and vegetable topics also look at the walls. Exclude or minimize the presence in the metal and gloss decoration.
The main note of the room will be an exotic bathroom made of wood. It will harmoniously fit into the interior and emphasize his naturalness. Another addition to the decor can be a mirror framed by the original wooden frame. Such a mirror can be placed on the clothes. To create a comfort atmosphere, you can equip the so-called "false window".
Kitchen in ecostel
The kitchen can be called the central room when decorating the entire apartment or house in an environmental style. After all, it is here that you can emphasize the main ideas of style - naturalness, a healthy lifestyle, harmony with nature. This is created using the use of safe dishes, the presence of comfortable furniture made of environmentally friendly materials, an abundance of light in the room, the presence of natural living plants.
In the kitchen, decorated in ecosyl, often used built-in furniture made of solid trees, for example, birch, oak, cherries. The main thing is that harmful substances and chemicals are present as part of such materials.
Kitchen-Eco assumes the use of natural furniture in combination with glass. Therefore, the interior can be decorated with a small kitchen table of glass and wooden blinds. Japanese curtains with floral pattern are suitable. Creativity in the situation will certainly add kitchenware from wood, clay and porcelain products, a crystal vase with live flowers, flowers in pots on the shelves or on the windowsill.
Special attention should be paid to the choice of technology. It is important that the technique meets the principles of environmental friendliness and was made of natural alloys that do not distinguish chemicals when they are heated or cooling. In order to support the idea of \u200b\u200ba healthy lifestyle, it is necessary to purchase a double boiler in which it is possible to prepare food enriched with vitamins favorably affecting our organism. It is important to use filters for cleansing water from heavy metals, hoods that allow cleaning the air indoors from gary and soot.
Ecosil eliminates the presence of strict rules and criteria in the design of the room. Therefore, it assumes the maximum use of fantasy and imagination of designers and premises owners. Especially original in natural style, you can place a room for sleep, namely the bedroom. In this case, the decor uses wallpaper with a drawing "under the tree", cork wallpaper, furniture made of natural materials. The furniture should be simple and simultaneously convenient. It is recommended to include creative armchairs, hammocks, wicker baskets for linen, dressers.
The most creative owners of the house can be created in the bedroom real forest glade. For this, the garden is a green natural carpet, with the decor of "herbs", and paint the ceiling in the form of a clear sky with gentle white clouds. Curtains and walls of the room will be decorated with a pattern with elements of vegetation and flowering. The room can accommodate a coffee table made in the form of funny hemp. Near the bed, located small stands, decorated with vases with alive colors. The walls of the bedroom can be decorated with paintings depicting a forest array or flower meadow. All in the hands of your fantasy!