Silver paint - how to cook for what is used paints and varnishes

There is nothing permanent in the world - with this statement may argue the paint of Serebryanka. This material created many years ago and has gained greater fame among the huge selection of straight-colorful products, does not give up its positions today. What is silver, why it is so popular, how to cook paint yourself and how to work with it, read in the article.
Composition of silver paint
The eloquerary name of the material is deceptive: in paint silver and does not smell! In fact, in its composition, the smallest metal dust obtained as a result of alumina aluminum and aluminum waste grinding. That is, non-divorced silver paint is a fine aluminum powder, which gives the material a special steel shade.
To breed silver, use two categories of aluminum powder - Pap-1 and Pap-2. The first category differs from the second particle size - it is larger, but it does not affect the quality of the divorced product. After connecting the powder with a liquid base, be it lacquered or olifa, the paint of the amazing metallic shade is obtained.
From the powder you can get not only the usual mixture, but also heat-resistant. It depends on the material that is taken as the base for the preparation of silver. The counters of shops are sistering with divorced paints and dry powders. If you want to be confident that in the jar of the finished solution, the economical producers did not "bent" anything superfluous, buy a powder and prepare a silver house.
Silver paint: Secrets of demand
Silver Old-fashioned - not one generation knows her. During this time, the material has proven itself from the best side:
- The paint becomes the "second skin" for those surfaces to which it is applied. It forms thin, but at the same time is a uniform and neat layer, fully displaying the texture of the surface.
- Serebryanka does not have properties peel, being very resistant and durable material. This may be the reverse side of the medal: it is difficult to get rid of the coating if such a need arises.
- Serebryanka has a solid life: in the water, the paint "lives" 3 years, in air - nominally 6 - 7 years, and in practice and that longer.
- Silver paint is used in metal , Tree, concrete - the material is quite wrong.
- The material is absolutely invulnerable corrosion and, therefore, reliably protects the surface from it that covers.
- Silver woman is not afraid of high temperature.
- The paint is non-toxic and dries very quickly.
- Coloring surfaces in original and attractive silver color. If you are not alien experiments, you achieve various metal shades, using special pigments.
But this miracle material has one very significant drawback - the dry mixture of silver is explosive. Powder is stored in a tightly clogged container in a dry place, away from fire and electrical appliances. Silver must be hiding from the direct ray of the sun. Do not keep in close proximity to paint food and objects that easily absorb the smell. For the safety of children, the Laco-colorful industry offers both a diluted silver, protected from ignition and dry powder, special impurities in which they make it non-carriage.
A few more features of the material - the paint "on the Spirit" does not tolerate alkyd and oil paints on the surfaces. Also, it is also impossible to apply silver over nitroemali and paint NBH. With such a coating, the paint is badly connected and very soon leaves, in some cases inflates bubbles.
Silver Applications
Paint and in the cozy homemade house, and in the harsh industries. Material is applied to:
- details, tanks and systems that are used in production;
- home batteries, radiator systems at the factory;
- details in boiler rooms, if you need to protect them from overheating;
- underwater pieces of ships and ships, floating docks, port structures;
- various pipes;
- bridges.
How to cook silver
Preparatory stage
Before proceeding to work, make sure that you have a pair of rubber gloves - from all manipulations with aluminum powder hands need to be protected. If the dye falls on the skin, wash this area with warm water with soap.
For breeding ordinary paint, prepare a synthetic olive or ordinary lacquer, and the heat-resistant paint of silver - the result of connecting a dry mixture with heat-resistant varnish. Such a coating can easily withstand the temperature of about 350 ° C, so the slabs and fireplaces can be painted with silver based on varnish temperatures.
Go to work
For work, take the container unnecessary to you. Finished silver is entrusted to tightly, so the dishes will be irrevocably corrupted.
- We mix materials for heat-resistant silver. The ratio of aluminum dust (PAP-1 or PAP-2 - no difference) to the heat-resistant solvent is 2 to 5. This means that two portions of varnish must be pouring into two parts of the dry mixture. Pour powder first in the dishes, after which it is gradually adding a lacquer base, often stirring the mixture. In order not to grab lumps, in the ideal of silver prepare with the help of a construction mixer. But it does not matter if the tool did not turn out to be patience and thoroughly mix the paint at least 15 minutes. To dilute too thick silver, toluene is added to it.
- We mix materials for simple paint. Please note that the ratio of material and solvent in this case is different: 1 to 3 or 1 to 4 (one piece of dry silver to the three-four parts of the varnish or olifa). What to do with very thick paint? Skipidar and White spirit to help you! The method of applying paint determines the amount of solvent. When planning to apply paint using a painting brush, it is almost no need to dilute with its solvent, but if you use a solvent 1 to 1 to the silver remote control, solvent 1 to 1 is added to silver.
Silverka: Application Subtleties
In the technique of applying silver paints with their own hands there is nothing complicated.
- Clean the working surface carefully from the remains of the former paint, lime or chalk. Metallic surface escape from traces of rust or scale. If the traces of the old paint did not completely remove, the surface is ground, in other cases you can not do this. Tree before painting silver diligently grinding.
- The paper uses a variety of tools: roller, simple brush, sprayer. Silver is applied by two layers, ideally three.
- Note that it is necessary to clean the brush and agile. Slightly climb, and the "tricky" paint will start drying right in the process of work.
How to wash Serebryanka
When painting, you missed a couple of paint drops by negligence and noticed this when the silver dried? Try to rain your "oversight" by the same solvent used in its breeding.
If you have bought a ready-made silver, and do not know, on what basis it is prepared, take advantage of the so-called folk remedies:
- Drip on a stain with a small amount of sunflower oil, and after 10 minutes, intensively spend the painted place with a dry cloth;
- Apply a lacquer fluid on the stains, which contains acetone. Fresh silver traces such a tool will easily remove. When the paint was dissolved, rush it from the surface with a large amount of clean water.