Miracle shovel: manufacturers, advantages and tool features. Miracle shovel do it yourself Building materials

Residents of private houses and Dacha owners are always with trepidation to the autumn-spring couple. The work with a shovel or ordinary forks is accompanied by a large exercise and unpleasant pain in the lower back. Nevertheless, technology does not stand still. Designers have long developed a special tool called a miracle shovel. It helps to reduce the load on all muscle groups and at the same time speeds up work 2-3 times.
What is a miracle shovel?
This tool combines ordinary forks and rippers. It works on the principle of the lever. Main elements:
- forks for coppes
- villas of the Ripper,
- front stop
- rear emphasis,
- stalk
- fastening.
Describe this tool is quite difficult, since in appearance immediately it is not very clear how to contact him. Nevertheless, nothing complicated in it. The main part is classic forks. The cuttings are attached to them, and on the sides - the mechanism of rear stop. The front is still some forks that converge in the castle with the main. Their main task is to break the piles of the Earth. Especially relevant for clay or rammed soil. The front stop is attached to the ripper, it ensures the stability of the shovel and gives the mechanism to similarity with scissors, which cut and crush the piles of the Earth into small lumps, easily spilled with ordinary garden robbles.
Used tool, as a rule, to process large areas of the Earth, but it is suitable for garden needs. The wonder of the shovel, the photo of which is presented in the article, allows not only to speed up the coppe, but also makes this process quite comfortable.
Advantages and disadvantages
Of course, the miracle of the shovel is much more convenient than other analogues, nevertheless it even has its drawbacks. To understand the feasibility of buying this tool, consider the relevance of its use in more detail.
- reduced exercise
- increase the speed of the coppe due to the width of the channel,
- easy use
- multisasciation (suitable for any soils),
- reliability.
- for productive work, we need a weight of at least 80 kg,
- quite complex repair,
- the impossibility of the figure kokka,
- the impossibility of dig pit.
Given all the "for" and "against", it suggests that the tool is ideal for arable work. Depending on the length of the bayonets on the main vilas, the rod is used either for breaking or for sowing. The depths of 15-25 cm (depending on the fruit of the soil) is enough for potatoes, corn, cabbage and most vegetable crops. Since pepper, tomatoes and cucumbers are planted with seeds, but seedlings, for them they will have to do individual wells manually. If we are talking about a garden, then the miracle of the shovel becomes useless. With it, it is impossible to beat trees, make neat wells, etc.
As a resume, such a shovel will need gardens that are used for growing vegetable crops. At the same time, the area area should be at least six hundred, otherwise the work is easier and faster to make an ordinary shovel.
Types of miracle shovel
Depending on the depth of loosening and additional elements, the miracle of shovels are divided into three types:
- ordinary
- like "PAKAR",
- type "Mole."
Ordinary shovels are made, as a rule, at home. They consist of basic forks and rear stop. This, although it allows you to reduce the load and increase the speed of the coppe, but does not solve the issue of the Earth's piles. This tool is suitable only for chernozem, which are regularly processed.
The miracle shovel "PAKAR" was invented specifically for the breaking of the soil. The bayonet length is mainly 10-15 cm. This makes it easy to cultivate any types of soils, while the pin is easily entering the ground even with the weight of the employee more than sixty kilograms.
The miracle of the blade "Mole" has a bayonet depth of at least 25 cm and is designed for deep contami. The crystrine is immediately used to plant vegetable crops. Nevertheless, there is already a certain effort from the digger, especially if the apartment occurs on a well-pressed soil or alumina.
There are also universal shovels with a long bayonet from 15 to 20 cm. They are suitable for those regions where the soil freezing is 5-10 cm and the main type of soil - chernozem (buzz). In the more severe climatic conditions of this depth, it is not enough to update the soil qualitatively and ensure good harvesting. However, for decorative coppe, the tool is suitable perfect.
Manufacturers miracle shovel
The modern market presents quite a few firms engaged in the sale of a miracle shovel. But the acquisition of this tool should be made very carefully. Technological moments of production and quality of materials used are of great importance for further operation of the device.
First, alloying tool steel, secondly, high-quality coating, third, the correct sharpening of the bayonets, fourth, the mechanisms must be either cooked, or fixed in special loops, fixation is simply not allowed on bolts, since They will break enough quickly, and the shovel will crumble.
In order to avoid trouble, the goods should be purchased from a proven manufacturer. These include:
- Ip Bessonov A.N.,
- LLC "Meson",
- Volber LLC,
- Ural Household Product Plant LLC.
Search for imported producers is a waste of time, since the inventor of this tool is the clergyman from Equatrenburg, Father Gennady.
The first who put this product on the flow was IP Bessonov A.N. The Yekaterinburg manufacturer offers a miracle of the spade type "PAKAR".
The Chelyabinsky "Meson" came to the market. The company significantly upgraded the product changed the support planks and suggested the consumer a miracle to the blade "Mole."
"Volber" has developed its own design by taking as the basis of "CROT". The tool turned out to be quite overall and heavy, ideal for the cultivation of large plots of land.
"Ural Household Product Plant" Although it became the last major manufacturer, the miracle shovel, however, used the experience of competitors. Products are not only high quality, but also as easy as possible. The model is called "excavation".
In the Perm region today there is a private, not yet registered enterprise, which offers "Superchudolopat". Externally, the tool is not too different from the specified options and bribes solely by the title.
Competed with the domestic manufacturer can only Ukrainian firm "Dana" can. But its products are presented in the market extremely bad. Although the goods cost a little cheaper, given the shipping costs to relevant only to residents of border regions, where the receipt of goods is possible through the conductor of the railway.
Miracle shovels for the garden with their own hands
The wonder of the shovel, to buy various Internet resources and garden shops, does not always have justified value. In addition, it is difficult to find a product that is ideal for your goals and tasks. Therefore, much easier and more reliable to make a tool yourself.
To do this, you will need:
- welding machine,
- metal blanks
- square tube
- machine for sharpening.
The first thing to be done is to determine the dimensions of the miracle shovel - width and depth. The bayonet length depends on:
- goals
- the depths of the primer of the soil.
Speaking of purposes, they understand either loosening, or a crystal. For looshings, 10 cm is sufficient, while the depth of the soil freezing does not matter.
The fish will be used to further landing vegetable crops, so the depth must be 5 cm more than the soil freezes. This circumstance is due to the fact that frozen land in natural conditions is completely freed from ice only 3-5 months after the average daily temperature reaches the mark +10 0 celsius.
The width of the shovel depends only on personal preferences. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that the wider the band the coppes, the more effort will have to make. The optimal size is considered no more than 500 cm.
Now consider in detail the shovel assembly scheme:
- prepared metal rods are cut down at the desired length, it is ideal for these purposes either fittings, or flat alloyed rolled steel with a width of no more than 2 cm and cross section of at least 0.5 cm,
- bayonets should be located at least 10 cm apart,
- next, each bayonet is sharpened, the slice must be completed at an angle of 30 0 (plus / minus), it will provide the maximum easy copy (an angle to 15 is allowed for chernozem 0but the forks will quickly stand up),
- having finished with the bayonets cut off the carrier bar, for this, either a square tube, or a fitting with a cross section of at least 1 cm,
- then the base for the cutter is prepared, there will be any pipe with an inner diameter of 5 cm (for a one-handed tool),
- if it is planned to be quite wide (more than 1 m) shovel, it is more expedient to make two knobs immediately, which are welded on the sides of the forks and on top are jumped with a jumper,
- the next element is a stubborn plank, the materials are all the same, it is strifted by the arc and should be adjusted to the sides of the carrier bar,
- next, all the elements are welded.
So the usual miracle of the shovel is manufactured. In order to use it with it to break the pile of the earth in the design, you need to add a ripper.
It is manufactured in the same way as the main forks, the exception that the handles make a length of 20-30 cm, in one direction, and 5-10 cm to another (protrude abroad the carrier bar) and do not install the stop. The knobs on the ripper are needed so that the lever is created when the lever is created, thanks to which the grade of the earth will easily cut and crumble.
Bashed the ripper is better on the moving mechanism, since with the stationary version there will be problems in areas with a slope, in addition, the small breast will not be broken.
To make the movable mechanism, to the base under a stalk or carrier bar of the main forks, a piece of a metal pipe or several large nuts is welded. In the resulting fastening is inserted by reinforcement or high-quality metal rod, to which you weld the fastener of the ripper handles.
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How much is such a shovel, and as mono to order. Shovel dealer.
I bought such a shovel of the year 4 ago, by chance, there was their exhibition in our city, for 800r, with a discount! Do not redeem! As sure they write, it is best to dotato and jump, loosen the beds and launched land. Much faster and easier than shovel. And so, for all sorts of work your instrument, something is made simple shovel, something like that!
If you find where, acquire, you will not regret, even in a small area!