How much the cement dries and what it depends Building materials

The time of drying cement is very important. This parameter depends on how long the object is being manufactured. With optimal temperature and humidity, it dries 28-30 days. After this period, it is possible to continue to build and apply to the frozen product load. But it turns out that the period of drying cement can be influenced.
How much the cement dries, and in what order should be performed
Cement is the most basic and widespread material for construction used as a binding agent for concrete. All artificial stone materials are made on the basis of a cement mortar containing such fillers like crushed stone, gravel, sand, as well as water and other components.
Pouring Beton to anything is a complex process consisting of a number of actions, the order of which in no case cannot be broken. This process includes the manufacture of a solution of pre-selected ingredients, and carrying out the care of the finished object when the material has already begun.
According to the generally accepted theory, if the cement mixture is involved in accordance with the rules and proportions, laid in a formwork, it begins to slowly stick, increasing the strength indicators. But immediately by hardening, the object does not have sufficient strength, which gives the opportunity to continue construction. From any significant load, it can be easily crap and collapsed.
During the rejection of the cement mixture, its constituents form very strong connections. It begins very quickly, gradually slowing the speed, and then can continue long, sometimes occupying years.
But to continue construction work quite a one-month exposure time. In some cases, when it is better to repeal once again, this term is increased to three months.
Two stages of hardened cement mortar
The process of hardening the cement solution passes in two stages - grasp and cursing. The setting step is the first and passes quite quickly, no longer a day since the preparation of the mixture. The main parameter affecting the time of setting is most of all, is the temperature:
- In warm weather, when it is equal to 20-22 degrees, the solution will begin to be captured after about two hours after kneading, and this stage will end an hour after the start.
- If the temperature fluctuates around zero, the same process occupies incommensurable - about 20 hours. So it turns out because the process of setting on cold weather will begin only 6-10 hours after the preparation of the solution.
Do not forget that during the entire stage of setting, the solution continues to be movable. And if at this time start to produce some actions with him, then this stage can significantly delay.
At the end of the setting comes the next stage - hardening. So he can delay for years. A period of about a month, which usually indicates the instructions, implies not the end of the hardening process, but to achieve this level to them, which is sufficient to continue to continue construction.
What can affect the time of drying cement?
To rejection of the cement mixture begins and passed with a gradual set of strength, you need to create special conditions for this in which it will be possible. For example, if the construction is conducted in the cold, the moisture contained in the solution, very soon freezes, is inhibited by some processes, because of which the hardening may not occur at all.
Dates allocated to sufficient hardness to continue work are valid only when maintaining the optimal temperature and humidity, pressure and other factors. To capture the concrete in the future, they gained strength, it must be protected from exposure to direct sunlight, and sometimes moisturize, in order for the rapid loss of moisture, it does not go cracks.
This can be done using wet cloth or film, wet sawdust or straw. This is especially important to do during the first week, after the concrete was laid in the formwork.
Also, for the time of drying and the qualitative characteristics of the manufactured object, the quality of the cement used is directly influenced by the quality of the cement. Its price depends on the brand, each of which has its purpose. In order to ensure the strength of the product, it is better to use higher, and therefore more expensive brands.
Even at the time of drying, it affects the proportion of proportions in the manufacture of a cement solution, because the adhesion depends on how the reaction with water is.
How can you affect the drying time?
All requirements for concreting conditions described above are rare in reality when it is possible to execute. Nature never adjusts to our needs and at the moment when you need to continue construction, freezing, rain, etc. can begin. Therefore, there is a list of techniques aimed at regulating the process of grasp cement:
When the air temperature drops below the permissible level, ready-made solutions are heated in various ways, for example, with the help of electricity, steam, the effect of thermos, the creation of special warm plants, etc.
In order to accelerate the concrete process, special salt and abolving drugs are used, the hardening time is less. Among them, various sodium compounds, calcium, potassium, they include all the well-known Potash.
Sometimes there is a need to get the opposite effect, i.e. Slowing the gripping process. Such a need may occur when it is necessary to deliver the already cooked solution to the construction site, and some time will take some time on the road. Most often, this effect can be achieved with the help of various pavs. Their amount is determined based on the proportion in which the water and the binding component were involved.