Original ideas for the illumination of the country area Plot.

If you have a cottage, then you are a lucky one. What could be better than routines on nature when your friends and acquaintances are forced to languish in the stone jungle! The whole day in the fresh air - it would seem, even the heat goes to the background, if there is an opportunity to enjoy nature.
Unfortunately, with the arrival of evening coolness, we most often move into the room, because for lovers of long evening gatherings, our summer cottage plot is not adapted. Immediately becomes somehow dark, uncomfortable and even sometimes scary. Indeed, the coverage of the country area in the evening hours is a very important element, but few people think about it. But in fact, several lamps, competently located on the territory, are able not only to ensure lighting and make life more comfortable, but also decorate any green zone.
Proper lighting is art
Street lighting in the country area can make it just an incredible effect due to the game of light and landscape design. An unforgettable effect will provide decorative backlight of trees, bushes and colors. Thanks to the correct approach, it is possible to achieve a fabulous garden. At the same time, it is not necessary to hire a highly paid designer: a slightly seamless and councils of people who were able to transform their cottage plot and soon your own piece of Earth from the most common turn into a corner capable of charm not only during the daytime, but also in the evening and night hours .
It is worth noting that it is evening lighting will give a riddle for the country area, but at night you will not be difficult to move, without fearful for your health.
So, if you have already tanned the idea of \u200b\u200blighting the site, decide which zones do you want to allocate? It all depends on what functions do you impose on the lighting? Whether it will be full lights (which is completely trite and not original), or this will be a modern fashionable backlight.
In the event that you decide to stop at the last option, it is worth remembering that there are different types of lighting, but highlights highlighting the backlight:
- Houses.
- Roads.
- Stairs.
- Patio.
- Festive.
- Accent.
- Security.
Remember that the lamps should not break the aesthetics of the garden - the countryside landscape with any choice must be harmonious. Today it is very fashionable to draw the backlight of trees and stones. And also, the last few years at the peak of popularity there are lamps that absorb solar energy, returning it later, with the onset of darkness.
Ideas for highlighting and lighting in the country
This is the best option if you decide to divert the country area and give it fabulousness and unusualness, of course, if your goal is to create a pleasant and fabulous atmosphere. The lighting of the garden plot does not necessarily have to be bright and located strictly around the perimeter - the same place of rest, and not a strictly protected object for barbed wire.
Here are some ideas for highlighting in the garden
- Place flashlights in thick grass - it will create an atmosphere of comfort and privacy. Especially if the grass is high and thick - it will seem to you that you have found yourself in some unusual place.
- If you have low lawn grass, then the lanterns are ideal for such a landscape in the form of butterflies, dragonflies, insects or small animals. They can be attached to long twigs at different heights from the ground. In the afternoon, these are fun figures, and at night the lawn will come to life and will glow.
- Ceramic dwarfs, dogs, frogs, turtles and other fabulous creatures and animals with lanterns - a find for illumination of the country area. If you put on the plan of figurines throughout the area, but during the day they can serve as a funny composition, which in the evening and night clock will helpally illuminate the space around. Such original solutions will cause delight not only at the defers, but also in adults.
- The focused backlight of trees, bushes, flower, fountains, water bodies can allocate exactly the site that you need is an accent lighting will give originality for any landscape composition, both a group of objects and single objects.
- The coverage of the crowns of trees will help create bizarre shadows and a rather unusual contrast between the dark barrel and bright branches.
- Lighting the tracks in the garden will not require you a lot of costs - for this you can use SPOT or built into the ground lamps that are able to give a hint of where the path leads. If you have a ladder from a natural stone or other material on the summer cottage, then this place needs already in more lighting. Lamps can be mounted directly into the steps or in the fencing of the staircase marches.
- Separate lighting arbor, porch, terrace or patio will give comfort to these places - will definitely become the most beloved to collect a noisy friendly company. It also also besides accumulated solar heat for such places to use an electric light source - and not one. As an additional lighting, you can use both built-in and point light sources: floor, wall, ceiling, or varnire lamps placed on the walls.
- As for security lighting, its most important requirement is intensity. The light must be concentrated in the most important places so that safety can be controlled on the site. First of all, the illumination of the country area, as shown in the photo, starts with the illuminated entrance, gate and gate. If the perimeter is lit, then this is a big plus. Be sure to take the light to all doors, it does not matter where they lead - in the barn, in the bath, in summer shower, etc.
We make lamps yourself
Before running to the store in search of interesting street lamps, it is necessary to make a plan for lighting the site. This is necessary in order to determine the concept of your yard and garden. If you do not like banal things, then you should thoroughly think before choosing lamps in the store. It is much more interesting to create your own garden, decorated with its own - original, unique and unique handmade lamps. Here are just three ideas, but they can be much more!
- Luminescent banks. Choose the required number of the most ordinary cans, paint their inner surface with multi-colored fluorescent paints - just put the stains of the wrong shape. In the afternoon, banks will accumulate sunlight, and at night - to emit an unobtrusive glow of blue, pink and yellow. You can create a whole composition in my garden, for example, by posting by banks Alpine slide, a walkway or simply originating in the flower bed.
- LED Strip Light. If you have a LED tape on the plastic pipe, and then install it on the territory of the site, then you can get an interesting picture - especially if you use several tapes attached to the screws, bolts or glue. Connect the tape to the network will not be difficult, and the outcome will justify any expectations.
- Cans. If you have a burst from jam beer and drinks, these things can also be used to create your own hands the original lamp. First of all, you need to cut off the bottom of the tin, then draw a simple pattern on paper, after which it is sketched to tin and with a hammer and nail "Translate" a drawing on a jar. Inside the banks will first need to lay a wooden bar - so as not to deform the future lamp. Through these holes there will be mysterious and delicate light. Due to the uniqueness of the patterns, you can make a variety of lamps.