Dining group for kitchen. Features of choice and placement Interior items

No matter how cool, but the zone of food intake is hardly visited in the house. Behind a cup of coffee, the day of each family of family begins here and here during the family dinner it ends. The same table may be tea for talking to souls, and then turn into a festive for a large number of guests. How not to make a mistake in choosing a dining group for the kitchen and will be discussed in our article.
Good to know
In this article, a lot of attention will be paid to choosing dining groups for kitchens from small to medium sizes. Of course, the best and correct option is a dining room or combined area zone - in wealthy houses in the kitchens never fed. But, unfortunately, the realities of our life are several others ...
The dining group is a harmonious set of furniture, aged style and unity of materials. This concept includes table and seats - chairs, stools, benches, sofa, corner and other upholstered furniture. Modern manufacturers offer a lot of options, forms and materials of dining groups of which you can watch on the site. So why start?
First, with scales. Do you have a middle family and do you often look at the tea relatives and friends? Then focus on 8 people - with this table it is difficult to guess. Even if you are a secluded lifestyle, we advise you to take into account space for more seating seats. The table area is taken at the rate of 60-70 cm per person in width and 45 cm in depth. And even better, if it is folding.
Secondly, the location denoted dining group. The table can stand in the middle of the kitchen, or to be pushed up against the wall (in this case, you lose 1-2 places). Slightly ergonomics: optimum width of the rectangular section should be 80-105 cm and the diameter of the round - at least 90 cm To seated freely move the chair and get out, it needs at least 80 cm of free space..
How to choose the right shape of furniture
In this case, the main thing - do not mix, as heroes in children's fairy tale. Let's take a closer look, what forms of chairs and tables we have to face in the store and what each of them is good.
The right chair for the kitchen It should be not only convenient but also occupy relatively little space. For example, in the protruding side legs, which can be hooked over or rest volume too.
As for sitting comfort: the best position of the body during a meal time from the point of view of the digestive tract - is a smooth landing. Therefore, you should not choose too soft chairs to recline. Uncomfortable and also the presence of armrests. Note the ergonomic model with upholstered or even without it. Stools and folding chairs - this is a way out, when the kitchen is very small and need additional seats.
Round tables.Circle - the symbol of infinity, peace and harmony. The less sharp angles in the room, so a good atmosphere and it rarely conflicts occur. In a small space, such a choice is playing into the hands of: a round table placed members of a small family, and the owner at the time of cooking is easy to approach it from either side, to be used as an extra work surface. And even small children in the house is not exactly nabyut bump on its corners.
At the table of one meter in diameter can accommodate up to six people. In half a meter - nine. It is worth paying attention to the sliding design: thanks to them Useful area increased by almost half.
Oval. This form of convenient and functional round the square. And most importantly - it is also safe for kids. Rounded corners pleasing eyes and often serve as an additional seat. The only disadvantage of an oval table longer than one and a half meters - a requirement for floor space: the owners of small kitchens of this form should be abandoned.
Square.Excellent solution for the close room. Often, such tables are equipped with advanced details that turn them into a full-fledged dining table of a rectangular shape. The optimal dimensions of the folded table are 90 x 90 cm. This is a sufficiently young family for everyday use. In principle, four people will fit behind him, but the places where to put, for example, a dish with food will not be.
Rectangular.Such tables deserved their popularity due to their practicality. They occupy less space than oval or round, they can be placed along the wall and economically use the space. The middle table - 90 x 150 cm is suitable for everyday use and for friendly gatherings up to 6 people. With a width of 110 cm, and the length of 2 m will be placed on it 8, and with a length of 260 cm - 10 people.
Material sets style
The architecture has such a concept - tectonics. This is when each decorative element of the building is justified by the design. In other words - when the form displays the content. Transferring this term in the interior design, we realize that every style to create a specific image entails your forms and materials. Therefore, before you buy your favorite dining group into the kitchen, ask yourself a question: what mood it will create in my house? How harmoniously look in my kitchen (living room) and correspond to my lifestyle?
I must say, there were completely ridiculous cases when in the interior of the ordinary apartment of the nine-story house there were headsets in the style of Rococo. The finished style, which, in principle, requires a large area for its incarnation, because of the journey of small parts in close room, it became more like a Gypsy Bazaar. And the master's traction for luxury - you know yourself, was a simple bembul. So, consider the materials in order of price of price:
- Wood. If in your interior it is already present, for example, wooden facades of the kitchen, floor, wall panels or other furniture, pay attention to the dining groups of wood. Moreover, it does not necessarily have a figured thread. The tree allows you to express almost any mood, from Japanese minimalism to Scandinavia and island motives. Well, of course, where without classics. Eugene and pine are used for the production of furniture, less often beech, oak, ash, alder, red tree and other breeds. The group is better to select a material in the interior in the interior, as a last resort - plus a minus 1 tone or in contrast: for example, you have a zebrano kitchen facades or a black oak, and your headset is warm pine or natural oak. It is not bad to look at the sets of painted wood in combination with a flower or geometric drawdown of the seat upholstery and the same textiles on the windows.
- Rattan.Wicker dining groups of natural and artificial vines are used in homes, bars, cafes and country summer residences. The material is characterized by high strength, elasticity and attractive appearance. Ideal for giving exotic interior and perfectly combined with metal, wood, textiles. It is most often represented by dining groups from the table, 4 chairs and sofas.
- Glass. In this case, it is used as a table top. The thickness of such glass should be at least 10 mm in the case of an independent element or 8 mm, if it is insert. The best option is a rotary triplex that excludes fragments during damage. Such tables have a variety of sizes and forms and in 70% of cases are modern design. Both monolithic and sliding, they were widespread due to visible weightlessness and versatility. Feet can be chrome, wooden, wicker, forged and in each of the cases it turns out different style. Solid glasses may have facet, be transparent or matte on the bottom, with a shade or even with polymer printing. Very beautifully, it looks like products from lacobe - glossy triplex, where the paint of any shade acts as the middle layer. In combination with chairs from chromium and plastic, such a glass dining group will complement the style of minimalism, techno, loft or high-tech. Objectivity for the sake of, it is worth saying that not everyone respects glass tables. First, prints from everything that touches it on the glossy surface; Secondly, glass is cold material with low thermal conductivity, from which even rugs under the plates will not save: while eating hands are unpleasant; Thirdly, if the glass is inserted into the frame from aluminum or tree, then crumbs and pieces of food constantly fall into these whiskers, and it means that the table requires a tablecloth and loses its aesthetics.
- Shone MDF. The technology for the production of veneered furniture is largely echoing with a wooden, except in the impossibility of performing small curvilinear decors. Veneer looks perfect on concise surfaces, decorating them with the wealth of its textures and the naturalness of shades. If you are interested in such furniture, make sure that its carrier parts are made from a solid pine eurobruse, and also carefully inspect the surface onto the piece of veneer. This is not fatal and corrected by piercing with a needle and a hot iron through the fabric, but it can talk about the non-accuracy of the manufacturer and a rush assembly with not a dry glue.
- Painted MDF. On the table looks very elegant, it happens all sorts of colors, but exposed to scratches. Therefore, sometimes a glass of 6 mm with a chamfer is put on such a table. Often, such dining groups are equipped with chairs or stools with chrome-plated legs and a foam seat, covered with cloth or eco-leather.
- Laminated chipboard.This is an economical purely kitchen version, where the table and stools are performed from a 16 mm thick chipboard with an edge. It is better if it is the material of the Austrian company Egger, but not domestic. The latter is made of low-quality wood and has harmful resins and glue in the composition. Lamination of DSP is able to imitate a huge amount of textures and materials.
About sofas
Another way, how to give a special kitchen kitchen is a dining group with a sofa. Upholstered furniture in this case - not just an unusual addition to the dining area, and the part of the interior that has advantages over just chairs:
- first of all, it is an opportunity to rationally use the angular space of the room;
- the sofa automatically divides the room on the zone, highlighting the one where you can easily eat and relax;
- modern headsets, both corner and linear, have drawers under the household utensil storage, and some are also the retractable sections on the side of the back;
- some modifications are even folded in case of an additional bed;
- a comfortable sofa psychologically attracts what I want to sit down, and therefore, it has to leisurely conversations and gives a friendly atmosphere.
Corner options that consist of modules are good because they can be rearranged and combined. Among groups with linear sofas, especially interesting and modern models come across, which form a single integer with the table and chairs. The materials from which the kitchen sofas are performed can be wood, and rattan, and an economy version with a chipboard of a chipboard and upholstered soft fabric or leatherette. Frame or legs can be made of chromium.
Examples of accommodation
A good solving a dining group for a small kitchen will be an angular semicircular sofa and a few chairs. This option saves space by the fact that for freedom of movement chairs can be removed, and the pair of soft places will still remain. Conveniently when the hostess is preparing in the kitchen, and the child hurts at the table. The same applies to the direct double sofa along the wall opposite the working area. In this case, the table can be an additional surface for cooking.
If the area of \u200b\u200bthe dining room allows, upholstered furniture can be beaten by a P-shaped niche from the hinged cabinets in the spirit of kitchen furniture, and the inner wall is painted into another tone and re-establish photos within or mirror.
And last. If you do not have an idea what your dining group should be, refer to numerous glossy and Internet publications about kitchen interiors - some idea you can always learn.
Regardless of the area of \u200b\u200byour home and the cost of the table headset, let him always gather the most native and expensive people - that's what is actually invalid!