Cartish gun for plaster: Features of use Instruments

Plaster surfaces is an incredibly difficult process, which is accompanied by a variety of problems and unique cases. Fortunately, recently, a considerable number of convenient and practical devices have appeared on the market, which will help the most simply carry out all the necessary work. The cartoon gun can be called the optimal tool having all the necessary features. With him, the plaster surface will be really simple and bringing only pleasure from the manipulation done.
Modern mechanical ways of plastering
Most people know that any work related to the plaster surface is delayed for long hours, and even days. A three-bedroom apartment, for example, has a lot of space, and at least two weeks will leave for the successful finishing of the entire premises. The newcomer will even be difficult to defeat one big wall, because the creation of a perfectly smooth surface need a considerable time.
A cartoon gun for plaster, equipped with a compressor, will be the most useful as possible during shuttering. The device is a semi-automatic, which connects to the tank for the solution. The compressor attached to this system allows you to select the required power of the system and modes. The pistol itself and the tank hold in the hands is necessary constantly, occasionally filling the container if such a need appeared. This delivers small inconvenience, but, in general, such a process is much easier hand finished.
The plaster station is an autonomous system that is responsible for kneading the solution, as well as for its supply under a certain pressure to the sprayer. Installation, having many common with the cartridge gun, also "shoots" the solution to the surface. An employee responsible for the process of plaster should only fill the capacity of the mixture components once again to feed it, and also hard to keep the gun in the hands and evenly apply material on the walls.
Newbies do not quite easily cope with uniform application of plaster, but after some time such work will be extremely simple. First of all, the sprayer must be kept in one distance from the wall throughout the process. Select the desired distance is quite simple. If the plaster lies with a smooth layer, while not flowing - you do everything right. It is also important to know which layer of plaster is needed in a particular case. Often it can reach 2.5 cm. While using mechanical devices, it is best to use gypsum mixtures - they are frozen incredibly quickly. You can meet special solutions that are most suitable for mechanical spraying, but their price is significantly higher than known analogues.
The main features of the cartoon pistol
Often you can hear from people that the use of a cartridge pistol delivers many inconveniences, and the resulting result will be significantly worse than manually produced. Moreover, often talking about "overpriced prices" on such equipment. Fortunately, all these words do not correspond to the real state of affairs. Specialists in one voice say that the use of a cartridge gun will significantly save money, unlike the classical method of plaster. Buy the cartoon gun is also inexpensive, however, the main savings are based on a significant decrease in the use of building material. This is especially felt with large-scale construction work, where it is necessary to apply plaster in several large rooms. Many other facts can be attributed to the main positive parties to the use of a cartoon pistol.
- Global acceleration of repair work. During the day you can handle the plaster up to one and a half hundred square meters of the surface.
- Application of plaster with this device significantly compacts the material layer. This is due to high pressure and a small fraction of particles. Due to this, the plaster is much faster thanks than when using other methods.
- Durability here is also at a high level. The uniformity of the used mixture often allows you to create a really solid layer. The classic method of plaster is based on the creation of several layers, which together do not have the necessary density and hardness.
- Considerable savings also applies to the finish of small premises, where only a few square meters of the surface of the walls need it in processing.
- The low price of sprayers and cartridge pistols is an excellent news for those who want to spend at home or in the country a really high-quality repair. A good model of cartridge pistols can be found in a couple of thousand rubles.
Important aspects The use of sprayers for beginners
It is important to understand that the cartoon pistol is an extremely simple device with which everyone can cope. Despite this, the first attempts to apply the layer of plaster will definitely turn out to be failed. There is a lot of video where the use of the cartridge gun is shown, which can be analyzed and make certain conclusions. Before applying the plaster layer, special beacons should be installed, even non-professional work proceed to work. The main reason why the work done may turn out unsuccessful is an inhomogeneous layer. Heterogeneity may also affect the appearance of cracks and peeling the material.
It should not immediately do the rates of large volumes of the solution. Despite the rapid application on the surface of the walls of the plaster with a sprayer, an unused solution can begin to harden and lose its optimal properties. This is especially true of gypsum solutions that need to immediately apply to the surface, otherwise the material will fully become unsuitable.
It is also recommended not to perform these work under low pressure. The solution will fly around and start dragging over the surface. Negatively affects the process and too strong pressure. The colossal pressure often simply pulls out the hose, and then serious problems begin. Specialists advise to keep a gun at a distance of 40 cm from the surface. Too close arrangement of the gun to the wall only negatively affects the mixing of the layer.
Optimal Plaster Layer Application Technology
In order not to make the most common errors during the application of the plaster layer in the cartoon gun, it is worth remembering some information.
Quite often, experts argue about how the layer of plaster should be applied using a pistol. Some use a thick solution of plaster, and some liquid. Each of each arguments on this score, however, ultimately the result is approximately the same. It is important to know that buying a cartoon gun Wester KP 10 or any other device model, we get a set of nozzles that will definitely be useful in a particular situation.
The newcomers are definitely nozzles for medium-sized mortar. In order not to guess with the necessary density of the future plaster, it is necessary to make it a bit of the one that is used in manual work. Also in the process of applying layers should not be in a hurry. Many, pushing away from the high rate of applying the solution to the surface, decide immediately press the required layer of 10-20 mm. This is a serious mistake that negatively affects the durability of the finish. The optimal solution is to apply multiple layers at a certain time interval. The finishing layer of putty should align the rule, because even the sprayer does not guarantee a perfectly smooth surface. The next day after all the above works, it is recommended to go through the surface of the grater. This will give the wall a certain relief, to look at which will be really spectacular and just perfect.