How to put lighthouses under the plaster Useful advice,Construction

If you want to retool the walls during the repair yourself, then it is best to do this in lighthouses, then you can get a high quality surface.
What are beacons, their types, advantages and disadvantages
Plaster under the lighthouse is considered a universal way of aligning walls, because Suitable in most cases.
Lighthouses are limiting strips for which the master is focused, overlapping the layer of plaster. Although their installation and takes some time, but then it is easier to produce work easier and faster, and the result is high quality.
There are several types of the most frequently used lighthouses, for example:
Metal lighthouse. It is a special profile, sometimes called the lateral rail, having a height of 3, 6, 10 mm. Its advantages are:
- He is ready for use.
- Its installation takes little time.
- Such lighthouses do not need to dry, the surface shocking can be started after a few hours after installation.
- They are best used in working with small planes, fixing with a dowel.
- You can buy lighthouses under the stucco in any construction store.
But there are such devices and serious shortcomings, namely:
- Most of the lighthouse rails are twisted in the manufacturing or transportation process.
- If you need to twist a large area, then this way to achieve a smooth surface will be extremely difficult. After the solution hardens, the lighthouse appears on it. To hide this defect you need to either apply an additional layer of glue, or to carry out the protruding parts.
- If the surface of the walls is leveled with plaster, then at the end of the work, the lighthouse rails will have to cut down with the subsequent sealing of the unevenness. This has to be done because the metal reacts with the plaster, after which the rust appears on the surface.
- Metal profiles are not very durable and to strengthen the design, you need to miss them with a solution throughout the length. In the future, when the solution begins to fit, in these places the surface can be divided into pieces.
Lighthouse from the pipe. It also consists of a metal, but at the same time it has greater strength and does not require enhancing with a solution along the entire length. Because of this feature, it is allowed to start the finish on the same day when lighthouses were installed. Due to the fact that the solution is filled with all the space under them, the screed is obtained solid and does not fall into pieces when hardening begins. You can use not only the pipe, but also a profile with a square cross section, which is even preferable, because It has greater reliability and almost always smooth. It is extracted from the screed the day after its device and does not cause problems. The disadvantage of such a light can be considered its bending with improper removal from the screed.
The lighthouse from cement or plastering mixture. Such a lighthouse is most simple and therefore is the most popular. In the case of its use, it is not necessary to purchase additional materials, ensure that they are not twisted, deliver them to the destination, etc. In addition, they allow you to get a flat plane both in small and on a large area. The disadvantages of such lighthouses include their complexity, because very few know how to put them correctly, as well as what they appear above the surface.
Fastening beacons under the plaster
Various can not only be the lighthouses themselves, but also ways to fasten them. Consider two options for installing metal profiles. In the first case, dowels are used as a fastener for beacons under the plaster, and in the second - solution.
Fixation with the help of dowels
Required materials and tools:
- dowels, selflessness;
- rope;
- level;
- perforator;
- lane rails.
Work process:
- Before installing beacons under the plaster, you must apply a vertical markup in the form of lines spent in a step of 80 cm to 1 m. The first markup line should be approximately 20 cm from the edge. To be smooth, it is better to use a level or plumb.
- At the entire length of the extreme lines, drump up the holes 6-8 mm at a distance of 30 cm from each other. In them, we take a dowel 6-8 cm in length, the diameter of which coincides with the diameter of the holes. In addition to dowels, you can use choppers - this method is also effective, but is considered obsolete.
- After that, the selected version of the fastener does not fully turn the screws. It is necessary for using them to further adjust the surface level. Self-tapping hats Align, and then put on them the lighthouses and follow the lighthouses themselves.
- At the end of the above operations, you will have two vertical profile edges. Staying a rope between them, you will see outstanding sections of the wall. By screwing out the screws of the screws, adjust the thickness of the plaster layer.
- After that, focusing on the strained cord and helping yourself a pattern from a fragment of a corner, install the screws on the middle lines in the same way, and then fix the remaining lighthouses on them.
Now you can start the walls of the walls. This method is good in that it allows you to adjust the thickness of the plastering layer.
Fixation with a solution
For this you will need:
- cement, sand, gypsum;
- lane rails;
- building level.
- Using the rule or flat rack of a suitable length, check the vertical curvature of the wall and apply markup on it as in the previous case. Check the thick cement-sandy solution and to reduce the collapse time, add plaster to it.
- Apply the mixture with minor portions along the entire length of the edge lines of markup and bridge the beacons. Line them using a plumb or level. After the correct position is found, secure the lighthouse from above another portion of the solution. Next, in the same way act on the middle lines.
As you can see, put the beacons under the stucco theoretically easily, but a certain skill is required.
Next, we will consider another of their appearance - the lighthouse made from cement or from the plastering mixture.
Installation of cement lighthouses
It is necessary to act in the following order:
- Stepping back 30 cm from the ceiling and the wall edge, hammer a nail into it. Its cap must be spaced from the surface by a distance equal to the thickness of the plaster layer. By this nail tie plummet and lower it down. It should be placed at 10 cm from the floor. Focusing on the cord, the second nail hammer, departing approximately 20 cm above the floor level;
- In the same way for the first drive in nails beacon: fourth from the bottom, and the third - on top. Pull rope from the first to the fourth nail, and from the second to the third. Take care that it does not touch the walls. If contact is present, then the nails need to get a little out of the wall and find them a new location, using a plumb. Similarly, the middle make installation of beacons;
- Prepare a solution of the selected material and apply it to the nails. Wherein the coating level should slightly exceed the caps. After solidification begins mixture cut off the excess;
- Now that the beacons are ready to attach to them normally. The space between him and the wall is filled with a solution. When the train starts to harden, remove the rule. You will see that on the wall of the guide formed from the solution in the form of strips, which you plastered walls.
If you have never done under the plaster beacons video posted below will help you understand all the ambiguities.