What paint is better for the ceiling: water-free, latex, silicone paints and varnishes

Today there have been a wide variety of building materials for the repair of the ceiling. Accordingly, the person becomes the question - how best to improve it? However, as practice shows, the majority converges on it just to paint.
Ceiling Painting: Advantages
- The interior is shown without global investments.
- Such a ceiling has a long service life.
- You can quickly renovate the surface in the event of a small damage.
Ceiling paint: Features
All ceiling paints are divided into several groups:
1. Glossy.
Used on large and perfectly smooth surfaces. Well shiny, emphasize all flaws and irregularities.
2. Matte.
Suitable for any surfaces. They do not shine, fine defects hide well.
3. Coin.
Have several gloss options. Due to this, it allows you to hide some flaws of the surface.
In addition to the above types, the compositions are isolated, which can be washed using a brush or with a soap foam.
What paint is better to paint the ceiling: notes
- It is strictly forbidden to paint the oil paint ceiling (over time it can lead to the destruction of the overlap).
- Cheap paint is most often washed.
- In rooms with high humidity it is recommended to give preference to special colors that are well coped with the negative effect of high temperatures and moisture, and also have antifungal resistance.
Types of colors
Water-level paint for ceiling
This type of paint is used to dye the ceiling and other surfaces.
- non-toxic;
- fireproof;
- has a water basis;
- no odorless smell;
- it can be washed with a soapy warm solution;
- just applied;
- other paint can be applied on top of it.
Acrylic paint for ceiling
It is the most popular species of paints.
- has a wide range of colors and characteristics;
- no odorless smell;
- dries quickly;
- is moisture-resistant;
- resistant to UV rays;
- well tightens small cracks in putty on the ceiling;
- has increased wear resistance;
- easy to wash;
- forms an elastic matte surface;
- may be a little darkened after drying.
Latex paint for ceiling
The most expensive kind of paint.
- i miss the air well;
- it can hide cracks up to 1 mm;
- has increased moisture resistance and vapor permeability;
- it is easy to wash;
- he has increased abrasion resistance.
Silicone paint for ceiling
Very good, but quite expensive kind of paint.
- it has good elasticity;
- thanks to her, you can tighten cracks up to 2 mm (in putty);
- has excellent vapor permeability;
- has water-repellent properties;
- no odorless smell;
- has antifungal action;
- durable.
Ceiling Silicate Paint
- it is used for painting mineral surfaces;
- has increased vapor permeability;
- does not tighten small cracks;
- not suitable for applying polymer coatings.
PVA ceiling paint
- not used in premises with high humidity;
- it can be shed;
- durable;
- it has increased wear resistance.
Water-dispersion paint for ceiling
- convenient and economical to use;
- quickly dries, easily clean;
- has the ability to tinting;
- durable;
- has increased resistance to moisture;
- quickly contaminated;
- it should be stored exclusively in heated room.
Paint for the ceiling: What is better?
An unambiguous answer to the question was almost impossible to give it, since each composition is intended to perform certain works, has its advantages and disadvantages. However, from the wide variety of firms that produce this product, ticcurila - paint for the ceiling - is the best. It is ideal for any surfaces, has an unsurpassed appearance, provides reliable protection.
- deeply absorbed into the treated surface;
- prevents the formation of fungal plaque;
- extends the life of the surface;
- resistant to UV;
- has dirt-repellent properties;
- applied fine and smooth layer;
- has a good sheltering ability;
- dries quickly;
- has increased elasticity;
- resistant to small deformations of the treated surface, which can be caused by the temperature drop;
- has a wide range of colors;
- perfect for finishing finish.
In addition to the above moments, it should be noted that ticcurila - paint having deep mats. Even its thin layer completely hides small defects, makes the ceiling exclusively neat and smooth. This composition does not have a sharp smell, is absolutely safe and perfectly touched. With it, you can turn an ugly ceiling into an ideal surface. And since the ticcurils are used to produce the ticcurils, then this paint can be covered with ceilings in hospitals, kindergartens and indoors where allergies live.